This situation continues today in the U.S. with the pharmaceutical takeover of our medical schools which began in the early 1930s when the Rockefellers began giving huge grants to the schools to wipe out the many alternative medical practices that were common at that time. It was a very successful tactic, and they continue with this by preventing many helpful alternative therapies and treatments from being covered by Medicare & Medicaid through campaign donations and lobbying gifts to our elected representatives so they'll vote in their favor on the desired legislation. Our medical system has become a huge scam.
Relative to so-called witchcraft, of course there were variations of laws and practices in each era and country. But earlier on it was also about replacing paganism with Christianity, destroying indigenous cultural practices and forcing people to become Christians.
Unfortunately our ancestors knew a whole lot of really important things, some of which were lost because of this cultural genocide, including how to live in harmony with the land. We need to recapture that now if we hope to survive into the future. We're currently headed the way of the dinosaurs at an alarming rate, a 'climate catastrophe' according to the U.N.'s International Panel on Climate Change, and the worst extinction crisis since the beginning of the last ice age with humans on the list.