vdMerwe Y-DNA Research Study

Started by Sharon Doubell on Monday, June 29, 2015
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6/29/2015 at 7:15 AM

Hi everyone,

We are trying to unravel the connections of the various surname
variations that supposedly branched off the van der Merwede family. Due
to the lack of any documentation linking van der Merwede / van der Merwe
and van de Merwe (Netherlands) we are running Y-DNA tests to determine
what if any relationship exists. Presently we have (2) van der Merwede
males, (1) van de Merwe (Netherlands) and (1) van der Merwe (S.A.). We
need more test subjects for accurate analysis.

We have started a DNA project study for the decendants of Ridder Daniel III Danielsz van der Merwe born 1180 A.D. This study is for male participants that are, or
believe to be decendants of Daniel van der Merwede. Y-DNA passes from
father to son virtually unchanged with only 1 marker mutation occuring
every 500 generations on average. So male direct line descendants will
have virtually the same dna pattern.
[This should be the SA descendants of Willem Schalkz van der Merwe, SV/PROG SV/PROG then... Sharon]

The lab performing the DNA testing is Family Tree DNA. They offer 12.
25, 37 and 59 marker tests. This lab is the same one used by the
National Geographic Society's Genographic Project. They perform the most
accurate DNA tesing in the field.

Anyone interested can visit the Merwede Foundation Website at:
http://www.vandermerwede.org/genealogy/dna.php "Stichting van der
Merwede DNA Project" or to sign up for testing at:

Any questions you may have please email:
http://www.vandermerwede.org/genealogy/suggest.php (George van der
Merwede - Project Manager)

George van der Merwede

6/29/2015 at 7:17 AM

History Link (http://historylink.herokuapp.com/) shows direct Y-DNA descendants who are current Geni users as:
*Lourens Petrus van der Merwe
*Christiaan van der Merwe
*Laubscher van der Merwe
*Private User
*Theodoris van der Merwe
*Izak van der Merwe

Sharon, Actually the surname was van Erwe. The old man had six sons who inherited his only asset a pig. The youngest one only inherited the gut (Afrikaans Derms ) so he got the surname Van Derm Erwe . So with time it change to "van der Merwe"

6/30/2015 at 2:00 AM

I take it that's not just a 'van der Merwe' joke, Dries :-)

6/30/2015 at 4:38 AM

Com'on Dries, We try to be serious here. I appreciate your joke but this is really an old one - sort of out of date for quite some time. But tell me, how the hell do you combine a "pot" and a "gieter" to get potgieter?

6/30/2015 at 5:56 AM

:-) I hadn't heard it before.
The jokes about my surname always involve "door bells" & knock knock jokes :-)

Hi third cousin, I just respond to Sharon`s first sentence. That is one of the variations that I know about. There are also van der Mervies those with an English back ground.
Potgieter. Originated from the person who pore the hot melted pig iron in to the mold to make a nice drie been pot for' potjiekos."
Please don't react the van der Merwe issue is serious one and I agree I am out of place with my remarks.

1/16/2016 at 9:25 AM

Dries when you address anyone as cousin, I never know who the heck you
mean, aren't we all cousins? pperry107@gmail

1/16/2016 at 9:29 AM

I have submitted my DNA to ancestry and as far as I know, I downloaded it to Family tree? I am very many generations away from my vdMerwe ancestry but all information is interesting.

1/18/2016 at 6:06 AM

Pamela Debora Perry - did you have mtDNA done?
This is your mtDNA Progenitor: Anna Maria de Laar, SM/PROG and people were looking for her mtDNA on the Discussion on her profile. - So it would be fantastic if you tell us what it is, and we can add it to the mtDNA project. I've sent you an invite.

1/20/2016 at 6:43 AM

I sent for my MtDNA kit yesterday. Of course all the DNA testing companies claim to do the most accurate testing. I will say I am astounded that Ancestry has turned up 64 4 to 6th cousins all over the world, most of them with South African connections but some of them with no connection. I found one cousin Kathryn Orford in Australia who was adopted. Her mother was unwed and arrived on a ship. kathryn only found out about her adoption on her adoptive mother's deathbed. She immediately did DNA in 2005 and I am the first person to contact her, she was thrilled. Her bio mother is still alive and refuses contact with her. The mother was Catharina I think Susanna Strydom from Paulpietersburg in Natal born around 1932. She is willing to pay a genealogist to discover her past, she would love to know her ancestry. You can read her story on facebook "S A Genealogy". Very sad. She was told she was the result of a shipboard romance but who knows. Some of her DNA point to East European Jew.

1/20/2016 at 7:27 AM

Here's one for Dries. The Irish branch, knows as van der Murphy.

