Berry Gordy Jr. - Music & Presidents

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Showing 31-60 of 83 posts

Jacqueli Charlene Finely we are 12th cousins!

So I have this theory about the Democratic candidates. Only Biden is eligible as a contender because I'm related to him.
(I'm NOT related to Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker or Bernie Sanders. LOL.)

~ M. Foss N

P.S. I'm still NOT related to Woodrow Wilson, but I'm related to Jacqueli and all other U.S. Presidents and to all but two Vice Presidents.

For Vice Presidents I'm NOT related to:
* Elbridge Gerry
* Thomas Andrews Hendricks

Our ancestry, Presidents, DNA and blood is non-partisan. USA is a Republic based on Democratic ideologies.

Elections are the vote of the people ...

Ultimately (my Theory) it is up to God.

In my humble opinion.

Also did you know... Trump is closer to Obama than to HRC!?

Barack H. Obama, 44th President of the USA is Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the USA's 13th cousin 6 times removed.

Hillary Rodham Clinton, 67th U.S. Secretary of State is Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the USA's 17th cousin twice removed.

Elbridge Gerry, 5th Vice President of the United States is:

4th cousin 2 times removed of Herman Melville (Author of Moby Dick)
4th cousin 4 times removed of Tennessee Williams (Author of A Streetcar Named Desire)
4th cousin 5 times removed of John Ernst Steinbeck Jr. (III) (Author of The Grapes of Wrath)
4th cousin 6 times removed of Linda Hamilton (TV and Movie Actress)
4th cousin 6 times removed of Gerald Ford, 38th President of the United States
4th cousin 7 times removed of Raquel Welch (Movie Actress)


M. Foss N....
Lie you, I'm related to ALL of the U.S. presidents EXCEPT Woodrow Wilson, and I'm related to all of the Vice Presidents EXCEPT Elbridge Gerry & Thomas Andrews Hendricks!

But here's the difference between us, which might upset your theory...
Sen. Elizabeth Warren is my 15th Cousin 3x Removed
(and for anyone who cares, I'm 15% Native American, my mother is 25% and her father is 55%, and I demonstrated to congress that Warren is in fact my cousin and that she is demonstrably related to AT LEAST three Cherokee Chiefs).

ANYwho... but I'm also not related to Kamala Harris, Cory Booker or Bernie Sanders.

BUT, Beto O'Rourke (our next president) is my 17th Cousin 1x Removed.

"Lie you" was meant to be "Like you"

Raquel Welch is my 12th cousin.
She' not directly related to Berry Gordy, but she IS 10th cousin of Jimmy Carter who is Berry's 2nd cousin.

Funny story... when I was a kid in the late 70s/early 80s, I loved watching the Muppet Show; but when Raquel Welch did a raunchy dance wearing a skimpy dress when she was a guest on the show, my mom yelled, "Turn that filth off!" and the Muppet Show was permanently banned in our home. If only Mom had known back then that I was gay and that I couldn't have cared less if she was buck-naked...!! LOL.

It's fun to speculate with you Cuz James! So let me start... You may be independently related to Elizabeth Warren, but just because your heritage is of the indigenous people, doesn't mean that Elizabeth has that portion of your genes. For example, I'm related to Obama, but I haven't any African heritage. I'm related to Obama through his mama.

Beto O'Rourke is my 19th cousin (so your guy has a shot at becoming President one day)! BTW, Check to see if you have Elvis Presley & Walt Disney!

Also LOL, on the "lie" vs. "like" =) I got a kick out of that one. Have a super day.

I added all the links into overview of following profile, plus 1 source....

Daniel Hendricks

This is the main one to look at....dna

Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State & First Lady of the United States is:

9th cousin of Justin Trudeau, 23rd Prime Minister of Canada
9th cousin oféline-Dion/6000000002743345797
9th cousin of Chris Pratt (Fiancée of Katherine Schwarzenegger)
9th cousin of Kelsey Grammer
9th cousin once removed of Madonna
9th cousin 3 times removed of Unknown Profile (Husband of Unknown Profile)
10th cousin once removed of Melissa Benoist

Check to see how it's for you:
Marilyn Monroe is my 14th cousin four times removed.
John Wayne is my 19th cousin.
Audrey Hepburn is my 14th cousin twice removed.
It starts to get boring after a while. LOL.

