Sir John Seymour, of Wolf Hall - My Seymour Family

Started by Susan Marie Gutheridge on Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Showing all 7 posts
7/3/2013 at 5:51 AM

Sir John Seymour is my 14th Grandfather. I have just started to research this side of my tree. Is there anyone else related to the Seymours especially with a India connection

Private User
7/3/2013 at 11:57 AM

Sir John Seymour, of Wolf Hall is your 7th cousin 16 times removed.

7/4/2013 at 1:26 AM

Hi There
Could you tell me how you have worked that out please. I have just started this & as I see it he is direct line from my father, grandfather,great grandfather - so on. As I am a complete novice would be lovely to see where I am going wrong.
Thanks so much

7/4/2013 at 1:31 AM

My 6th times grandfather Thomas Lynn married Jane Seymour daughter of Charles Seymour

Private User
7/4/2013 at 2:00 AM

Hello Susan, This is what the relationship path shows for me!


your father

Frances Winton
his mother

Lurlia-(Lurlie) Reed
her mother

Thomas Prater
her father

Moses Prater
his father

Martin Prater
his father

Archibald Prater
his father

Priscilla Swearingen
his mother

Elizabeth Walker
her mother

Rebecca Walker
her mother

Joseph Isacke
her father

Elizabeth Sharpe
his mother

Elizabeth Sharpe
her mother

Anne Coney
her mother

Margaret Upton
her mother

Hamon Sutton
her father

Hamon Sutton, II
his father

Hamon Sutton, I
his father

Robert De Sutton
his father

Alice le Despenser
his mother

Philip le Despenser, 1st Baron le Despencer
her father

Joan de Cobham
his mother

Joan Beauchamp
her mother

John de Beauchamp, 2nd Baron Beauchamp
her brother

Cecilia Beauchamp
his daughter

Sir William Seymour (formerly William St. Maur), Knight
her son

Roger Seymour, of Hatch Beauchamp
his son

Sir John Seymour, of Wolfhall
his son

John Seymour, Sheriff of Wiltshire
his son

Sir John Seymour
his son

Sir John Seymour, of Wolf Hall
his son

Private User
7/4/2013 at 2:02 AM

This runs up through my grandmothers side of the Prater family. I can only get so far back on my Winton line for now.

7/4/2013 at 4:26 AM

If you go go down the line they are all sons apart from Jane who is a daughter. I am in direct blood line

Sir John Seymour

Lord Edward Seymour

Sir Edward Seymour 1st baronet

Sir Edward Seymour 2nd Baronet

Sir Edward Seymour 3rd Baronet

Sir Edward Seymour

Charles Seymour

Jane Seymour 1750 m Thomas Lynn

Charles Seymour Lynn 1755

Charles Seymour lynn 1784

Thomas Lynn 1811

Rebecca Ruth Lynn 1855

Rebecca Ruth Lynn m General William George Wilcox

Harvey Wilcox

Wilton Wilcox


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