Bjorn - the e-mail that is attached to Philp is the wrong e-mail. When and if Paul decides to log on again he would log on as Philip. When the profiles were unmerged there were some things that did not get sorted out properly. Such as the e-mail, the profile picture, and birthday wishes for Paul on Philip's Profile.
I do not have Philip's e-mail however I do know he has no interest in all of this.
Can somebody help me split two profiles which was merged by error? Actually are not related. Kunhiraman Kamanat Sreejayan
There are no merge history on that profile, but I assume it was the connection of Sreejayan as a child you want to reverse. I have cut the connection again for you.
Not sure if this is ok here or if i need to delete it and post under a diffrent topic.. but I got a request from a user who wanted to look at my tree.. I sent a lets colaberate request to Kevin William Mullen and he geni mails me back and says i don't have required rights to view edit change anything.. could some one see what's up with that? thanks.
Private User these profiles are all missing year of birth and death, and all references. Can you give us a pointer to what your soruces are for believing that these merges are correct?
In which country, and in which century, were these people living?
(Prabha Rajan seems an obvious merge, if she can be verified as deceased, but the two Janardhanan profiles seem to have no overlapping information).
Thanks Michael, but somehow i doubt my 9th ggrandfather was paying the tax man with pre-Roman Gaulish Celts?!?
The full quote (which i think is a mixture of Dutch and Latin) is:
"Drenthia ex bonis Hummoldinghe ende ten Broke tevens Godenken et Johannes quilibet II grosses Turonenes in Anno Domini MCCCCIIII"
I do not know what it means but I found this:
and this:
I looks like you are correct in your guess
it does seem odd in 1303 if i read the roman numerals correcly Alex Moes that they would be using that method instead of the coin age that they they used in 1303 though/
Turonenes =Turoniens et Turons (french from Touraine de la ville de Tours) but it came form a word gaul (GAEL?) Turo that mean the strongs
french wiki goce alot of information http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turones
here in the wiki they talk time chronology of -57 so talking about 1303 its not the chronoligic time
the coins show -80-50 dating
Private User Go to one profile of the two you want to merge This puts it in your "Recent" list. Then go to the other profile and under "Actions - Merge this profile" and enter the name. When It shows up click on merge.
How is this other person "messing up" the tree. If it is vandalism, "Actions - Report" and give the reason. Geni will handle it from there. If it is not vandalism but just a disagreement, start a dialogue with the person.