Please do NOT merge unsourced duplicates into the MEDIEVAL tree

Started by Sharon Doubell on Friday, July 29, 2016
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Thank you Kimberly and Sharon for the responses ... that clears some things up for me :)


I have two profiles one being Mary Polly (Bozarth) Forinash her husband is listed like three times with no info what so ever and they even have her listed as her child...also there is multiple profiles for William Wallace which is possible because during the 1500 to 1550 sometimes they just had a first and last name no middle name....but sometimes they would have a nick it is possible to have more than one William Wallace...

Please post the links.

not allowing me to post profiles with @ sign attached

just post the links (as

Private User, that link is just giving me an error message - has it already been sorted?

It must have been sorted. ???

Instead of just leaving messages here I am trying out the method one of the Curators suggested of creating a duplicate of the unsourced profile and merging them so I can add it directly to the project myself. Which I just did with a William Hutchinson, one of my great grandfathers. His whole tree from him down is a mess. Some profiles are wrongly merged already and duplicates abound. I couldn't begin to sort them out so I just added William (born 1480) so someone knowledgeable can take a look.

I'm not sure which way is better. Adding the duplicate profile link to this discussion is a useful way of doing it because we can come back to you and check.
Attaching them to the project can be less useful if the profile isn't showing as having a duplicate (geni's blue box match) - because when I don't know whether the person who attached those profiles to the project is genuine, (& I can't see who attached them) I tend to leave them.

Are you saying that when I attach a profile to the project my name is not recorded as having done so? In that case I could also post a note in this discussion so you'd know it was me and could get back to me.

Several times when I posted a link in this discussion instead of adding it to the project nothing changed. Or someone else merged the profiles. Or it was ignored..

I found the William Hutchinson unsourced profile (with the blue box match) while going through the list of matches that Geni posts as related to me, so I assumed that the match would show up when I added it to the project. If you go look at the newly added profiles in the project and find William Hutchinson you'll know it was me who put it there, because I added that here. I assume I'm "genuine", but I'm not sure what you mean about a person adding a profile to the project might not be "genuine".

I just looked again at William Hutchinson and someone else has already merged the unsourced profile (look at revisions to his profile - it's the most recent one) but left the tree even more loaded with duplicates. It's really a mess

Here is a link to his profile. Then take a look at the tree

William Hutchinson

OK now I'm really confused. I just went over to the Project and there on the front page was William Hutchinson's name with me as having added it. When I clicked on the link to him it took me to his master profile, into which someone had ALREADY merged the unsourced profile. So there's no more unsourced duplicate. So does everyone who looks at it think I wrongly added him to the project? Does anyone from the project who goes to his profile look at the tree to see if everything is OK? I just feel what I'm trying to do is not working correctly.

Thanks, I've undone the merge and unlinked the duplicate from the tree. Yes I'm saying that I can't see who added the profile to the project - which is fine if Geni is showing the '1 similar profile' alert, but not fine if it hasn't found it. I'd like to safeguard against the project being used to simply get profiles out of the tree that someone doesn't like.

I only have so much time, so I check this project once or twice a week. Adding the link to the duplicate profile in this discussion has a better chance of alerting me immediately than attaching it to the project, but I do look at both. More Curators helping here might speed up response time, but as Curators are unpaid it's understandable that they don't want to be cleaning up the tree 24/7.

On the question of 'genuine' - of course you are, and the hard work you do here is very appreciated. Thankyou Abbie.

"just went over to the Project and there on the front page was William Hutchinson's name with me as having added it" - am I missing something? (and I am known to have no eye for technical details, so it's possible :-)) - Where are you seeing the name of the person who adds a profile to a project? This would be very useful to me.

As important as adding the unsourced duplicates here, is inviting the profile's manager and the merger to join us on this project.
We need everybody who is working in the Medieval tree to work with us, not against us.
As new people on Geni innocently start creating duplicates instead of requesting management, we need to invite them here to come and help with the clean up and maintenance.

I do think we're having an effect, by the way :-)

"As new people on Geni innocently start creating duplicates"

Sharon, if it was done innocently, how come most, the majority, if not all of them tries to merge them in with the originals?

:-) Can also be innocent - they don't know that they can just 'request management' ?

Sharon Doubell The "updated projects" link on my Geni home page takes me to a page that lists all the new additions to my projects. My mistake to call it the home page of the Project itself. I assume you would also have a link to your updated projects on your home page?

Ohhh, you're saying 'look under Revisions'! Of course - do you know I never even thought about that :-/ Red face.

Richard I, count of Evreux has at least 2 duplicates, plus his current two wives look like they are dupes (based on the CN from Pam).

Richard Évreux, Count
Richard, Count of Évreux

Will take a look

Could you please indicate to me if my understanding is correct, that if I want to add a profile to the Project, I paste(for exaple) this:

and someone will have a look at it and solve the duplicate?

Is this what I should continue doing in future when I come across duplicates of people born before 1700 (instead of merging such profiles myself)?

Kindly, if you could, merge the above for me.

Looking forward to your response.

Hi Private User - we don't merge them in - that's what we're trying to avoid at all costs on the medieval tree

"When the unsourced medieval duplicates get merged in by people who don't have curating tools, it takes us hours and hours -- sometimes days and days -- to clean up the tree conflicts and the data conflicts, as we merge in the rest of the line. Unless you have curating tools, please do not merge in profiles that date before 1500. This high up in the tree the potential for exponential Tree Conflict errors is far more work to fix than lower down. It also leaves the relatively well established Geni Medieval Tree in a permanent state of embarrassing chaos"
We remove them from the tree before the line gets merged in.

>Is this what I should continue doing in future when I come across duplicates of people born before 1700 (instead of merging such profiles myself)?
Yes - once you know it's a duplicate, you can paste the link here - as you did - and we'll remove it BEFORE it gets merged in.

Thank you, Sharon,.

... I have referred to "duplicates" above, but was meaning to say "matches"

Bernard Joseph Albanese claims that Conte Oberto di Milano Toscana, II is a duplicate of and should be merged with Margrave Oberto II, count of Luni.

Unfortunately he has introduced many, many, MANY duplicate profiles, some of them scarcely identifiable or not identifiable at all. (This is why you're supposed to use the Search function and *find* prominent ancestors rather than just *adding* them.)

Thanks I've invited him to the project.

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