This Thomas Wright's family seems to be from Wethersfield, so I was dismissing him as a possibility. But the parents seem to be different from the Thomas Wright of Wethersfield you have in the profile notes.
This Thomas Wright's family seems to be from Wethersfield, so I was dismissing him as a possibility. But the parents seem to be different from the Thomas Wright of Wethersfield you have in the profile notes.
Duplicates !!! With different parents.
Erica Howton I ran a basic Google search on Thomas Wright and his wife. It yielded Tim Dowling who has his parents as Dorcas Wright and James Wright, of Middletown. The search also yielded This traces the Wright lineage to Thomas Wright (1634) of Wethersfield. Thomas had James who married Dorcas Weed. They had a son Thomas who married Elizabeth Hubbard.
I wish it was clearer because it looks quite "muddy".
Emily Kent Marget so how would we reconcile that with the report that Thomas Wright, of Middletown died at Glastonbury on an entirely different date?
This supports that family configuration in a bit more detail:
Can we bolt some no name parents to William Hall of Newport Rhode Island and Mary (Unknown not Thomas) please and also merge the two MP profiles for William Hall of Newport? Birth marriage and death dates unknown but we have will and probate dates (below).
Mary No Thomas married two both MP William Halls who are the same person:
Mary Hall
Source Great Migration Directory p William Hall origin unknown, parents unknown arrived 1638 died Portsmouth.
Portsmouth Town records 1
Rhode Island Colony Records 1:91
Austin, John O. The Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island (Genealogical Publishing Co., 1887) p 91
Alden G. Beaman. Rhode Island Genealogical Register. (The Rhode Island Genealogical Research Institute), Jan 1980.
Will dated 23 July 1675, proved 21 Aug 1675; receipts dated 31 Jan 1675/6 to 20 Feb 1677, p. 138 (hard to read). Wife Mary; sons: Zuriel Hall, William Hall & Benjamin Hall. Daughters: Elizabeth, Rebecka and Deliverance.
Rebecca Hall
- Aft 1673
Deliverance Hall
- Bef 1720/21
Elizabeth Hall
- Aft 1673
William Hall
- Aft 1673
Zuriel Hall
abt 1642 - 1691
Benjamin Hall
- Aft 1673
MP of Elizabeth Hall (Learned) dau of William:
Currently married to both John Hall of Yarmouth and John Hall of Charlestown & Dover. She should be married only to John Hall of Charlestown who d.s.p. by 1648. And hopefully we can lock her to him.
She never married John Hall of Yarmouth. She did marry John Hall of Charlestown. This per The Great Migration Begins for Learned. And this needs to be cleared up because several men named John Hall were conflated in older genealogies and they cannot be trusted. But Jacobus comes to the rescue in Ancestry of Thomas Chalmers Brainerd p 142-143 where he discusses the two men and proves beyond a doubt who is who. John Hall of Charlestown marries Elizabeth Learned before 1645 and has three children born there John b 21 SEP 1645, Elizabeth b 4 Sep 1647 and Elizabeth again 21 Nov 1648. There is no further record for anyone in this family that can be conclusively proven. (But see Deacon John Hall of Dover below – possibly the same person but possibly not. I’d prefer to keep them separate). But Jacobus and Anderson are the only two authors to get these families sorted correctly. Jacobus:
John Hall of Yarmouth had only one wife Bethia (Unknonw). See Great Migration Begins 2:840 - 844 which lists his spouse and children b 1635-1655: Samuel, John, Shebar, Joseph, Benjamin, Nathaniel, Gershom, William, Benjamin, Elisha.
Note the parents for both of these men named John Hall are unknown and The Great Migration finds no support for the theory they were from Coventry. They should have NN parents bolted on.
As an aside there was a Deacon John Hall of Dover who appeared there in 1648 (taxed). His brother was Ralph Hall of Exeter (deposition) they were probably from Ecclesfield, London (see below) and brother to Thomas Hall of London. Ralph appears in 1649 in Malden and then follows his brother to Dover and ends up in Exeter. John Hall of Dover was born 1617 (deposed age 59 in Jun 1676) died after Jan 1690 and before 4 May 1692. John Hall of Dover had a wife Elizabeth (Unknown) and proven children of John, Nathaniel, Ralph and possibly Grace. The disappearance of John Hall of Cambridge in 1648 and the appearance of John Hall of Dover in 1648 has led some to conclude they were identical. Supporting this theory is that they both had a wife Elizabeth and a son John. But there is no evidence linking the two men. Arguing against this theory is the John son of John of Cambridge was born 1645 (VR). John son of John of Dover was Constable Dover 1671-2, ‘aged 36.’ If that record is correct he was born 1635 and can’t be the John of Cambridge born 1645! It is John son of John of Dover who married Abigail Roberts. I think lacking critical evidence and indeed having at least one record that would make it impossible that John of Dover and John of Cambridge are the same person were should keep them separated. I guess it is possible the record is in error. John and Ralph of Dover are treated in the Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire. Keep in mind there were three Ralphs and Five John Hall’s living in Maine and NH at this time.
There is a possible English origin for John and Ralph Hall of Dover. Thomas Hall, turner, of London, will dated 7 Oct. 1662 proved 9 May 1663, names his brothers John and Ralph Hall and favored brother John Hall in “New England.” This is probably the correct English origin for John and Ralph Hall of Dover. His will is found in NEHGR 47:506 under Genealogical Gleaning in England. It is claimed they were bp, in Ecclesfield, John 7 July 1618 and Ralph 4 Apr. 1621, close to the age of our emigrants but I have not been able to verify these bps – they do not appear on FamilySearch or AmericanAncestors. Perhaps they are on FindMyPast or perhaps they are fiction. But the will is real.
