Curators: My profile is good enough to be a Master Profile!

Started by Mike Stangel on Wednesday, February 6, 2019
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Showing 1651-1680 of 1703 posts

Lt. Jacob Bledsoe, Sr. Looks very nice now.

Thank you so much Erica Howton

My two cents about Master Profiles..... there are a lot of shared tree 'haters' out there ~ I've seen it a LOT in Facebook and other online genealogy groups. Most people don't seem to take the time to learn the difference between Geni, WikiTree, FamilySearch, and the single tree options. I see a lot of complaining about other people messing up 'MY' work and 'MY' tree.

I think the Master Profiles, Curators, and Managers give Geni a distinct advantage over any other option out there, and it's the only truly collaborative world tree. Until I have had so much more time to work on my profiles during the plague, I don't think I completely understood the purpose of the Master Profiles either. I'm not sure I had ever asked for any profiles to be made MP's until this year. I've started doing that because it's the basic protection that the other sites really don't and can't offer.

The one I'm submitting today literally has not been updated since 2011, and I've seen a few untouched since 2007. He's a third cousin once removed, so it's someone I might come back to later if I have time, but I still like to add the easy to find information. I didn't spend a huge amount of time working on it, but I'm pretty sure the basics are all correct and it looks a lot nicer that it did this morning, so I'd like to see it stay that way!

I honestly don't think I've ever had anyone 'vandalize' any of my work, but that seems to be THE major objection to collaborative trees. I think MP's would be a good marketing strategy for those people ~ LOL!

Frank Elihu Durham

P.S. I'd like to thank all of the Curators as well ~ you guys do an awesome job! Wish it was a job, I'd really enjoy my work then!

Elizabeth Sharon Henry

Robert Hugh Henry

First Pioneers of Robertson County, TX in 1832

Pamela Anne Schuwerk Mittman Stigall -- I've MPed that profile for you.

And yes! Master Profiles, field-locking, and relationship-locking are huge selling points for Geni. The other collaborative trees don't provide all the features we have for ensuring that work doesn't have to keep being repeated.

Pamela Anne Schuwerk Mittman Stigall I enjoyed your new MP. Do you think his Daniel Sawyer is from Lt. Samuel Sawyer

Here's one the family genealogy books tried to bury since I always dig deep for documentation, can't re-write history nor our genealogy, it is what it is, this is why I like documentation- Yes, even now families should apologize to other ones, they do appreciate it, generations later- even if we aren't directly responsible.

William Green Hill bad seed.

Ella Ione Hill

Eugene Edgar Hill, I he married a Claiborne cousin haha

Mary Waddell Hill

Dorothy Jane Hill

John Henry Jack Underwood

Eugene Edgar Hill, II

Don Kelley Hill

Jeanne Claire Hill

Eugene Edgar Hill, II

Suzan Martin

All mastered. Interesting group! I've an affinity for Texans, being the mother of two, both born in Austin, and from eastern Travis County. My son was baptized in New Sweden. If you have any more send them my way.

Your 11th cousin once removed,


Thank you for your hard work and dedication as a curator-

I have a ton of Texas profiles completed, just don't want to flood too many at a time.

A cousin line to me, not direct:
Lt. Col. Peril Columbus Haynes

Jacob Jasper White

Can you MP this profile? Thank you,
J. Daniel Peardon

Done, Private User -- can we get her parents added?

Same with Martha Jane Coston -- I MPed due to notability, but we could really use at least het parents.

Thank you @Ashley Odell

Thank you Private User

Private User, parents added.

Private User, Done.

Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087, The information in Judy Alloway Israel's profile (locations and dates) does not match what is in her about section. Perhaps some quality sources (not un-cited internet trees) might be helpful to clear up the confusion. Also, the U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 (to which there is an link) is not a reputable source. It's name is really misleading as it really has nothing to do with "Records" at all. It is just compilations of marriages from personal family trees from the 1980s. I have no idea what Ancestry was thinking when they gave it that name. Can we find a proper citation for her marriage?

Tamás Flinn Caldwell-Gilbert, a screenshot is in her media

My tree is not based on public trees.

Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087 done. I still have a question about the birth date. July 12, 1780 is very specific, while the about section only says born about 1780. Is there a source for her exact birth date, or is circa 1780 an approximation based on her marriage in 1801?

Thank you Tamás Flinn Caldwell-Gilbert. I will add to it.

Showing 1651-1680 of 1703 posts

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