Need help fixing Colonial American trees? Post it here!

Started by Erica Howton on Sunday, September 2, 2018
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Erica Howton Thanks for the fix

Can anyone help source & define the parents of Samuel Smith who married Mary Newberry ?

I’m working on the Stephens / Stevens side.

Thanks in advance for any advice.

Correcting last post: Samuel Smith married Jane Smith , Mary Newberry was their daughter.

Isaiah Smith Seems to have been Samuel’s father according to & his mother was Susannah Grant.

Disconnecting Ebenezer Smith as parent

Was Elizabeth Stephens the Daughter of Samuel Hawley and Mary Salvanis ? Thinks so without references.

"Connecticut Births and Christenings, 1649-1906," database, FamilySearch ( : 11 February 2018), Samuell Holly, 20 Oct 1704; citing ; FHL microfilm unknown. Son of John Holly.

This seems a different person from this Samuel Hawley who married Ruth Hawley and who has different parents listed on

Please remove Anne Fyers as a daughter of Joseph Wanton, 36th Colonial Governor of Rhode Island , she appears to have been erroneously conflated with his actual daughter, Ann Saltonstall .

Many Thanks!


Private User Done & locked relationships.

Elizabeth accused witch Kendall Was she really executed as a witch ?

This is a sad story.

According to David D. Hall's book, Witch-Hunting in Seventeenth Century New England, A Documentary History 1638-1693, pp. 24-25, "The only report of this case is John Hale's in A Modest Enquiry (1702). No one has yet been able to identify Elizabeth Kendall or to date her execution, which took place sometime between 1647 and 1651."

This is the text from Hale, with Hall's footnotes:

A woman is wrongfully blamed for a child's death

Another suffering in this kind was a woman of Cambridge, against whom a principal evidence was a Watertown nurse, who testified, that the said Kendall (so was the accused called) did bewitch to death a child of Goodman Genings (1) of Watertown; for the said Kendall did make much of the child, and then the child was well, but quickly changed its color and died in a few hours after. The court took this evidence among others, the said Genings not knowing of it. But after Kendall was executed (who also (2) denied her guilt to the death), Mr. Richard Brown (3) knowing and hoping better things of Kendall, asked said Genings if they suspected her to bewitch their child, they answered no. But they judged the true cause of the child's death to be thus, viz. the nurse had the night before carried out the child and kept it abroad in the cold a long time, when the red gum was come out upon it, and the cold had struck in the red gum, and this they judged the cause of the child's death. And that said Kendall did come in that day and make much of the child, apprehended no wrong to come to the child by her. After this the nurse was put into prison for adultery, and there delivered of her base child, and Mr. Brown went to her and told her, It was just with God to leave her to this wickedness, as a punishment for her murdering Goody Kendall by her false witness bearing. But the nurse died in prison, and so the matter was not farther inquired into.

(1) Or Jennings.
(2) John Hale's "also" refers to Mrs. Lake and Mary Johnson.
(3) A deputy to the General Court from Watertown, Massachusetts.
Source: Hale, A Modest Enquiry, pp. 18-19.

Let's hope those days never return.

Captain Nicholas Olmstead has 2 wives with similar names (and duplicate parents for her) - MP Sarah Olmstead and Sarah Olmstead (added December 2018).

I would do the merge but there are locked fields.

Thanks for the help in cleaning the 'Tree".

Sarah's branch cleaned up a bit ...

Philip Sowers
He has two sets of parents.

Colonel Ninian Beall has data conflicts and locked fields. Cause -

His son, Col. George Beall also has data conflicts. Cause -

Thanks for the help in cleaning the "tree".

Dan Cornett - Thanks for fixing Sarah Olmstead.

Hon. Col. Thomas Brooke has two full sets of parents. One set of profiles was added recently. I will send a note the culprit about late 1600s profiles.

Col. Ninian Beall,
This little fact in his profile lead me to great video on historical stuff. His time as POW with Cromwell sending him out Scotland was no picnic he was probly considered just as low as a slave video said. I was sitting thinking what must have been going through Col. Ninian Beall Head during capture being sent away from country in slaved. Then gaining freedom years later. From Skelton’s they found he must thought he was going to die every day.

Col. Ninian Beall (“… in later years he was quick to remind people that his name was not pronounced as spelled, but was a ‘Ringing Bell’…”) was born in Scotland and was a coronet in the Scottish Army. (Technically, the coronet is the crown worn by nobility and below the rank of sovereign, or king: hence, he was very highly ranked, probably a duke or earl in the Scottish feudal system). He was captured as a prisoner of war by the English during the battle of Dunbar on September 3, 1650. He was sentenced to 5 years servitude, served briefly in prison in Ireland, then sent in the hold of a prison ship with 149 other Scots to Barbados, and finally exiled to Calvert County, Maryland, where he worked out his sentence as an indentured servant. For his indenture-hood, he received 50 acres of land. His story is fascinating: he stood 7 feet tall and had flaming red hair and beard. He rose to become one of the largest landowners in all the colonies during the late 1600's, with over 18,000 acres. He was considered the Daniel Boone of Colonial America. His home plantation, the Rock of Dumbarton, included all of present day Georgetown (in present-day Washington, D.C), and one of the manor houses, Dumbarton Oaks built in ~1800, still exists and was the site of the conference in 1944 that led to the formation of the UN.

What a fighting spirt to indure all this. And just think he got on his feet had family and became prominate man to boot.


Private User Done

Erica Howton Thanks for fixing the Bealls and the Brookes.

There is a Book I Listed in Col. Ninian Beall media about Bealls and Brooks. Not sure if anyone interested. I can post to people profiles who start this line if someone let me know where they start.


Billie June Keaffaber Your help in sourcing is always appreciated. Just go ahead and add to the correct profiles when you find something good.

The book cover mentioned Ninian Beall and Robert Brooks thought might be related to Thomas Brooks mentioned here. I only know Beall Lines I hope I have right guy because there several with same name but I think I have right one. Till this post and book cover found didn’t know Brooks and Bealls connected that’s for post I learn so much about my lines from Geni posts and lines.


Gen. Jacob Tritt

He has two also looks like there are some surname problems and one profile on his tree has a person called no name for a daughter and one called "not a VA Tritts". I lost which ones they were and can't find them, but they're in his tree somewhere!


Can we look at the wife SARAH in this profile, I believe she is Sarah unknown, married Boston about 1667/1668. Thank you!

John Clark, of Plymouth & Lyme

Private User Done.

Private User Done.

I need help. :)

Thomas Wright, of Middletown

Cannot for the life of me figure out his parents. See notes in profile.

He has a rev war soldier son so is popular

Earl (Matthew) Wright

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