When I first realized that I was blood to about every famous person that I could think of, it was exciting. Now, I still think it's kinda neat when I discover someone new....and I add them into my overview. People don't believe me when I tell them I'm blood to so many famous people. My husband rolls his eyes at me when I mention someone new....and he says " Yea...right". He asked me one time if I figured out if he was blood to anyone famous yet, and I responded with " marriage." He saw no humor in that.

I guess this all plays into gent's show that we all connect. It doesn't matter what color you are....what age you are....what financial status you are....

We all have the same red blood running thru our veins, and in the end....we will all have to face death. Enjoy the time that we are given here. Take in all of it's beauty.

It's important to remember that EVERY human being that has ever lived is a "blood" relation, or cousin, to EVERY other human being via EVERY single branch of their ancestry.

It's simply a case of determining the MRCA (Most Recent Common Ancestor) between any two given individuals (if possible given the evidence that exists).

So, the question isn't "IF" someone is related to somebody else, but "HOW" exactly are they related.

An interesting upshot of this is that not only may your parents, grandparents, etc. be related by marriage but they may also unknowingly be 15th cousins twice removed, for example.

Many genealogists have discovered, not only who the common ancestor is between their parents or grandparents, but also between themselves and their partners.

Of course, this also means that we are all our own cousins many times over!

The following also makes for interesting reading:

I'm happy to be related to Erica, Janet, Jacqueli, Diana, etc.

And I'm elated that I'm NOT RELATED to Nancy Pelosi! LOL
Nancy Pelosi, 52nd Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives

An important thing to bear in mind is that DNA is only 50% of a person's heritage. Genealogy is the other 50%. We need both to properly connect to our past. We have a much bigger heritage than just what shows in our DNA test. For example, I have found MANY people of African heritage in my genealogy, but my DNA and my parent's DNA shows none. BUT, my mother's sister (my aunt) shows several African markers in her DNA - and she & my mother have the same parents. ALL of the African relatives of my aunt are also my relatives by genealogy, even though I see no African in my DNA.
Ditto with Elizabeth Warren; her DNA may not have shown a huge Native America percentage, but she is most certainly of Native American genealogy. :)

Yes, I am related to both Walt Disney & Elvis Presley (Elvis is Walt's 9th Cousin).
My brother is a professional Elvis tribute artist with multiple accolades including nine GigMaster awards (, so it was exciting for him to discover that connection. Here's a few of my connections:

1st U.S. President George Washington - 10th Cousin 9x Removed
2nd U.S. President John Adams Jr. - 6th Cousin 7x Removed
3rd U.S. President Thomas Jefferson - 9th Cousin 9x Removed
4th U.S. President James Madison - 8th Cousin 10x Removed
5th U.S. President James Monroe - 11th Cousin 7x Removed
6th U.S. President John Quincy Adams - 7th Cousin 6x Removed
7th U.S. President Andrew Jackson - 12th Cousin 7x Removed
8th U.S. President Martin Van Buren - 18th Cousin 5x Removed
9th U.S. President William Henry Harrison - 12th Cousin 7x Removed
10th U.S. President John Tyler - 12th Cousin 8x Removed
11th U.S. President James K. Polk - 12th Cousin 6x Removed
12th U.S. President Zachary Scott Taylor - 12th Cousin 7x Removed
13th U.S. President Millard Fillmore - 12th Cousin 6x Removed
14th U.S. President Franklin Pierce - 6th Cousin 6x Removed
15th U.S. President James Buchanan - 13th Cousin 5x Removed
16th U.S. President Abraham Lincoln - 12th Cousin 6x Removed
17th U.S. President Andrew Johnson - 16th Cousin 6x Removed
18th U.S. President Ulysses S. Grant - 13th Cousin 5x Removed
19th U.S. President Rutherford B. Hayes - 11th Cousin 5x Removed
20th U.S. President James A. Garfield - 8th Cousin 4x Removed
21st U.S. President Chester A. Arthur - 6th Cousin 5x Removed
22nd & 24th U.S. President Grover Cleveland - 9th Cousin 5x Removed
23rd U.S. President Benjamin Harrison - 8th Cousin 4x Removed
25th U.S. President William McKinley - 14th Cousin 4x Removed
26th U.S. President Theodore ‘Teddy’ Roosevelt - 12th Cousin 6x Removed
27th U.S. President William H. Taft - 9th Cousin 3x Removed
28th U.S. President Woodrow Wilson - husband of 7th Great Grand Aunt’s 1st Cousin 4x Removed
29th U.S. President Warren G. Harding - 9th Cousin 4x Removed
30th U.S. President Calvin Coolidge - 13th Cousin 4x Removed
31st U.S. President Herbert C. Hoover -10th Cousin 4x Removed
32nd U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt - 9th Cousin 5x Removed
33rd U.S. President Harry S. Truman - 15th Cousin 3x Removed
34th U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower - 20th Cousin 3x Removed
35th U.S. President John F. Kennedy - 15th Cousin 3x Removed
36th U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson - 15th Cousin 4x Removed
37th U.S. President Richard M. Nixon - 15th Cousin 4x Removed
38th U.S. President Gerald R Ford - 10th Cousin 2x Removed
39th U.S. President Jimmy E. Carter - 15th Cousin 2x Removed
40th U.S. President Ronald W. Reagan - 13th Cousin 1x Removed
41st U.S. President George H.W. Bush - 10th Cousin 1x Removed
42nd U.S. President William J. Clinton - 17th Cousin 1x Removed
43rd U.S. President George W. Bush - 11th Cousin
44th U.S. President Barack H. Obama - 18th Cousin
45th U.S. ‘President’ Donald J. Trump - 16th Cousin 2x Removed

