Lisa Williford Funderburk, Genesis #AG314661C1 He’s an isolated abandoned tree, can’t be worked with currently. Ignore for now and build your own tree. If it turns out there’s a parallel we can try a merge then.

Lisa Williford Funderburk, Genesis #AG314661C1 He’s an isolated abandoned tree, can’t be worked with currently. Ignore for now and build your own tree. If it turns out there’s a parallel we can try a merge then.
Lyonell Chilton has 2 fathers. Cause - The cause has also left data conflicts.
Robert Sherman, Robert S Wakefield, Lydia Finley, Mayflower Families Through Five Generations Descendants of the Pilgrims Who Landed in Plymouth Massachusetts December 1620 Volume 15 Chilton and Moore (GSMD, Plymouth, MA: 1997)
Richard Chilton + Isabel (Unknown)
Lyonell Chilton + First Unknown wife mother of all his children: John, James, Alice, Ann and Margaret; + Second wife Isabel widow of Francis Furner and mother of Susannah and Thomas Furner (Note Isabel is not the mother of any Chilton children)
James Children + Unknown wife of the Mayflower
Most of this was published back in 1962:
John G. Hunt, "Origins of the Chiltons of the Mayflower," The American Genealogist 38(1962):244-245
What we have had published since then adds the fact that Lyonell Chilton first wife and mother of his children was most likely named Edith (Unknown) but this isn't 100% proven just likely:
Jon Wardlow, "The Likely Given Name of James Chilton's Mother," Mayflower Descendant, 62 (2013): 69-71
And that John G Hunt was wrong about the possible identity of James Chilton's wife being Susannah Furner. She is still unknown.
And then Anderson did two sketches for James Chilton in Pilgrim Migration and the Great Migration Begins. He names and unknown first wife and doesn't cite the article above noting her name may have been Edith but otherwise is consistent with the other sources. Perhaps he doesn't find the evidence for Edith's name to be convincing or perhaps he missed the article.
And we learn a little bit more about Francis Furner's daughter Susannah Furner and another sibling Annis Furner:
The 1609-1610 Excommunications of Mayflower Pilgrims Mrs. Chilton and Moses Fletcher, in The New England Historical and Genealogical Register. (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society), 153:409. [
So that leads to some problem on GENI. I tried to fix what I could but what remains:
1) James Chilton of the Mayflower was the son of first wife (probably named Edith) definitely not Isabel:
James Chilton, "Mayflower" Passenger
2) Isabel (Unknown) wife of Richard Chilton is shown on GENI as Isabel Talmache daughter of Lionel Tollemach and Edith Joyce with no supporting evidence. From what little I've read online no serious genealogist has proposed this and someone on the Internet possibly thought she was a daughter based on the name "Lionel" of her son leading them to believe her father must be a Lionel. But there is no daughter named Isabel of Lionel Talmache. The maiden name and parents of Isabel is unknown still.
3) We now have a pending merge for Lyonell Chilton that needs to be completed:
4) Then we have a Richard Chilton b 1505 locked as son of Lyonell Chilton b 1539 which is not only impossible, Lyonell never had a son named Richard. This Richard was probably originally supposed to be the first generation Richard and needs to be unlocked and merged at the beginning of the tree:
5) The father of the first generation Richard Chilton is unknown but users keep changing his name to Richard adding another generation without evidence. We should lock the name on this profile as NN. In fact the most likely father of Richard was a William Chilton (John G Hunt above) but this isn't proven:
6) Nothing is published about a third husband named Nicholas Graunt of Isabel so I removed him but Isabel's relationships should be locked so he doesn't come back.
7) No published work shows that Alice Chilton or John Chilton of this family married. It is possible they did but the burden of identity is high for a Mayflower family and if these marriages and children can't be proven to belong to this specific family I think they should be removed. But I didn't remove them. Personally I think they should be removed unless we can prove via probate records, etc. that these marriages and their respective children belong to this family. But perhaps there are other opinions. I'm a purist:
8) Joel Chilton I removed as son of Lyonell Chilton. It has been proven he was actually son of James Chilton (based on his death record) and should be merged but I don't have permission to do so or to leave a source on the profile (see New England Ancestors Magazine 8.2:39 2007
I haven't checked the first two generations of James Chilton on GENI but if you want me to I can. I have his MF book here. I hope all this isn't too overwhelming.