Linda, all we know about Mary is her first name. We don't have any clue as to the origin of William & Mary Hall of Portsmouth, RI much less either of their birth dates, marriage record or Mary's maiden name. William Hall appears at Aquidneck on 8 Aug 1638 so we can presume they were born 21+ years before this date so 1617 or earlier based on a marriage age of 21 years. There is nothing linking this family back to Sundrish, Kent and no know association with the Thomas family at all. If we didn't have his land records and will besides his fremanship and admittance record we would know almost nothing of his existence.
Thristam Thomas of Sundrish, Kent in his will dated 21 Mar 1638 does name a minor daughter Mary. As a minor in 1638 she must have been born after 1617. But there is no evidence at all that she married to William Hall. Some of this family ended up in Virginia, Maryland and Canada but I don't see any connection to New England.
Needless to say you can't disprove an assertion that has no basis in evidence. I could claim her father was Santa Claus and no one could disprove this. In this case there is absolutely no reason to even suggest there is any connection between these two families.
Was there a Thomas Wright married at Middletown CT on 11/03/1715 to an Elizabeth ?
Was there a Thomas Wright died at Glastonbury CT on May 24, 1749?
I’d like to merge Thomas Wright, of Middletown & Thomas Wright of Middleton together, this my only hesitation now.
Hester ‘Esther’ Fox Was a complicated lady.
She’s been on Geni as the wife of John Andrews, Jr., of Farmington
But that cannot be, as he died after she remarried to John John Allyn
She then married again to Samuel Fox, of Concord & New London Has an an extract of her estate.
So my question is:
Which John Andrews, of the Plymouth Colony was her 1st husband?
Help appreciated.
Can't find anything on John. This seems fairly comprehensive:;view=ful... .
But, here is her burial: and
Savage doesn’t have this John of Plymouth ! I’ll check Pope.
This is definitely Ester Fox
"Rhode Island Deaths and Burials, 1802-1950," database, FamilySearch ( : 10 February 2018), Ester Fox, 26 Aug 1737; citing Barrington, Bristol, Rhode Island, reference Note 3002 p9; FHL microfilm 22,366
Good ones, thanks !
Samuel Munson has 2 wives with similar names. Also, most of his children were duplicated. In addition, his tree is a mess.
Martha Elcock her half-siblings are all duplicates of her siblings.
Margaret Hayden Has been on Geni as parents unknown (perhaps Birdseye).
There is now supporting evidence / professional consensus for her as daughter of James Harvey, of Ilkeston
”In September 2017 I led a tour to Derbyshire, England, in search of my Puritan ancestors William Wilcockson and his wife Margaret. They came to New England on the Planter in 1635 with their two-year-old son John Wilcockson and Ann Harvie, whom I believe to be Margaret’s sister. They came during the Puritan Great Migration 1620-1640. With them on the Planter were Margaret’s first cousins Richard Harvie and his sister Mary Harvie with her husband William Beardsley and their three children Mary, John and infant Joseph. ...”
Also see a long discussion at
Hatte Rubenstein Blejer I’ve set up a profile here if we agree - everyone welcome to chime in please.
Her husband William Wilcockson, of Stratford also had wrong parents so working on that.
Emily Kent Marget Samuel Munson line should be complete but I will be checking again - this is a line for me.
Elizabeth Knight has 3 sets of parents!
Recent merges for her -,,, - but none of them have parents issues. (...???)
Her husband, William ll Knight, of Romsey, also has 3 sets of parents. I could not find any merges that would cause the multiple parent issue.
The user - Mike - has caused some of the duplicates.
Hon. William Collier, of London & Duxbury has 2 full sets of parents. The 2nd set was added 3/22/19.
I'm thinking this may be the result of a GEDCOM import. The lineage of Mary Sarah Collier has been duplicated as well - (all added 3/22/19 by the same user) Sir Isaac Voss, Geraert Voss, Aert Geraertse Voss, Beatrix Daniel Voss and Elisabeth Vos
Emily Kent Marget Thank you for calling attention. It’s not a Gedcom import: you would see that as an “imported by” in the revisions tab rather than “added by.” So it’s regular duplicates.
Has anyone ever seen or assembled an annual arrival/birth master file by individual person for Plymouth Colony from 1620 through its merger with the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1691? I was thinking of something along the lines of the listing of the first URL below but with the names of who was on each ship along with the names and birthdates of those born at Plymouth Colony which could be linked to their geni profile. This might help clarify the issues of some of the people in dispute.
The problem with the Massachusetts Bay Colony is that the population was so much larger, 20,000 people by 1660.
Gregory L. Barkley
Gregory Lewis Barkley We do have Geni projects for most of the arriving ships:
I don't know if this belongs here or in the Medieval discussion:
Rev. Edward Holyoke, Sr. has 2 full sets of parents - John ‘the Elder’ Holyoke & Elizabeth Wilcox and John ‘the Elder’ Holyoke & Elizabeth Wilcox.
The 2nd set looks like it may be from a GEDCOM download. It was also added today. (I have not contacted the user who added these.) There are additional profiles added up the tree of Elizabeth Wilcox by the same user.
Thanks for the help in clearing these duplicates from the "Tree".