1st Lady of USA Anna Harrison wife of 9th President - 6th Cousin 6x Removed
1st Lady of USA Elizabeth Truman wife of 33rd President - 8th Cousin 3x Removed
1st Lady of USA Eleanor Roosevelt wife of 32nd President - 9th Cousin 5x Removed
1st Lady of USA Martha Washington wife of 1st President - 9th Cousin 9x Removed
1st Lady of USA Martha Jefferson wife of 3rd President - 10th Cousin 8x Removed
1st Lady of USA Nancy Reagan wife of 40th President - 12th Cousin
1st Lady of USA Edith Roosevelt wife of 26th President - 13th Cousin 6x Removed
1st Lady of USA Abigail Adams wife of 2nd President mother of 6th President - 13th Cousin 7x Removed
1st Lady of USA Abigail Filmore wife of 13th President - 14th Cousin 8x Removed
1st Lady of USA Jacqueline Kennedy wife of 35th President - 15th Cousin 2x Removed
1st Lady of USA Caroline Harrison wife of 23rd President- 15th Cousin 3x Removed
1st Lady of USA Elizabeth Monroe wife of 5th President- 16th Cousin 4x Removed
1st Lady of USA Mary Ann Todd Lincoln - 17th Cousin 8x Removed
1st Lady of USA Michelle Obama wife of 44th President - 20th Cousin

U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney - 11th Cousin 1x Removed
U.S. Vice President Spiro Agnew & Governor of Maryland - 14th Cousin 4x Removed
U.S. Vice President John Cabell Breckinridge & Confederate Traitor - 14th Cousin 5x Removed
U.S. Vice President Joe Biden & U.S. Senator (Delaware) - 15th Cousin 4x Removed
U.S. Vice President Mike Pence & Governor of Indiana & Opponent of Human Rights - 19th Cousin
U.S. Vice President Al Gore Jr. & Senator & Congressman (Tennessee) - 19th Cousin 1x Removed

US Secretary of the Interior John Palmer Usher & Mayor of Lawrence Kansas - 8th Cousin 6x Removed
US Secretary of War Robert Todd Lincoln & 1st Son of USA - 13th Cousin 5x Removed
US Secretary of the Treasury Salmon P Chase & Chief Justice of SCOTUS - 13th Cousin 6x Removed

Susan B. Anthony, suffragette - 6th Cousin 6x Removed
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, suffragette - 13th Cousin 5x Removed
Alice Paul, suffragette - 21st Cousin 4x Removed