1/20/2016 at 8:06 AM

Gee Pamela, that's an interesting story. Get her to start her tree on Geni, and maybe we can help? There is a history of Strydom women on GEni with that name eg: Catharina Susanna Strydom and Catharina Susanna Strydom.

Private is our go to SA genealogist. Perhaps she can help?

PS. Thanks for doing your mtDNA as well. It will help us all.

1/21/2016 at 12:12 AM

Sharon Doubell I don't know to much about DNA as you know but the Strydom lies close to my heart and I have done a lot of research and took archived photos. It is ggm on Marnewick side.
Thanks you Pamela.

Private User
1/21/2016 at 1:04 AM

Hi Willem Schalk v d Merwe is my 9th ggf although not a direct male line. Have submitted for full DNA testing which should be available towards middle Feb so will let you know what that shows up as well. Hazel

1/21/2016 at 4:16 AM

Yaaay Hazel!! :-)

1/21/2016 at 5:34 AM

Pamela Debora Perry if you e-mail me I can send you the names of various top researchers. judimeyer@mweb.co.za Please just mark as Re: Researcher wanted -Pamela.

1/21/2016 at 6:46 AM
10/23/2017 at 2:39 PM

My DNA is on Geni and My Heritage I believe, it is also with Ancestry. I also e-mailed all my DNA connections that I thought had South African origins and told them about the Cape Dutch project on FAMILYTREE DNA.

10/23/2017 at 2:42 PM

My DNA is on Geni and My Heritage I believe, it is also with Ancestry. I also e-mailed all my DNA connections that I thought had South African origins and told them about the Cape Dutch project on FAMILYTREE DNA.
Is the van der Merwe stuff on the Familytreedna site?

10/23/2017 at 2:45 PM

Apparently one cannot transfer DNA from Familytreedna to other sites. I can transfer the limited version from Ancestry. You can see my DNA unraveled on FAMILYTREEDNA.com

Please send me private e-mail and I will send you the codes to view?


10/24/2017 at 10:16 AM

What was your mtDNA haplogroup Pamela Debora Perry?

10/24/2017 at 10:28 AM

@Pamela perry My Hapla Group is H1ak1 .

10/25/2017 at 12:23 PM

Pamela Debora Perry, now I'm stuck:

Your mtDNA paper trail line tracks to: Sara Debora Nieuwoudt daughter of Gloudina Jannetje Jenatta du Toit and Johannes Harmse du Toit, a2b8c4d1e6.

But the parents of Sara's husband, Stephanus Francois Nieuwoudt look suspiciously similar to her own parents: Sara Debora Johanna Du Toit and Jan Harmse Nieuwoudt.

Your mtDNA H1ak1 will track onto granny Sara and your/her female line ancestor Gloudina Jannetje Jenatta du Toit

And your Granny Sara's mother in law , Sara Debora Johanna Du Toit is H1b1-T16362C.

All would be well if your granny Sara's parents and parents in law didn't all have the same names ;-/
Either there is of those best genealogy stories in this explanation or something has been misplaced on this tree?

10/25/2017 at 12:26 PM

Private User is this the kind of puzzle you usually have fun figuring out? Want to try?

10/25/2017 at 2:22 PM

OH no!!!!!! I am working full time at the moment so do not have time to look at this. Can you sort it out or it will have to wait. I am preparing for 2 big interviews and at age 71 it is a challenge. Many thanks Pam pperry107@gmail.com

10/25/2017 at 2:26 PM

The Niewoudt genealogy is enough to drive you quite DAFFY. They were quite an incestuous lot and dear heaven all had the same names. Seems like they were stuck in that area and never got further than the cousin next door to find a marriage partner. LOL!!!

Private User
10/25/2017 at 5:35 PM

Sharon Doubell - sure would be up my alley, especially since Pamela seems to be somewhere "between" us, being my 5th+1 cousin a bit downwards through her Le Roux angle (marrying Nieuwoudt) and the early Nieuwoudts are accurately reflected here.

Pamela, in this case perhaps your atDNA result - if uploaded - would be valuable to confirm both your relationship with Sharon and myself? (since the one way tree path (counting one direction) is less than 8, and <=6 is the magical number as it will exclude ALL the 8s and 7s, but at least we could compare it for both Sharon and myself) Could be a shot in the dark too, in the sense we might be similarly related through any other part of our trees.

Private User
10/25/2017 at 5:49 PM

Well the problem was this profile has been "sabotaged" in the sense it had no DU TOIT parents but had NIEUWOUDT parents :( as well as incorrect wife:

Johannes Harmse du Toit, a2b8c4d1e6

10/26/2017 at 9:41 AM

Pamela Debora Perry, good luck for the interview - You are an inspiration!

Private User, thanks for identifying the source of the rompslomp - and for your individual messages.I'll wait for the weekend to try and untangle (unless Judi wants to now) in case I run out of time in the middle. It looks like a BIG gemors :-)

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