President Paul Kruger - Gert Frans Petrus Kruger

Started by Cornelius Jacobus Oosthuizen on Tuesday, May 14, 2013
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5/14/2013 at 6:10 AM


Im looking for my Great Grandmother, she is apparently a descendent of Paul Kruger but I cant find her.

Please can someone help?



Private User
5/14/2013 at 7:09 AM

Hi Cornelius.. Help us out a bit, her name maybe? was she married to Gert Frans Petrus Kruger?

5/14/2013 at 7:20 AM

Hi Donovan,

Of course sorry, no, her actual name was Gert Frans Petrus Kruger (Gertie/Gert). I believe they were hoping for a boy. Her father, apparently was one of Paul Krugers sons.

She was married to Christiaan Mauritz Van Niekerk and her three sons were Christiaan, Gerhard and Renee.

Private User
5/14/2013 at 12:26 PM

Danielle Dateling also has a profile for Gert... try contacting her...

Gert Frans Petrus van Niekerk

Also set your deceased profiles to public.. then more people can access /merge them...

5/15/2013 at 4:59 AM

Hi Donovan,

I spoke with Danielle, she also has no idea, I have the family looking for the Bible that might help. I have made the relevant profiles public as well. All that I know is she was Gert Frans Petrus Kruger, either a grand child or great grandchild of Oom Paul and she was married to Christiaan Mauritz Van Niekerk and bore three sons.

5/15/2013 at 5:01 AM

might be Gerhard (gert / gertie)

10/9/2014 at 4:01 AM

My ouma Cornelia Kruger - kleinniggie van Pres paul Kruger - Het enige iemand dalk inligting

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