I am thankful for your comment Justin, and I'm thinking about how to correct a profile that has disingenuous been wrong for a very long time, I'm thinking about Gorm the old, who more correct should be referred to as Gorm the younger, shortened as d.y. in each encyclopedia, on Wikipedia, in any text regarding him this fault is displayed, how do we change that at all?
How do we really advocate a total change in the mind of all established historians who works in this field? How can we make them accept that Gorm's father Knut I (Hardeknut), was adopted by Gorm the old in England, and that somehow, this older Gorm have been mixed up regarding his epithet or nickname "the old", when it should be the young?
How do we convince them that Knut I (Hardeknut) is the same person as Knut, the father of Gorm?
All the sources are the same as they have, but what more does it takes for them to accept them?
We can probably neber prove this connection beyond all doubts, but still, that shouldn't hinder us from using it as a plausible line, that compared to many other profiles here on Geni this far back, contain more than less actual grounds for being displayed, so instead of letting some few "expert" with the attitude that this line so long ago, must be proven beyond every doubt, set the level for acceptance, we should actual benefit for a more flexible interpretation of the sources that combines how the power was distributed among the leaders to their sons, and that the fact that the known exemptions still are counted on one hands five fingers, actually, I can't name anyone else just now except Sverre Sigurdsson who might or not might, have been the illegitimate son of sigurd Munn.