Saint Olga, Grand Duchess Olga of Kiev the Slaughterer - 32nd Great Grandmother
Saint Cadwallader, King of Welsh Gwynedd - 39th Great Grandfather
Saint Arnoul, Bishop of Metz – capital of the Austrasia Empire - 41st Great Grandfather
Saint Dode Clothilde de Heristal, wife of Saint Arnoul Bishop of Metz - 41st Great Grandmother
Saint Ladislaus (Laszlo), King of Hungary - 33rd Great Grand Uncle
Saint Patrick of Ireland - 55th Great Grand Uncle
Saint Louis, King Louis IX King of France - 1st Cousin 26x Removed
Saint Stephen, King Stephan of Hungary - 1st Cousin 35x Removed
Muhammed, founder of Islam - 1st Cousin 47x Removed
Saint Elizabeth (Isabel), Queen Isabel of Aragon of Portugal - 4th Cousin 24x Removed
Pope Innocent III, ruthless violence against Christians, Jews & Muslims - 7th Cousin 27x Removed
Lizzie Borden, accused of brutally slaying parents with a hatchet - 8th Cousin 3x Removed
Herman Webster Mudgett aka Henry Howard “H.H.” Holmes, Chicago serial killer - 8th Cousin 5x Removed
L Ron Hubbard, founder of satanic Dianetics/Scientology cult - 10th Cousin 2x Removed
Cotton Mather, puritan minister of Boston’s Old North Church, Salem Witch Trial judge - 10th Cousin 13x Removed
Pope Innocent X, said to have had a scandalous affair with his dead brother’s widow - 11th Cousin 15x Removed
John Wayne Gacy, executed for raping, torturing and killing more than 30 boys & men - 12th Cousin 4x Removed
Paul Crouch Sr, founder of Trinity Broadcasting Television Corporation - 13th Cousin 3x Removed
William Ruble & Family, founders 19thC. Pentecostals village now overrun by Satanists - 13th Cousin 6x Removed
Mary Baker Eddy, founder of Christian Science cult - 14th Cousin 6x Removed
Billy Graham, crusader of American Radical Christianity - 15th Cousin 4x Removed
Jeffrey Dahmer, Atheist cannibal serial killer - 16th Cousin 3x Removed
Jim Jones, founder of People’s Temple cult mass murderer - 16th Cousin 3x Removed
Dennis Rader, the BTK Serial Killer of Wichita - 18th Cousin
John Knox, Scottish Protestant Reformer - husband of 3rd Cousin 17x Removed

Mehitable ‘Goody/Maria Hallett’ Brown, lover of Pirate Samuel Bellamy of Whydah - 4th Cousin 10x Removed
Admiral Sir Henry Morgan, founder of the Buccaneers, privateer, pirate - 8th Cousin 11x Removed
Sir Francis Verney, Pirate - 8th Cousin 13x Removed
Palsgrave Williams of Rhode Island, pirate commander under Samuel Bellamy - 9th Cousin 10x Removed
Pedro de Alvarado Contreras, Spaniard Conquistador of Mexico & Guatemala - 9th Cousin 16x Removed
Ponce de Leon, Spaniard Conquistador - 9th Cousin 17x Removed
Thomas Sparrow, pirate - 10th Cousin 12x Removed
Hernan Cortes Marquis of the Valley of Oaxaca, Spaniard Conquistador - 11th Cousin 14x Removed
Christopher Columbus, Discoverer & Governor & Viceroy of West Indies - husband of 6th Cousin 21x Removed

Bill Nye ‘the Science Guy’, Atheism televangelist - 10th Cousin 2x Removed
Johns Hopkins, of Johns Hopkins University & Hospital - 11th Cousin 8x Removed
Thomas Edison, scientist & inventor, discovered Direct Current electricity - 12th Cousin 6x Removed
Elisha Graves Otis, inventor of the Passenger “Safety” Elevator - 12th Cousin 7x Removed
Maria Mitchell, 1st female American astronomer - 14th Cousin 4x Removed
Charles Darwin, author of Origin of Species the bible of Fascism, Nazism, Communism - 14th Cousin 6x Removed
Colin Campbell, noted food scientist & technology expert - 15th Cousin 3x Removed
Marchese Guglielmo Marconi, inventor of Transatlantic Telegraphy Communications - 17th Cousin 3x Removed
Rosalind Elsie Franklin, co-discoverer molecular structure of DNA - 24th Cousin 2x Removed
Nikola Tesla, scientist/ inventor, discovered A/C Alternating Current - 29th Cousin 1x Removed

