Please do NOT merge unsourced duplicates into the MEDIEVAL tree

Started by Sharon Doubell on Friday, July 29, 2016
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Although the dates are different for these
Michael Higman
Michael Higman

They have the same grandson
Matthew Higman
Matthew Higman

They appear to be duplicated for 7 generations to
Robert Higman
Robert Higman

Update to I have heard from the user. They will be deleting the stick (and sometimes spouse) tree above George Whitefield Rathbun

Anna Kantenmaier
Anna Kantenmaier

and then this one seems very similar
Anna Baumann

Second attempt at duplicating the same profile (first one already isolated and removed):

Sir Renfred de Arundell

The first one (isolated and removed already):


I’m gonna tell you the same thing I told the others if you didn’t read it on my profile yes, I might be new to Geni but I’m not new to merging profiles. Been doing it for years with family search and other website websites just like with them this website does it too. It asked me to do it. It told me it was needed because it put it as an inconsistency as data conflict if none of these things should be happening with newbies or anyone in general other than you don’t you think that they need to fix that because I put it exactly like it told me to do I didn’t see anything different. It might’ve been off by a year or something and that’s it I didn’t. I don’t go around willy-nilly just virgin profiles for the fun of it. OK so just FYI I’m not playing games or something. I’m not a child. I did what the system told me to do if you all have a problem with that I suggest you take it up with them so they can fix it because I only did what it told me to do. I have no interest in medieval. I don’t even know how I ended up there and trust me. I don’t wanna go back to messing with that stuff. I’m not interested in it. I’m only trying to do my line recent maybe last 200 years is that OK?

Hi Private User

This project overview will explain why we don't want pre 1600 profiles merged

If you are getting directed to here then one of the profiles you manage must be at least 400 years old
It's probably these profiles born back in the 1400's - 2nd Baron Hungerford Robert Hungerford and 4th Baroness Botreaux Margaret Hungerford

They are duplicates of profiles that have been on Geni since 2007 and have thousands of descendants on Geni.

1606 - but if merged will cause issues with pre 1600 parents

John Cade, Sr. (I)
John Kaid

new dup tree posted today
Sir Thomas Shirley, MP

Hi PRO Brian Clinton Brown
if you find
Brian Clinton Brown
if you find other medieval duplications please report them here TNX

UNDER 1000 /!\ (C) PZL UNDO
..clean check isolate report.. usual procedure T.T

HI, PRO Dale Foresythe A920726
if you find other medieval duplications please report them here TNX

SAME UNDER 1000 tree, UNDO: -

.. admin already known T.T

OMG the duplication was there half merged from 6 months T.T :Q

Hugo de France
This is a king of france right?
duplicated in august 2024? correct? 2 0 2 4 o.O
idk, but maybe I'm wrong, or what are we talking about?

Private User - Thanks for isolating the matches against Sir John Delves, Kt.

Private User TNX but now you definitely need help:

cut parents of Count Welf Van Altdorf, DUP cut point (report his big duplication)

Hardrad, DUP single DUP


they are practically 2 duplications of the under 1000 Charlemagne tree 2021+2024
which go down to 1200 new merged disaster to be solved..

now working on Rudolph II de Cocq, Heer van Weerdenburg 1300

I'm sorry but I always find the same ADMN:
Agnes de Cock van Weerdenburg, DUP TREE
DUP tree of
Lady Agnes Hendriks van Cuyk

@Lambert I, count of Louvain MP

Lambert van Leuven (de Hainault)

Please undo the merge of the above.

Help fast! This guy has popped onto the site and is already merging tons of historical profiles plus has added himself as the son of the 7th earl Spencer -which he guaranteed is NOT!
He needs to be stopped asap and all the merges he's done reversed. The profiles seriously need to be locked, all historical and notable people. This is unsustainable and creates just more and more mess on the site. Check his activities:

James Keith Neilson

@MariaThidell; Curators and Geni staff are aware of the problems with this user. I'll forward the latest iteration.

Showing 7891-7920 of 8102 posts

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