Ahhhh! I see she is Susan now lol and my Elizabeth remains....a grandmother for me.Will you consider curating her? Thank you again, very much
Nancy Worsham (Born Kennon)

Ahhhh! I see she is Susan now lol and my Elizabeth remains....a grandmother for me.Will you consider curating her? Thank you again, very much
Nancy Worsham (Born Kennon)
Always interesting and I thank you Erica Howton.... I will try to work the area. Thank you again. Very much appreciated.
Private It’s a claimed profile and Geni CS has to unclaim so he can be edited to deceased as per https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D._A._Pennebaker
I see the profile has been reported: was that you with the request ? How long ago? You should get an email when they have unclaimed. If something has has gone wrong with the process we can open a ticket to get it fixed properly; and hopefully then any family on Geni will approve a request for MP status, certainly deserved.
Could you do some 'cleanup' & formatting on the About of Malinda's profile to make it more 'readable'?
Are there other members of that family which could also have the MP flag set? For instance, are the children and spouses -- and her parents & siblings -- all "well-known" and complete? If so, then it might be appropriate to set the MP flag on all the family members and to set her Relationship Lock.
Please consider mastering profiles to prevent confusion.
My largest group of DNA matches on Ancestry are Honeycutt.
Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087 -- that's a duplicate of a Master Profile, Foulques IV "le Réchin" de Château-Landon, Comte d'Anjou