Please do NOT merge unsourced duplicates into the MEDIEVAL tree

Started by Sharon Doubell on Friday, July 29, 2016
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sorry PRO Private
a seemingly innocent merge like this:

actually duplicates title already extended on the suffix, also duplicated extended in the title field.

Of a new user who filled them all out like this, so the entire duplicated and innocently merged area now has a duplicate title and suffix to clean up.

--> it really doesn't make any sense to merge medieval kings, inserted by the latest arrival online T.T

Livio Scremin thanks for the notice. I deleted the prefix.

PLZ no!
--> the extended title, rightly goes in the suffix T.T

St. Erica Howton (C) at work..

-cut king parent of King of Castile and León John I DUP
- cut king husband of DUP. Eleanor, of Aragon, Queen of Portugal

3 for destroy

unless you want to go crazy with UNDO,
I have no idea how many they merged !!

Aldara Osorio

Not known wife of wiki cited Fernando de Portugal, Señor de Cifuentes

About her tree:
all new pretty colored by JPGs, but nothing written inside..
there is just a [María Fernández de Villalobos Grandmother] with link not working -_-

Source PLZ (it could be DIY Mexican Genealogy)

DUP. Esiko von Anhalt-Ballenstedt, II

Unsourced duplicate, dubious tree, very very early dates.
There's only her and her husband from a previous merge. It wouldn't be a problem to merge her, but dup husband would introduce a name conflict:

duplicate stub branch from TODAY going back very far. probably best to isolate and review. I can already see slight variances that will cause problems later on.

More stub branches from the 7/15/24 duplicates. This might be a good place to cut, as it goes back to early 1200s from here and only 1 son coming forward into the 1500s.

FYI. I followed it down toward the present and it stair steps 1 child - 1 spouse (no inlaws), then 1 child - 1 spouse to the 1800s. I would cut here. It seems to be reaching to the Dispensers in my post immediately above, which I get notices of this and some others in the same gen of my 18th g grandparents.

going back, it all seems to be directed to the English King Edward Longshanks 1200s and his wife Eleanor of Castille.
MP profile
Edward I "Longshanks", King of England

Today's new profile and stub branch (the profile doesn't show possible duplicates, but the blue boxes start with one of their daughters and then stair steps from there.)

King Edward DUP - DO NOT MERGE Plantagenet

Private - isolated the new dup tree. Thank you.

Did I?

New stub branch from TODAY 7/16/24. Seems to be a ladder with just names (slightly different spellings and few dates) so best to isolate before merges start. thanks

Please note - continues down to the present day.
I have contacted the user (based in South Africa) because everything they have loaded from their parents to Maud de Grey is a duplicate.

oldest part of the tree isolated.

From my merge center July 16, 2024: (Mary Fowell (Walrond)) The other side was added in 2016.

dear St. Erica Howton (C)
still unpleasant job for you, that too good you don't want to give them a red line of warning.


to begin with, and then to follow and examine what strange lines I want to add in the under 1000 from colombia, without writing, saying, specifying, discussing anything.

/!\ today duplicator: Leopoldo Varela Acosta

/!\ his friend already warned here & still today merger Felipe González de Otoya De Narváez /!\
on the previous page he says that:
"is the same person so I don't see any problem at all."
and you all who read and don't tell him anything are an accomplice!

Livio Scremin is the same person so... What is the problem? So for you there is no chance that we can have here in Colombia that old ancestry? This sound racist!

And I already told Leopoldo Varela Acosta that please don't duplicate proflies, but he doesn't know how to connect profiles,

And Livio Scremin I'm an Historian from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana from Bogotá, Colombia and member of Asociación de Genealogistas del Cauca Grande. So I know how to treat and analize the profiles.

Felipe González de Otoya De Narváez nobody here is a fool,
you and your partner have just restored the (C) cutted parents of Rotbald

which is suggested by wikipedia & .. yes we know it too,
and we left it written in hypertextual TEXT TAG inside in the front row of the information
(no need to duplicate everywhere to make connections!)

but now come on, let's see the source of "Pontificia Universidad Javeriana from Bogotá, Colombia" and of the "Asociación de Genealogistas del Cauca Grande." that they taught you how to treat and analize the profiles. ..i.

Not medieval but it's a large duplication

Ana Francisca Franco (old) vs Ana Francisca Franco (new). New profile adds a new son. Duplicated profiles go back to early colonial Brazil (Catherine Makheces) the other side added on June 12 and adds another son. This new son leads down to Moses Morgan in a stick-and-spouse tree.

From my merge center: (Margaret Whittington) The other side was imported July 7, 2024.

The import continues to William Whittington (old) vs William Whittington (new) with additional profiles heading to the present.

The Thomas Gambon tree is not really a match to the Gambon tree although I think its supposed to be, with name entry in the wrong fields?

Germán Campopiano can you clarify the intent?

And delete your duplicates??

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