Going down to the second generation Isabella2 Chilton m Roger Chandler:
They only had four children:
i SAMUEL3 b. Leyden, Holland, bef. 15 Oct. 1622; prob. d.y.*
ii SARAH b. Leyden bef. 15 Oct. 1622 m about 1640 Solomon Leonard
iii MARY b. late 1620's m by 1649 John Bundy
iv MARTHA b. late 1620s m. by 1653 Edmund Buff
These children need to be removed:
I verified this in:
1) Robert Sherman, Robert S Wakefield, Lydia Finley, Mayflower Families Through Five Generations Descendants of the Pilgrims Who Landed in Plymouth Massachusetts December 1620 Volume 15 Chilton and Moore (GSMD, Plymouth, MA: 1997/reprint 2013)
2) The Great Migration Begins for Roger Chandler pp 330-32
3) Anderson's more recent book Pilgrim Migrations pp 101-3
And also TAG 27:1-6
And TAG 37:212-15
Second generation Mary Chilton m John Winslow:
Mary Winslow, "Mayflower" Passenger
Using the same four sources above GMB GMB 2027-30 and PM 511-15 for John Winslow and MF Chilton 15:5-7; and the two TAG articles above.
They had 10 children only: John, Susanna; Mary, Edward, Sarah, Samuel, Isaac, Joseph, Child, Benjamin
These children need to be removed and relationships locked:
Here is another Mayflower Passenger:
John Billington, "Mayflower" passenger
Parents Unknown, wife is Eleanor (Unknown). We need to disconnect these parents and put an unknown on Eleanor's maiden name and give both of them locked NN parents. The Mayflower Society has done very thorough review of his family in the second edition published 2014-2018 (Vol 21 which I have). This is a "spare no expense" three volume set. If anything was known conclusively beyond this generation it would have be included. The Francis Longland lease gives us an origin near Cowbit (near Spaulding, Lincolnshire) but nothing more.
Chilton cleanup almost done, but I’m finding notes concluding that James (Mayflower passenger) was son of the 2nd wife, Isabel:
“Lyonell - source shows Lyonell's marriage to first wife Edith 30 May 1547 or 1557, and shows 5 children., James, John, Alice, Anne and Margaret. b. Abt 1556- Abt 1560 (an approximation), so assuming James is with second wife, Isabel, the first four children may have been with the first wife, Edith. (ADH Sr.)”
Oh, never mind - I found a more recent citation saying James is from the first wife
"The will of Lyonell "Chylton", a yeoman of considerable property residing in St, Paul's Parish, dated 7 Sept. 1582 and proved 13 Feb. 1582/83, named sons John and James Chilton, daughters Alice, Anne and Margaret, wife, Isabell and her children - Thomas Furner and Susannah Furner. To sons James he left two tenements in Canterbury. Isabell was evidently a recent 2nd wife of Lyonell. and not James mother (whose name is unknown)." The Mayflower Quarterly Aug. 1977 pg. 81/82.
I am contacting you about this profile: Mary Adgate
Can we safely add Richard Bushnell first husband and his line to this profile?
Anne Elizabeth Jackson
Marie Mary Benedict
Erica Howton
Would you look at profile of Mary Adgate someone changed her relationships to ex-partner for two of her husbands
Private User & Angus Wood-Salomon I see no proof of marriage to Daniel Benedict - i
think there’s a mixup with a different Mary Marvin.
I’ll see if undo merge helps.
Can we lock these NN parents to Christian Penn?
