Sharon: I am contacting you about this profile: Johannes Jansz van Ceijlon, SV/PROG
Please compare the children Em Lo lists below:
“Johannes Jansz van Ceijlon was married to a different Rosetta van Bengale, not related or connected to the Jonker family. This Rosetta van Bengale’s 16/10/1769 will (ref MOOC8/13.23), shows she was married to Jan Jansz van Ceijlon and they had 4 surviving children:
Johanna (Anna?) Rebecca,
Johannes Adriaan en
Maria Juliana.
Prior to his marriage to this Rosetta van Bengale, he was the widower of Rosaleijn van Bengale. He too was not married to a Rosetta van Ceijlon”
with the children presently listed on the profile:
Maria Juliana Jansen;
Hendrik Jan Jansz;
Johannes van Ceijlon;
Jan Adriaan van Ceijlon and
Frans van Ceijlon
And give me your opinion of where they might belong, or what you want to show as children here
Sharon Doubell
Em Lo: We gathered just sufficient info on him and his spouses to rule them out as directly connected to our research family - JONKER - then stopped researching them.
So the details will definitely have to be checked and clarified by persons interested in their lines. Correction - 2 of their 4 children were already deceased at the time of her death, Johanna (aka Anna) Rebekka and Appolonia - their children were beneficiaries in the will.
Rosetta van Bengale wife of Johannes Jansz's will:
Inventories of the Orphan Chamber
Reference no.: MOOC8/13.23
Rosetta van Bengalen
16 October 1769
Inventaris van alle sodanige goederen als 'er naar voor afgaande op den 6:e Julij 1750 gepasseerde testamentaire dispositie met haar en haar voor overleedene man, mitsgaders op den 10:e Maart 1764 door haar nader gemaakte codicillaire dispositie metter dood zijn ontruijmt en de naargelaaten door Rosetta van Bengalen wed: Jan Jansz: van Ceijlon, ten voordeele van haare nagelatene kind en kindskinderen, met naamen:
1) Valentijn van Oolen bij representatie van wijlen desselfs moeder Johanna Rebecca Jansz: gehuuwt geweest met Harmen van Oolen
2) Sara Christina Danielsz en
Hendrik Danielsz: bij plaatsvullinge van wijlen hunlieder moeder Appolinia Jansz: getr: geweest met Adolph Danielsz:
3) Johannes Adriaan Jansz: bij representatie van wijlen desselfs vader Johannes Willem Jansz:
4) Maria Juliana Jansz: getrouwt met den burger Hendrik Smit
Sodanig ende in diervoegen als deselve door ons ondergeteekende zijn opgenoomen en g'inventariseert, mitsgaders bevonden te bestaan in 't volgende, namentlijk:
Een huijs en erff staande en de geleegen in deese Taffelvalleij blijkens transport van den 27:e December 1746
(Lists contents of home)
1 slave jonge genaamt August van Ceijlon
Zijnde geene contanten in den boedel gevonden
(Table of owed and owing deleted – does not copy/paste)
Aldus g'inventariseert ten huijse voorm:t aan Cabo de Goede Hoop den 16:e October 1769.
J:s H:s Blanckenberg
J:H: Redelinghuijs
Here are more notes I made on what appears to be 2 couples with very similar names - Rosetta van Bengale and Johannes Jansz - it involves 2 marriages in 1737 and 1757. There were numerous persons by the name of Rosetta van Bengale so it is possible - a bit of a minefield.
We just used this data to confirm the persons involved are not related to our JONKER family, it may be useful to other persons interested in Rosetta van Bengale x Johannes Jansz families.
Note that it will require careful scrutiny and checking before use to ensure correct links are made:
1732, 13 Julie Doop van Appolonia, Rosa (Rosetta?) van Bengale se kind met Arnoldus Koevoet
1736, 12 Feb doop Johannes (onecht) seun van haar en Johannes van Ceylon. Getuies Jan van Ceylon en Rachel de Vyf.
1736, 4 Jan Johannes v Ceylon koop slavin Apolonia vd Caap by oorlede Arnoldus Koevoet se distribusie vendusie [Reference no.: MOOC10/4.143.] (Dit lyk of hierdie Appolonia Rosetta v Bengalen se kind was)
1737, 14 Julie: RvB doop kind Frans Jansz (onecht), pa Jan Jansz
1737, 24 Oct: Johannes Janz van Cijlon trou met met Rossetta van Bengalen vrijgegeven lijf eigenen.
1738, 14 Sept RvB doop seun Johannes Adriaan van haar en Johannes (Jan) Jansz van Ceijlon.
1741, 23 April, doop Johannes Valentyn, pa is Johannes Jansen van Ceylon. Getuies Valentyn v d Cus en Eva v d Caep.
1746, 12 Junie, doop Hendrik Jan, pa Johannes Janse van Ceijlon.Getuies Johanna Catharina en Hendrik Janse.
1750 Drie Rosetta van Bengale testamente om na te gaan: CJ 2611:38 1750; wife of Johannes Jansz will MOOC 7/1/11:4 1750; wife of Johannes Jansz will MOOC 7/1/19:14 1750; Al drie met man Johannes Jansz. Een kind Anna Rebekka genoem.
1758 Rosetta van Bengale x Johannes Jansz, wewenaar van Rosaleijn van Bengale (2de troue? Is hier 2 pare met soortgelyke name? Versigtig!!!!)
1764 Trek gesamentlike testament op met Johannes Jansz MOOC 7/1/19:15 1764.
1769 weduwee van Jan Jansz van Ceylon, liquidation & distribution a/c MOOC 13/1/7:4 1769-1770. According to Rosetta v Bengale’s 16/10/1769 will (ref MOOC8/13.23), she was married to Jan Jansz van Ceijlon and they had 4 children: Johanna (Anna?) Rebecca, Appolinia, Johannes Adriaan en Maria Juliana.
Leibbrandt Precis Requesten vol 2 F-O: Jansz (Johannes) ; of Ceylon ; deceased. Orphan Masters as Executors of his Estate, and that of his wife (deceased) Rosetta of Bengal submit that the latter, in her Will, desired the manumission of her slave, Augusto of Ceylon. They offer as sureties, the burghers Jan Mostert of Wieringen and Daniel Winst. (Extract from Will annexed. (No. 68 ; date, 12th December, 1769, p612)
Sharon: Thank you for all the extra work, Em . So helpful. As you say, this is a minefield :-)