Under the middle age times, noble woman were prohibited to marry commoners, many people today may be unknown to these kinds of facts, but men could often, not always, get around this problem. In Sweden as an example, Gustav Wasa sharpened the rules of nobility again, just to make sure of how important it was for the high class to be separated from ordinary people.
I know I am again out of order. But family pops up every where that I dare to test my family line. There are some strange ones. Alfrain King of Alfhein stated yesterday Is my 34 th Great Grandfather. But the stranges on
e is Mohammud the Prophet is my 43rd Grandfather and king David of Israel my 83 great Grandfather.. Sure then the Jews and Palestinians should be much closer related as it is from Abrahams time.
If a man or a woman of noble blood in denmark whould marry a not noble or a commoner or unfree person as they where also called. Those children whould become commoners. They could not become Knights and have the right to carry weapon.
Often these children if provided for by there noble parents, was to become peasants but of a good farms as well. Some became freeowners, but they still all had to pay taxes as was requered by non nobles!
Yes, this was the time of feudalism, were ordinary people just were treated as cattle. Maybe that's also the time where the term "fårskalle" "sheep head" originates from, a diminishing term meaning idiot? Another term is "fähund", with the same meaning, "fä", as in cattle, the same word as in feo, as in feudalism.
Anette, even though the Danes love to believe they have the oldest kingdom in the world straight back to Gorm den game - it ain't so, since they had to divert from house Oldenburg to house Glücksburg, a side line after Frederik (forgot the number right now) left no inheritor to the throne :) So, no straight line from Margarethe II back to Gorm, sorry.
It still is direct descendant of the viking kings. It does not need to be followed by the oldest son. In Denmark we actually an elective monarcy until 1660. But in fact it was always choosen from the royal bloodline.
This elective monarcy have had the effect of civil war in Denmark on several occations through history, because brothers was competing for the throne.
So I do not believe that it needs to be the oldest son taking over to be an old monarcy. Neither can any other monarcy show of anything like direct bloodline in your definition eather.
It is most likely impossible, considering the heavy amount of inbreeding, the male line always seems to die off within 12 generations in such cases. In Swedish it is called "svärdsida", sword hand, side, or what ever it could be translated to, the male seems to only get daughters in the end, many of these noble families just vanish without further male descendants. The women is called "spinnsidan", the word means, distaff, a stick or spindle onto which wool or flax is wound for spinning. Guessing that what they mostly did??
OK, svärdsidan eller spinnsidan, om vi tycker de båda borde vara lika berättigade, då borde jag ligga bättre till som arvinge till den danska tronen än Margrethe II :). Anette doesn't quite keep to the matter when claiming some kind of direct descent of Christian XI and his Glücksburg descendents incl. Margrethe, because this is not correct. Frederik VII left nobody for the throne - only a daughter with a 'commoner' woman - so Christian was imported from the Glücksburg side-line. Just check on Margrethe II line vs Gorm den Gamle, and you get the drift. Man kunne endda fortsætte med at huske på, at den mere umulige afkomme af konghuset traditionelt blev sendt til Hertugdømmerne (Schleswig, Holstein) for at holde sig der. Det var derfra, fra Glücksborg det nuværende danske kongehus kommer.
Jag - liksom så många andra (som för det mesta ej vet om detta) - härstammar i rakt nedstigande led via svärd- och spinnsidan från Gorm den gamle, vilket ej är tillfället med det nuvarande danska kungahuset.
For resten gik jeg i klasse med (Prins) Ingolf (Christian, Frederik, Gorm, Gustaf, Viggo, Valdemar, Aage), som var en meget fin fyr - som egentligen skulle ha blivit kung av Danmark om ej tronfölarlagen hade ändrats tidigt 50-tal.
Sorry English reading guys only, if you have an interest, run the 'strange' pieces of tey through a Swedish and Danish Google on-line translator!
Well Sten discuus that with the royal house of Denmark and the historical sociaty of Denmark.
