Private User, there are more than one women with the name Elizabeth Johanna Wilhelmina Catharina Christie, the one who married Frans Engelbertus Labuschagne is the daughter of Johannes Petrus Christie and Catharina Elizabetha Beukes and not the daughter of John Christie and Wilhelmina Elizabeth Johanna Christie (Wolhuter)
Once unmerged Elizabeth Johanna Wilhelmina Catharina Labuschagne (Christie) should be merged with Elizabetha Johanna Catharina Wilhelmina Labuschagne
Private User the above can be verified on her death notice seen here https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QSQ-G9L4-HB8T?cat=195564
Private User and John Christie and Wilhelmina Elizabeth Johanna Christie (Wolhuter) did have a daughter with this name as can be seen on their death notices. although only named Elizabeth on both. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSQ8-43MF-6?i=1075... and https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSQ6-5GBR?i=561&am...
Sorry for posting so many messages, I just had to get all the relevant sources together.
Elizabeth Johanna Wilhelmina Catharina Labuschagne (Christie) is also mentioned on her mothers' death notice here: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HY-DYNQ-KNW?cat=195564
Wilhelmina Elizabeth Johanna Christie died September 10, 1907 (66) , 3 of her children are marked private and I can merge them if there are any duplicates. Please take a look and merge them for me, please.
Can someone merge them?
I need parents removed for:
His parents should be Pierre Marchand and Suzanne Jamon as per Nos Origines. Plus the fact that the other parents outlived Louis by CENTURIES. Yes, they need to be removed.
And so do the parents for this lady: Marie Françoise Morineau
The parents should be Jean Morineau and Marie Gileau.
Here is the one that was unmerged. I put a "1" on it to help you distinguish between the two.
Henry Staring
Pia Johnsson Söderström, Hon är nu bortkopplad från de felaktiga föräldrarna. Du kan fortsätta redigera profilen.