James Alcorn ‘Indian’ Rector, 1908 Olympian, US Secret Service- 14th Cousin 4x Removed
Maj. Gen. Guy Vernor Henry Jr, 1912 Olympian - 17th Cousin 1x Removed
Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner, 1976 Olympian, movie & TV actor - 18th Cousin 1x Removed
Baron Pierre de Coubertin, father of the Modern Olympic Games - 18th Cousin 5x Removed

Eleanor Ekins, 1st class passenger - 14th Cousin 4x Removed
John Jacob Astor IV, real estate tycoon, millionaire, inventor, victim of Titanic sinking - 15th Cousin 3x Removed
Robert Ballard, discovered the lost RMS Titanic in the Atlantic - 18th Cousin 1x Removed

Bill Gates, founder Microsoft - 7th Cousin 3x Removed
Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, creator of the anti-masturbation food products - 8th Cousin 5x Removed
John Pierpont “J.P.” Morgan Sr, banker, founder of U.S. Steel & General Electric Co.- 8th Cousin 5x Removed
William & Sarah Winchester, founders Winchester Guns - 8th Cousin 4x Removed & wife - 8th Cousin 6x Removed
Colonel Samuel & Elizabeth Colt, founders Colt Guns - 8th Cousin 7x Removed & wife - 15th Cousin 7x Removed
John D. Rockefeller, founder Standard Oil, patriarch of Luciferian 1-world-order klan - 9th Cousin 5x Removed
David Rockefeller, old money family, Luciferian & 1-world-orderist - 11th Cousin 3x Removed
Frank Jay Gould, Virginia Railway & Electric & Power Company, Dominion Resources - 11th Cousin 4x Removed
Gloria Vanderbilt, old money family & fashion designer - 12th Cousin 2x Removed
Harvey Perley Hood, founder of Hood Dairy- 12th Cousin 5x Removed
P.T. Barnum, of the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus - 12th Cousin 7x Removed
Warren Buffett, billionaire investor & corporate giant "Oracle of Omaha" - 13th Cousin
Walter Elias Disney, founder Walt Disney Company - 13th Cousin 3x Removed
George Eastman, Kodak Camera & Film - 13th Cousin 6x Removed
Salmon P. Chase, Chase Manhattan Bank - 13th Cousin 6x Removed
George Washington Vanderbilt III, old money family & builder of the Biltmore - 14th Cousin 4x Removed
William Waldorf 2nd Viscount Astor, newspaper magnate & founder Waldorf Astoria - 14th Cousin 4x Removed
John Jacob Astor IV, real estate tycoon, millionaire, inventor, victim of Titanic sinking - 15th Cousin 3x Removed
Walter Knott, founder Knott’s Berry Farm food & amusement company - 15th Cousin 5x Removed
Elon Musk, of Tesla Motors & Space-X - 16th Cousin
Sam Walton, founder of Walmart & Sam’s Club - 16th Cousin 3x Removed
Harry Burnette Reese, founder Reese’s Candy Company - 17th Cousin 2x Removed
James Cash Penney, founder J.C. Penney Dept. Stores - 17th Cousin 5x Removed
Milton S. Hershey, founder Hershey Chocolate Company - 19th Cousin 4x Removed

Edward Gorey, artist macabre - 10th Cousin 2x Removed
Frank Lloyd Wright, architect & artist - 16th Cousin 3x Removed
Ansel Adams, vintage photographer - 18th Cousin
Grandma Moses, artist - 19th Cousin 3x Removed
Michealangelo, artist & sculptor - 19th Cousin 15x Removed
Toulouse Lautrec, artist of the Moulin Rouge - 20th Cousin 6x Removed
Vincent van Gogh, artist - 24th Cousin 2x Removed

THE PRESS (so far)
Anderson Cooper - 13th Cousin 1x Removed
Walter Cronkite - 14th Cousin 2x Removed
William Randolph Hearst - 17th Cousin 3x Removed

SPORTS (so far)
Tug McGraw, baseball - 10th Cousin
Tim Tebow, football - 10th Cousin 1x Removed
Briggs Cunningham, sports car maker & racer - 15th Cousin 2x Removed
John Cena, pro wrestling - 21th Cousin 3x Removed
Michael Strahan, NFL football star and TV personality -24th Cousin