And Steen I do not believe that woman is any less or have any less right to the throne than men, but I guess some people are like that.
Besides the most admireble person on the throne in Denmark was actually a Queen.Margrethe I who ruled Denmark, Sweden and Norway. in the middleages.
Nothing wrong with Margrethe, she is a great person and don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the (current) Danish Royal House at all. Neither do I believe you need all male in-line descendants to lend it legit at any levels and I never claimed so.
What I did say, however, the current Royal House of Denmark - and this since Christian IX - are not straight descendants of Gorm the Old. Blood line, yes, but straight descendants, by definition, no.
That said, as a Swede I should not mention this, right? Where the House Bernadotte's relations to the Vasa Royals is a far cry from what Denmark can offer :).
Now, please view and accept my comments with a bit of Danish Humour as well.
And, trust me, I will not make any claims to the Danish throne :).
Sorry, mixed up the 2 Margrethes I/II. Yes, Margarethe I was a great Queen, who united and brought peace to her 3 countries. Just too bad her only son Oluf died early. Christian II, however, in Sweden known as Christian Tyrann, however, was a different personality Very Machiavellian long before the same, he did his best to kill all the Swedish noble families, didn't quite succeed, though. As a Swede I am happy, not being his descendant but 16 times removed from this guy:
"King Christian II of Denmark is your 8th cousin 16 times removed".
Good neither will I make a claime to the danish throne either. Although I am a direct descnedant of Gorm the Old as Margrethe II of Denmark. My bloodline just ventured of into dansih commoners blood in 1750.
I was as mentioned before slightly chocked and rather disapointed when I found the connection to the danish royal house.
I most definately did not see that one comming! So yes humor is sometimes needed in this business.
But just to be typical danish stubborn (That we are good at) Christian IX is actually descendant of Gorm the Old, just through the maternal site) so maybee just agree to disagree?
Da kong Frederik 7. døde barnløs på Lyksborg i november 1863, var den nærmeste arving hans fætter Frederik af Hessen-Kassel (1820-1884), men han sagde nej til fordel for sin søster Louise af Hessen-Kassel, der også sagde nej, og foreslog sin mand, prins Christian af Glücksburg, der, som hende selv var oldebarn af Frederik 5. og desuden nedstammede i lige mandlig linje fra Christian 3. Efter disse indviklede arvestridigheder besteg Christian Danmarks trone som kong Christian 9. Hans efterkommere har siden da regeret Danmark. Christian 9. er dronning Margrethe 2.s tipoldefar.
Bare for at vise hvordan de var relaterede til Det gamle danske kongehus!
OK, OK :) Jeg er nu alligevel meget tilfreds med at være passende fjern fra endhver lige nedstigende linie fra Christian II 'Tyrann'! A litte snap-shor from Stockholm's Bloddbath:" The little boy 'Sture' after having seen his brother lying there telling the executioner: "Don't make my shirt that bloody becausue then my mom for sure will scorn me!"... (Du får inte bloda ner min skjorta sådär för då får jag bannor av min mor...".).
Well. Sweden eventually got even with the Eastern Danish territories lost for ever - until now with the bridge :)
Yes there is the bridge. A new way of collecting "Øresunds Told". That one keep coming back up
And no family withour Sceletens in the closet. Not everybody you can be proud of. Christian II was one of the scary ones. I think that king could give everybody the chills.
Was not all to popular in the danish neither!
Most war are frightening, no matter when.
