I am attempting to "self-help" but the technical issues imposed by the geni interface are beyond me. I hope one or more of the curators can jump in and comment on my ideas and questions. Here is the general situation.
I have an ancestress from the early-ish 1700's America. I am NOT one of the managers of her profile. I note that two or three of her sisters have important similarities with her that strongly suggest that either the sisters are duplicates, or there are error of attribution of spouses which need to be researched and teased out so the sibling string can be cleaned up.
I initially attempted to set up a message for all the managers of all these suspect siblings, presenting the problem, and perhaps setting up a discussion page, the idea being that we could examine the evidence and agree on merger strategies or see if anyone was dead-set against mergers (frankly this is likely, as it is common, but I felt it was worth at least attempting). Unfortunately, here's is where I got tripped up.
There are many many managers, because there are three or four siblings who potentially overlap. Some of the names of the managers are common enough as to have duplicates in the geni user database and be impossible to distinguish one from the other so I do not know if the one Geni populates into the "To" field are the "correct" person. I am trying to create single message, combining ALL the suspect profiles, and all the managers, and present the problem. If I do things one profile at a time, I'' be running between one message and the other as a go between and fail to establish contact between the managers of the different profile managers.
I think this is all due to my inexperience with geni, and there is probably a simple solution.
Of course, I could just simply be arrogant and merge all the suspect profiles, but I don't want to do this. The commonality between the profiles could well be caused by erroneous attribution of a name or a spouse creating the impression they are the same people. More information/confirmation is needed, and I am not the person to do this, even if I was the person to have identified the problem.
I am ready to just drop the problem in frustration.
Here are the profiles I am looking at that strike me as potentially worthy of examining for merger/analysis:
1.) My fourth gr-grandmother: Nancy Rebecca Washburn
(Also named Rebecca and married to my 4th gr-grfther, but birth years absurdly different)
(Named Nancy like my ancestress, but born same year as #2)