Three of these sources are from 2014 or later and she has been studied in depth and no solid connection has been made to her origins:
Harriet Hodge, Mayflower Families Through Five Generations Descendants of the Pilgrims Who Landed in Plymouth Massachusetts December 1620 volume 21 Fifth Generation Descendants of John Billington (GSMD, 2014) 2nd ed revised John Bradley Arthaud 1-14
Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration Begins p 1423
Robert Charles Anderson, Pilgrim Migration 352
Robert Charles Anderson, The Great Migration Directory
Pymouth Colony Records 12:6
Three ELISHA ROOTs with birth years 1703, and sons' of John Root
Elisha Root
Elisha Root
ttps://Elisha Root
I am looking for the father of Joseph Root of Westfield, born abt 1743 who married Elizabeth Adams of Suffield in November 1767 and MAYBE is the Joseph Root who died in Otis or Sandisfield, MA in 1828.
The marriage record in Westfield shows Joseph Root Jr., but many trees/websites show he is the son of Elisha Root but I cannot find sources to prove he is the right Joseph Root of Westfield who married Elizabeth Adams of Suffield.
A Joseph & Elizabeth are in Otis, MA having children in 1784 and 1801, but if they married in 1767, seems a long time before having a namesake in 1784, so I am thinking that the Westfield couple married in 1767 might be another Joseph Root and Elizabeth.
Thanks for pointing out the duplicate Elisha Roots. I merged them. I checked this source which has some references to the Roots of Westfield but didn't find anything to help:
Journal of Rev. John Ballantine Minister of Westfield, MA 1737-1774 Compiled by George Ballentine (Heritage Books, Inc 2002)
Root genealogical records. 1600-1870. Comprising the general ... Root, James Pierce, 1829-1887. Indicted Joseph Root son of Elisha was born 5 Dec 1743 and died 13 Sep 1828 aged 85:;view=1up;seq=352
So that seems to fit the burial monument:
Do you know how to work with Land Records on I would suggest checking the land record indexes for Root and Scott and see if you can find deeds that explicitly detail family relationships. First check the Index for the county for the surname you want and find the date book and page numbers listed. Then find that book and find the page. Then you can read the whole deed.
Here's is the start page you want to select specific counties:
Be sure to double check which dates counties started and when you target city was in that county because it changes over time.
You need to check both the Grantor and the Grantee index for each county. For example here is the Root section in Hampden "Deed index (grantee) 1636-1800 A-Z" image 595 page 358
And page a bit forward and here are the grantee records for Joseph Root in Hampden:
And here is the index for Elisha Root for Hampden:
When you read the deed in the text it should tell you where they got to right to the land. They may say from the grandfather X and then you have it. Some of the deeds are estate deeds and they may be executed by the admin after the person is dead.
And there are several pages for root. Note the book and page number and date of any deed you want to look up. But You also need to check the Grantor index.
Here's the Hampden GrantorDeed index (grantor) 1636-1800 L-Z Root image 200 page 383+:
Once you find a deed in the county you want to look at go back to the main page and select the volume you want and find the page:
Berkshire Deed index (grantee) 1761-1830 vol 1 for Root image 304:
Specifically Joseph A Root your ancestor on image 306:
Roland Henry Baker, III
John Billington, "Mayflower" passenger Family updated.
Can you post a link to the Christian Penn you mean ?
Berkshire Deed index (grantor) 1761-1830 vol 1 image 328 for Joseph A Root:
You can also search Adams, Scott, etc. And also check other counties because just because they lived in one place doesn't mean they didn't buy and sell land all over the place. I find that all the time. It's very time consuming but that's why hard working genealogist get paid the big bucks c:)
FamilySearch also has court records and probate records that aren't available on or
Good luck!
Isabel Chandler Locked down. Daughters Mary & Martha mixed up & Edmond Bruff now joined to the family.
Always more Pilgrims.
Thank you so much Roland Henry Baker, III for working on the Elisha Root profiles. I appreciate the help in trying to figure out the different Joseph's. Also the FamilySearch land deed links and hints on how to read them is very helpful. Hopefully, I can somehow decipher if Joseph of Westfield is the one who married Elizabeth Adams of Suffield.
I work very hard on my tree. Thanks again cousin!