Deacon John Tewkesbury Is listed as brother of Thomas Tewksbury (who married Rebecca Foster). Is there another Dea John who is a son?
The rest is done.
Deacon John Tewkesbury Is listed as brother of Thomas Tewksbury (who married Rebecca Foster). Is there another Dea John who is a son?
The rest is done.
Deacon John Tewkesbury is the other Deacon John Tewksbury in the thread between Bill and myself.
Bill wanted to merge the two Deacon John Tewksbury profiles. I talked him out of it because the parents are different.
Sgt. Samuel Foster Not connect to anyone but his wife Sarah Foster
Sgt. Samuel Foster his wife Sarah Foster
John Johnson and MP John Johnson
his wife - Hannah Johnson and MP Hannah Johnson
support - their daughter had 3 marriages. Only the 1st is in Geni.
Another Johnson merge -
Sarah Perkins with MP Sarah Perkins
This will get the 2nd marriage into Geni.
Her last husband is David Perkins
Support for David Perkins/Sarah Johnson marriage -
Sarah Perkins has two daughters with similar names and the same birthdate - Hannah Neale and Ann Neale, of Maryland. show a daughter, Hannah being born but no further info.
Another daughter, Mehitabel Thomas, should be the wife of Israel Thomas
Source for Mehitable & Israel -
Duplicate profiles - Experience Humphreville and Experience Humphreville
Samuel Humphreville and Samuel Humphreville
Sarah Thomas is the daughter of Experience Pinion & Samuel Humphreville. See source for Mehitable Wolcott & Israel Thomas.
Mehitable Wolcott's first husband is John Ford has 2 husbands - John Ford & Israel Thomas.
Emily Kent Marget done but let’s Check on this issue:
“The consensus points to Sarah Gray as the 1st wife, having at least 6 children with Samuel - Elizabeth, Anne, Sarah, Esther, John and Thomas.”
“Experience (Pinion) Humfreville married Samuel Humfreville on 28 April 1703 in Wallingford, New Haven County, Connecticut.”
“He married, first, (although conclusive proof is wanting) Sarah, dau. of Samuel and Experience (Pinion) Humphreville, born 2 Apr. 1695. “ has the 1st wife of Israel Thomas (Person 17015) as Sarah Humpreville daughter of Samuel and Sarah Gray. Citing New Haven vital records.
I think these 2 are the same. James Westbrook, the Immigrant
MP is the 1st one
James Westbrook, the Immigrant
Marcella Nichole Hoff Your requests are done but I’m a little nervous on two husbands for both of these ladies
@Erica More info on Widdia W.P. and husband