Lionel Richie, singer - 10th Cousin 3x Removed
Dionne Warwick, singer - 13th Cousin 1x Removed
Whitney Houston, singer & actress - 13th Cousin 1x Removed
John Legend, singer - 14th Cousin 1x Removed
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, theologian & civil rights hero - 15th Cousin 3x Removed
Alex Haley, author of Roots - 15th Cousin 4x Removed
Jimi Hendrix, singer - 16th Cousin 2x Removed
Lena Horne, singer & actress - 16th Cousin 2x Removed
Bill Cosby, comic & actor - 16th Cousin 3x Removed
Quincy Jones, composer & singer - 17th Cousin 2x Removed
Janet Jackson, singer - 17th Cousin 4x Removed
Jermaine Jackson, singer - 17th Cousin 4x Removed
LaToya Jackson, singer - 17th Cousin 4x Removed
Marlon Jackson, singer - 17th Cousin 4x Removed
Michael Jackson, singer - 17th Cousin 4x Removed
Randy Jackson, singer - 17th Cousin 4x Removed
Rebbie Jackson, singer - 17th Cousin 4x Removed
Tito Jackson, singer - 17th Cousin 4x Removed
Barack H. Obama, 44th U.S. President, US Senator/Illinois - 18th Cousin
Halle Berry, actress - 18th Cousin
Booker T Washington, educator & orator - 18th Cousin 2x Removed
Doria Ragland, mother of Meghan Duchess of Sussex - 18th Cousin 2x Removed
Samuel L. Jackson, actor - 19th Cousin 2x Removed
Spike Lee, film maker - 19th Cousin 2x Removed
Michele Obama, 1st Lady of USA - 20th Cousin
W.E.B. Du Bois, civil rights hero, orator, author - 20th Cousin 3x Removed
Beyoncé Knowles, singer - 21st Cousin 1x Removed

AUTHORS (so far)
E.B. White - 6th Cousin 4x Removed
Samuel “Mark Twain” Clemens - 6th Cousin 6x Removed
Edgar Allan Poe - 7th Cousin 4x Removed
Ralph Waldo Emerson - 7th Cousin 7x Removed
Walt Whitman - 8th Cousin 6x Removed
Orson Scott Card - 9th Cousin 2x Removed
James Boswell - 9th Cousin 9x Removed
Tennessee Williams - 11th Cousin 2x Removed
L. Frank Baum - 11th Cousin 5x Removed
Louisa May Alcott - 11th Cousin 5x Removed
Lord Byron - 11th Cousin 7x Removed
Robert Burns - 11th Cousin 7x Removed
Jane Austen - 11th Cousin 8x Removed
Douglas Adams - 12th Cousin 1x Removed
P.G. Wodehouse - 12th Cousin 5x Removed
Henry David Thoreau - 12th Cousin 6x Removed
Shebnah Rich - 12th Cousin 6x Removed
Sir Walter Scott - 12th Cousin 6x Removed
Herman Melville - 13th Cousin 5x Removed
Emilie Flygare Carlen - 13th Cousin 7x Removed
C.S. Lewis - 14th Cousin 3x Removed
Ernest Hemingway - 15th Cousin 1x Removed
Agatha Christie - 16th Cousin 2x Removed
Edith Wharton - 16th Cousin 4x Removed
Virginia Woolf - 17th Cousin 4x Removed
Harper Lee - 18th Cousin 3x Removed
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - 18th Cousin 8x Removed
S.E. Hinton - 19th Cousin 1x Removed
Margaret Mitchell - 19th Cousin 3x Removed
George R.R. Martin, author of Game of Thrones - 21st Cousin

