Before we close the discussion I'd like to run through one very simple explanation of one (just one) of the problems with your DNA analysis of these families.
You give us the values for the first 25 markers for a bunch of men you think are all closely related. One problem we've talked about before is that most of these men have had 37-marker tests, so comparing the results for only 25 amounts to stacking the deck.
Also, your "correction for genetic drift" is so generous that you would be related to thousands of families, not just these few.
However, the real problem is that you haven't taken into account the subgroups of the I1 haplogroup. Some of these men belong to "cousin" groups that split off thousands of years ago. There is no chance that members of different subgroups can be related through the male line as recently as you think.
I had problems finding all the men you mention. Some of them seem to have serious "typos" in their marker values. At least, the numbers you give don't match the numbers I find for anyone of that name in the DNA projects.
Leaving those aside, here is some of what I'm seeing.
You belong to haplogroup I1. That's a projection, not a confirmed test. You could belong to one of the subgroups of I1 but you won't know that without more testing.
However, some of the men you name have been tested for subgroups. Here are the different subgroups for some of them.
Group 1 (I1a1b) - This group includes Edmund Rice, Balderich le Teuton, and the Norwegian Tudor.
Group 2 (I1a2a) - This group includes Lawrence Parrott and Webster (adopted).
Group 3 (I1a2b) - This group includes Scarfone.
As I said, you could theoretically belong to any of these three groups -- but you can't belong to all of them. They different groups are very distant cousins with a common ancestor thousands of years ago.
I'm not an I1 expert, but my first guess would be that you might belong to a fourth group -- I1a3 -- based on you having DYS456=14.
If you are serious about using DNA to sort out your puzzle, you should make it a priority to join the Haplogroup I DNA Project. The admins will put you in a group where it's clear what test you would need to further clarify your ancestry.