Fru Sofie Ulfstands Brev til Jomfru Elise Norby Kjøbenhavn i Februar 1612
Jeg kan ikke skrive Dig til, hvilken ynkelig Sorg vi
have været udi i Skaane og hvorledes Fruer og Børn
kom nøgne af Sengen om Nattetide og vare glade de
slap og kom herover til Sjælland med Livet; thi de
Svenske kom ned og var Gustav med dennem, som er
Kong Carls Søn, og vare de 17 Faner Fodfolk og 5
Faner Ryttere og brændte og sloge ihjel for Fode, alt
det de kunde overkomme, og blev Varbjerg og Væ afbrændte
samme Tid og der siges at 17 Herregaarde med
deres Ladegaarde ere afbrændte, dog Gud ske Lov ingen
af vores skader noget. — Og blev det den 8. Febr. rejst
af Hus alt Landet over, baade i Halland og Skaane og
fik de 7 Faner Ryttere med dennem, som vare den
skaanske Fane og den sjællandske Fane og Hofsinderne
med deres Folk, og vare de tydske Ryttere, som Jac.
Biilow fører (de Ryttere, som de kalde Hanefjer) med
dennem og drog Breide Ranzau Statholder med dem den
11te Februar og fandt de Svenske paa en Kirkegaard,
som kaldes Wosbye og ved en Sø, ved Navn Widtsøe.
Der lod vores Folk skifte sig i 4 Parter og lod saa den
første Part ride til denr.em og blæse Her an (der sadde
de Svenske og legede Kort paa samme Kirkegaard og
ved Kirkegaarden) og lod de Andre ride omkring til de
havde beringet dem. Og havde de Svenske staldet deres
Heste inde i Kirken og havde brudt Stolene ud og brændt
dem og faldt de dennem over, og bleve slagne henved
1500 Mand, som man kunde tælle, af de Svenske, og
bleve de andre jagne i samme Sø, henved 400, som de
Danske siden have opdraget, og mene de om Gustav, at
han skulde og været med og blevet, thi de have faaet
hans Hest, Bøsse og Saddel og hvad der hørte til, og fik
2de af hans Livheste i Kirken, med hvad dertil hørte, og
fik de nogle og tyve Fanger, deriblandt vare 4 af de fornemste
Herrer udi Sverig og var Hertug Gustavs Kammerjunker
og hans Livdreng og kom her 8 eller 10 Faner
med dem og sidde de nu her paa Kjbhvn.s Slot og ere
vore Ryttere og Fodfolk flux rykte op efter de andre ad
Sverig og have endnu fanget 8 af de Svenske, foruden
dennem, som de have slaget ihjel.«
Og så er der det Ulf.
What can be said about Chr. II is his exstreme ability to make the wrong decisions and thereby making a lot of people angry. King Carl was the same type. The Nederlands, and others came to aid the danes, not so much for the number of dead people, (Most of them where just commoners anyway!,) but because of again the "Øresund Toll"
On the Island of Langeland his trops tried to murder every man, woman and child they could get there hands on. I suppose people are easier to get to do what you want if they are dead. At least they dont complain about your decisions.
The Nederlands, and others came to aid the danes, not so much for the number of dead people, (Most of them where just commoners anyway!,) but because of again the "Øresund Toll"
Angående brevet, jag tror detta är rätt Sofia Nielsdatter Ulfstand
Sofias father, Niels Truidsen Ulfstand is Ulf Ingvar Göte Martinsson's third cousin 14 times removed!
Sofias mother; Margrethe Herlufsdatter Skave is your third cousin 12 times removed.
A little fun thing here
I am apparently related to both Christian II of Denmark and Gustav I Vasa of Sveden.
King Christian II of Denmark is your 7th cousin 14 times removed.
King of Sweden Gustaf Eriksson Vasa
I am starting to get slightly concerned about my Genenic composition
For now, Gustav I Eriksson Vasa, Kung av Sverige is my third cousin 15 times removed., almost looks just the same for me too, but he is also my fifth cousin several times removed if I remember the other line correct.
King Christian II of Denmark is my 8th cousin 11 times removed.
Christian II af Danmark og Norge von Oldenburg, Konge af Danmark og Norge, Kung av Sverige
Raka rör till "Olof Skötkonung":
Olof Eriksson «the Treasurer» Skötkonung is your 29th great grandfather.
King Olof of Sweden is my 29th great grandfather.