MUSICIANS (so far)
Gwen Stefani, pop singer - 10th Cousin 1x Removed
Tim McGraw, country singer - 10th Cousin 1x Removed
Demi Lovato, pop singer - 11th Cousin 2x Removed
Taylor Swift, pop singer - 12th Cousin
Alicia Keyes, pop singer - 12th Cousin 1x Removed
Donny Wahlberg of New Kids on the Block, pop singer - 12th Cousin 1x Removed
Marky Mark Wahlberg of the Funky Bunch, pop singer - 12th Cousin 1x Removed
Britney Spears, pop singer - 13th Cousin 1x Removed
Katy Perry, pop singer - 13th Cousin 1x Removed
Patsy Cline, country singer - 14th Cousin 4x Removed
Francis Scott Key, composer - 14th Cousin 5x Removed
Brenda Lee, country singer - 15th Cousin 3x Removed
Josh Groban, singer - 15th Cousin 3x Removed
Tammy Wynette, country singer - 15th Cousin 3x Removed
John Williams, film & event composer - 15th Cousin 4x Removed
Trisha Yearwood, country singer - 16th Cousin
Billy Ray Cyrus, country singer - 16th Cousin 1x Removed
Brad Paisley, country singer - 16th Cousin 1x Removed
Bo Bruce, pop singer - 16th Cousin 1x Removed
Crystal Gayle, country singer - 16th Cousin 2x Removed
Elvis Presley, rock singer - 16th Cousin 2x Removed
Emmylou Harris, country singer - 16th Cousin 2x Removed
Loretta Lynn, country singer - 16th Cousin 2x Removed
Naomi Judd, country singer - 16th Cousin 2x Removed
Reba McEntire, country singer - 16th Cousin 2x Removed
Garth Brooks, country singer - 16th Cousin 3x Removed
Miley Cyrus, pop singer - 17th Cousin
Ashley Judd, country singer - 17th Cousin 1x Removed
Kelly Clarkson, country singer - 17th Cousin 1x Removed
Wynonna Judd, country singer - 17th Cousin 1x Removed
Celine Dion, pop singer- 17th Cousin 2x Removed
Johnny Cash, country singer- 17th Cousin 2x Removed
Jonas Brothers (Nick, Joe, Kevin, Frankie), pop singers - 17th Cousin 2x Removed
Martina McBride - 17th Cousin 2x Removed
Janis Joplin, rock singer - 18th Cousin
Mandy Moore, pop singer - 18th Cousin
Ashley Simpson, pop singer & actress - 18th Cousin 1x Removed
Christina Aguilera, pop singer - 18th Cousin 1x Removed
Dolly Parton, country singer - 18th Cousin 1x Removed
Jessica Simpson, pop singer & actress - 18th Cousin 1x Removed
Justin Timberlake, pop singer - 18th Cousin 2x Removed
Carrie Underwood, country singer - 19th Cousin 1x Removed
Cher (Bono), pop singer - 19th Cousin 2x Removed
Lady Gaga, pop singer - 20th Cousin 1x Removed
Shania Twain, country singer - 20th Cousin 1x Removed
Justin Bieber, pop singer - 22nd Cousin 1x Removed
Madonna (Ciccone), pop singer - 22th Cousin 1x Removed
Linda Ronstadt, pop singer - 23rd Cousin 3x Removed
Blake Shelton, country singer - 23rd Cousin 6x Removed
Adam Levine, pop singer - 25th Cousin 2x Removed
Lapp Lisa, Swedish Folk & Gospel singer - 25th Cousin 6x Removed

