Update on John Tyler President - it looks like there is a controversy as to the correct ancestral line and geni may have it wrong:
Anne - the Geni algorithm is computationally expensive so caches "known pathways" for quick retrieval. There are chron jobs that do update from merge activity, but more importantly pros are presented with a little basket icon (two arrows chasing each other) when a relationship path can be manually refreshed.
See this project for more info (follow the project for easy ways to find it again)
One last comment : Geni says "John Lackland, King of England is Martin Van Buren, 8th President of the USA's 18th great grandfather."
So there seem to be several discrepancies between the WeAreAllRelated.com webiste and what we have here on geni.
Anne not necessarily. To expect the same result in a straight line chart as the 78 million profile database that is Geni would be underestimating the mathematical possibilities. And this is a live and lively database.
The HistoryLink tool is the best I've seen for checking & charting ancestry, feel free to join that project and start checking.
Erica - thanks for the link - I think the discrepancies are worth noting, for those trying to find relationships with US Presidents, and the WeAreAllRelated . com website is claiming no descendancy for Martin Van Buren from John Lackland, yet geni has found one. For Tyler, in contrast, we are NOT seeing the descendancy from Lackland, although without putting in much effort I can see that there is a controversy over who Tyler's great grandmother was, which is what accounts for the discrepancy.
Oh, I'm very glad for the check!
What would be the next step is to pinpoint which profiles or links do not correlate, and examine to see if there are application issues that can easily be resolved, such as incomplete merges.
For the Tyler great grand mother I'm thinking raising a discussion from her profile, so we can decide what would be the best genealogical presentation to make on Geni, might be the right approach.
Here is a link describing the John Tyler controversy in brief:
In re. the John Tyler controversy, it seems that Tyler has grandchildren who are still alive, so maybe we could just call them up and ask them: who were John Tyler's grandparents? :-)
Your hard work got me to wondering if I had connections to the presidents, closer than through Hugh Capet. I found that I am a distant cousin to all (George to Barack) but 5 presidents; and of those 5, I am a distant cousin to the wives of 4 of those. John Tyler is the only one who was related only through several marriages. But your research indicates that I should have found a relation to the 4 Presidents, Wilson, FDR, Eisenhower and G.H.W. Bush. Too bad about John Tyler. John Adams was a descendant of William White of the Mayflower.
I think the connections aren't all working properly. For instance, my cousin, John, is showing as my third great aunt's brother's wife's great grandson. It is impossible that is the correct routing. Our great grandfathers were brothers and he is my 6th cousin. It always showed that and now it is showing something different.
My 4th great grandfather:
His 4th great grandfather:
Fr. Lavrentii Semionovich Salamatov
John's profile:
Hello Jerome,
How tough a nut is John Adams? He is still my genie 8th cousin 6 times removed; minimum common great grandparents are Sir Richard Towneley and Joanna Southworth (my 13th, Adams 7th?), parents of geni geni connections siblings Sir John Towneley (13th great uncle) and Helen de Townley (12th great grandmother and wife of Robert de Neville, and the de Nevilles seem to often be my connection to royalty, though that is my connection). My 3 founding Bliss cousins in America (c.1637) eventually triangulated New England from Boston, Providence and Hartford, the latter two quickly found Boston too crowded!
Best Regards,
To all: I hoped that revealing my own lack of information would bring forth some better information. Thanks for the Obama and Tyler lines, whose lines I will climb to see if geni verifies them. As for Tyler, don't forget that his death (as a Confederate congressman) was totally ignored by the Union in 1862. I know that Adams has all sorts of ancestors in the Mayflower era, including BOTH John and Priscilla Alden AND Miles Standish ;-)
I took a risk and checked. No path found to Osama bin Laden. That is not proof, of course. It only proves that our two family trees are sadly incomplete. A search for Adolf Hitler came up with one of those zig-zag collateral line relationships that so annoy and confuse but apparently he is one of the astronomical number of descendants of Charlemagne so he should be not much more than a 33rd cousin. Osama could easily be harder to find but there's probably a European slave or concubine in his family somewhere although she is no doubt nameless.
Hugues Capet, roi des Francs
Hugues Capet, roi des Francs is my 26th great grandfather
John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the USA
John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the USA is my 15th cousin once removed
William J. "Bill" Clinton, 42nd President of the USA
William J. Clinton, 42nd President of the USA is your 15th cousin twice removed
Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President of the United States of America
Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President of the United States of America is your 12th cousin five times removed
George Washington, 1st President of the United States
George Washington, 1st President of the USA is your 11th cousin five times removed
and to end :
Barack H. Obama, 44th President of the USA
Barack H. Obama, 44th President of the USA is your 15th cousin twice removed…:)
With my trees (FTM, ancestry.ca) I frequently find my most prized ancestors flip back and forth between being cousins and great-g-parents. This is clearly due to multiple wives and lineages. Corrections can bugger-up your best lines very quickly.
The relationship calculator uses a brute force approach and with a distant ancestor such as Charlemagne, the number of routes that exist and have to be tested to find the best route is enormous. Charlemagne is both my 1st cousin and my great-grandfather several different ways. At that distance in time I have billions of ancestors and Charlemagne would occupy many slots.
As I mentioned earlier in this thread, the Queen of England has an estimated million lines of descent from him and I'm sure all of us have so many that no computer could find the best route even given all of the data.
Another situation where computers are over-whelmed by numbers is anagrams. My complete name is long and it would take a compujter millions of years to find all the possible anagrams. I can find a fairly good one in maybe twenty minutes because human reason is not a brute force attack. You can eliminate all the unlikely combinations quickly by noting that syllables must have a vowel and that certain letters never go together except in Polish or Russian maybe.
To be precise: Charlemagne is my 30th great-grandfather (32 steps). At that generation, I have 4,294,967,296 (4 billion) 30th great-grandparents. At this time the population of Europe was between 25 and 30 million (says Wikipedia).
Assuming that my 4 billion grandparent slots were evenly distributed across 25 million inhabitants (quite questionable), Charlemagne would be in ~172 of those slots.
and we are ALL descendants of Nefertiti: