What is going on?

Started by Alex Moes on Tuesday, October 20, 2015
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Showing 121-150 of 187 posts

I agree we are better then that i was just teasing harald, it looks like we are getting some where dispite the argueing and bickering anyway way i am learning plenty when i was in school nordic history was touched upon yes but not in firm enough detail. Learning plenty from this discussion including what Not to do but thats in the past. The topic was brought up in school but not at length for me to be able to solve it and even if i was bringing my opinins out seems to just incite people sadly... Even if the opinion is helpfull but that,s a off topic debate for else where keep up the good work. I have read a lot about the english heros merlin morgan le fay that are simlar in cirumstances whwre it is hard to figure out what is true fact vs fictional (no way he could have lived tha long etc etc)

Remi Trygve Pedersen I would characterize Gesta Danorum as "medeival story-telling trying to approximate history", which is quite similar to how I'd describe the more down-to-earth sagas (Volsunga Saga being an example of the not so down-to-earth ones) - but the sagas come across with more of a sense of style in my eyes. "Semidocumentary" seems to fit.

The man reason to work with them at all is that they're all we have. But I guess you've heard that from me before!

Remi Trygve Pedersen, i revised the first paragraph.

Last section regarding wives/children reverted to something like what it was previously, also hyperlinked to sources but we should probably add a more obvious "Sources" section.

About the images, i do like the raven banner but as i am aware it's association with Ragnar is very late. I think the image of ragnar in the snake pit would be better:

I really like the way that 1st paragraph is turning out.

So do I, good job.

I actually just went back and re-read the first portion of Ragnar 'Lodbrok' Sigurdsson King of Denmark and Norway's About, I am not sure why I am trying to re-write the same information.

I think perhaps the section on his wives and children that i made today should be expanded to give more details. I shall re-read all of what i put in his About tomorrow and think about transferring it into the project and expanding upon it.

If including sagas as sources if they just claim descent from Ragnar, rather than talking about his deeds and family, we should include Eyrbyggja saga (Ólafur "Hvíti" "The White" Ingjaldsson, King of Dublin - who has the problem that he seemed to have lived too early).

The better quote is in Ingjald Helgasson

I decided not to colaberate on the new project that you guys created thank you anyway.

Michael, i think you are posting in to the wrong Project :)

At least you got an invite, my feelings are a bit hurt. Perhaps i will be invited today?

Harald and Erica are absolutely correct that we do not want Geni projects to become advertisements for external web sites, even if those sites also link back to Geni. The content belongs here.

Projects can only be edited by the users who join it. If Anette and Dimitri feel it's important to not allow other users to edit the project description, then I'm wondering why those users are accepted as project collaborators at all? They can follow the project if they're interested in the subject matter. They can even start a discussion without being a project collaborator. Until I understand why project membership doesn't work for you as a mechanism to control who can edit the description, I will not entertain the suggestion to add locking to that field.

I don't feel that an external control strategy (backup, scratch pad, etc) should be necessary here. Isn't reverting project descriptions almost effortless on Geni? (I should direct that question to Harald, who implied otherwise but isn't it as simple as clicking the History link and then the Restore button?)

Anette can you clarify how the project was taken apart? I see no evidence of that in the description history. You've stated that even though the revision history doesn't show it, all the sources to Ragnar disappeared. Are you saying those were in the project description?

Alex Moes didn't mean to make you feel hurt. I just had have enough to do on a english beheding project as it is...Plus I don't want to cause more trouble with some one... My failure to look at the revisions history before i joined has brought out her wrath as it is

Michael, you never fail to confuse me but you have never hurt my feelings.
Good luck with your beheading.

thanks.. I was allready up to my neck in projects as it is. didn't think i could take on one more I'm still not finished with people punished under the order of the crown for crimes... I'm just glad that being sharp tounged is not a death penalty offense though it is frowned upon...

I get the sublite hint

lets focus on the good work so far.. finding this really Intresting... in school I was not as versed in the nordic\vikings side of things this far back In fact it was only recently I discovered part nordic blood and from my mom's side not from my dad's which his mother being a nordic imigrant i would have expected.. I have a mixed cultural bag of things as my mom' side is english i was more familar with the hotly debated english king aruther and morgana le fay

Mike Stangel, you say:

we do not want Geni projects to become advertisements for external web sites

Is this your personal opnion or are you referring to something that is actually on record somewhere? So far none has eveŕ showed me a single piece of material I could read myself into which confirms an actual 'Geni way' of working with projects?

Tell me what the consequences are for the format we chose for the relaunched Ragnar and his legend project. I respect your opnion, but it will put your statement in a different light, if what you say is actually an 'unwritten' dictate from, with I must assume, the complete backing of the Geni organisation.

I fully support the way which the Triple-A-Collective deals with protecting the quality of important data. This is a format that does not stand collaborating in it's way at all. It increases credibility and an oportunity for collaboration in a position of giving feedback, instead of people vandalising data and hijack a project without consultation with all it's collaborators.

Your thoughts please, Mike

I would like to add Swanloga, {Gesta Danorum} to the project but as the sole manager is blocking me i cannot, if someone else could make the request it would be appreciated.


Dimitri Gazan please don't incite queen erica and the royals to come up with a 21st centurary tongue breaker for us ok?

by the way it's somthing like 58 days to christmas i certinly don't need the coal and rotten fruit on boxing day and before.. Was that a quaker holiday or did they skip that? I think they did...

My thoughts are thus:

1. What web site wants you to send its users to a different web site? Nobody. We don't want it done on Geni and we do grant blanket approval of the use of our trademark and/or logo on other sites.

2. I keep hearing talk of "vandalising data" but I sure don't see it. It's a straw-man argument for reasons that are still completely unclear to me. If you want to prevent vandalism, don't add people you don't trust to your project.

sorry, correcting a typo: "...we do NOT grant approval of the use of our trademark and/or logo on other sites."

Anyone can edit the project description and add documents, hasn't the spammers demonstrated that for us?

What do you mean Bjørn?
As a PRO user i cannot even add a profile to a project unless i am a collaborator on that project.
Only Collaborators and Curators can edit a Project.

Triple-A has accepted approximately 30 users as Collaborators on their new project http://www.geni.com/projects/Ragnar-Lodbrog-and-his-legend/29429 but then expressedly forbidden them from editing it or at least that is what they are attempting with their statement at the end:

"This project will serve as a Singular Project Portal where feedback can be given in form of discussion amongst the active collaborators.

This project will be curated by Anette Guldager Boye.
She will be fully responsible for the actual project content and it's possible future revisions."

I am fascinated to find out what a Singular Project Portal is.

PS i notice someone cheeky has linked the two Ragnar projects on their Related Projects lists :)

I had thought that any collaborator could edit any part of a project.

Hence projects take on a life of their own as they grow and develop.

What is the point of collaborating if one cannot add information to a project ?

Alex Moes

The "link" is to a Ragnar website..... hosted by webnode.nl

Pam Karp, look very carefully.

There are two Geni projects for Ragnar, one is the platform that this Discussion was started from - http://www.geni.com/projects/Ragnar-Lodbrog/27426

The other is a "Triple-A Project" which has just been created in the last couple of days, it is the one which conatins a link to a Ducth server - http://www.geni.com/projects/Ragnar-Lodbrog-and-his-legend/29429

My comment about them being linked is referring to the Geni function which allows you to list "Related Projects" down the right hand side of the screen (i know that you already know this!), it amuses me considering the reason that the second project exists at all that someone has linked the two of them... I don't think i did it but work has been quite hectic so i may have and then forgot that it was me?

Showing 121-150 of 187 posts

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