STAGE & SCREEN (so far)
Katharine Hepburn, actress - 8th Cousin 3x Removed
Paul Giamatti, actor - 9th Cousin
Laura Dern, actress - 9th Cousin 1x Removed
Stephen Colbert, talk show host & actor - 9th Cousin 2x Removed
Lucille Ball, actress - 9th Cousin 3x Removed
Margaret Hamilton, actress - 9th Cousin 4x Removed & 11th Cousin 3x Removed
Beverly D’Angelo, actress - 10th Cousin
Cindy Crawford, actress/model - 10th Cousin 1x Removed
Felicity Huffman Macy, actress - 10th Cousin x 1Removed
Sarah Hyland, actress - 10th Cousin 1x Removed
Frank Morgan, actor - 10th Cousin 2x Removed
Jane Fonda, actress - 10th Cousin 2x Removed
Peter Fonda, actor - 10th Cousin 2x Removed
Kurt Russell, actor - 11th Cousin
Debbie Reynolds, actress - 11th & 14th Cousin
Bridget Fonda, actress - 11th Cousin 1x Removed
Chevy Chase, actor - 11th Cousin 1x Removed
Jodie Foster, actress - 11th Cousin 1x Removed
Johnny Carson, talk show host - 11th Cousin 1x Removed
John Wayne, actor - 11th Cousin 2x Removed
Richard Gere, actor - 11th Cousin 2x Removed
Vincent Price, actor - 11th Cousin 2x Removed
Bette Davis, actress - 11th Cousin 3x Removed
Margot Kidder, actress - 11th Cousin 3x Removed
Carrie Fisher, Princess Leah, actress & author - 12th & 15th Cousin
Hilary Swank, actress - 12th Cousin
Jeffrey Jones, actor - 12th Cousin 1x Removed
Amy Adams, actress - 12th Cousin 1x Removed
Christina Applegate, actress - 12th Cousin 1x Removed
Clint Eastwood, actor - 12th Cousin 1x Removed
Helen Hunt, actress - 12th Cousin 1x Removed
Raquel Welch, actress - 12th Cousin 1x Removed
Wil Wheaton, actor - 12th Cousin 1x Removed
Elizabeth Ann ‘Black Dahlia’ Short, murdered actress - 12th Cousin 2x Removed
Lee Majors, actor - 12th Cousin 2x Removed
Lee Meriwether, actress - 12th Cousin 2x Removed
Shirley Temple, actress & US Ambassador - 12th Cousin 2x Removed
Montgomery Clift, actor - 12th Cousin 8x Removed
Allison Janney, actress - 13th Cousin
Scott Eastwood, actor & man candy - 13th Cousin
Brooke Shields, actress - 13th Cousin 1x Removed
Christopher Reeve, actor - 13th Cousin 1x Removed
Dennis Quaid, actor - 13th Cousin 1x Removed
Kevin Spacey, disgraced actor - 13th Cousin 1x Removed
Randy Quaid, actor - 13th Cousin 1x Removed
Jeff Foxworthy, comedian - 13th Cousin 2x Removed
Mickey Rooney, actor - 13th Cousin 3x Removed
Cynthea Nixon, actress & activist - 13th Cousin 3x Removed
John Lithgow, actress - 13th Cousin 3x Removed
William H Macy, actor - 13th Cousin 5x Removed
Matt LeBlanc, actor - 14th Cousin
Julia Roberts, actress - 14th Cousin 4x Removed
Christopher Lloyd, actor - 14th Cousin 4x Removed
Cloris Leachman, actress - 14th Cousin 4x Removed
Marilyn Monroe, actress - 14th Cousin 4x Removed
Sigourney Weaver, actress - 14th Cousin 4x Removed
Mia Farrow, actress & activist - 14th Cousin 5x Removed
Olivia De Havilland - 14th Cousin 5x Removed
Orson Welles, actor - 14th Cousin 5x Removed
Bill Paxton, actor - 15th Cousin 1x Removed
Johnny Depp, actor - 15th Cousin 1x Removed
Laurie Metcalf, actress - 15th Cousin 1x Removed
Olivia Munn, actress - 15th Cousin 1x Removed
Cybill Shepherd, actress - 15th Cousin 2x Removed
Emma Roberts, actress - 15th Cousin 2x Removed
Spencer Tracy, actor - 15th Cousin 2x Removed
Tom Hulce, actor - 15th Cousin 2x Removed
Laura Linney, actress - 15th Cousin 3x Removed
Mary Steenburgen, actress - 15th Cousin 3x Removed
Matt Bomer, actor - 15th Cousin 3x Removed
Noah Wyle, actor - 15th Cousin 3x Removed
Stockard Channing, actress - 15th Cousin 3x Removed
Judy Garland, actress - 15th Cousin & 16th Cousin 3x Removed
Burt Reynolds, actor - 15th Cousin & 18th Cousin 1x Removed
Bob Barker, game show host - 15th Cousin 4x Removed
Joan Crawford, actress - 15th Cousin 4x Removed
Marion Ross, actress - 15th Cousin 4x Removed
Cara Jocelyn Delevingne, actress - 16th Cousin
Jean Smart, actress - 16th Cousin
Kardashians & Jenners (Kim, Kourtney, Kloe, Rob, Kendall, Kylie) - 16th Cousins
Zac Efron, actor - 16th Cousin
Audrey Hepburn, actress - 16th Cousin 1x Removed
Benedict Cumberbatch, actor - 16th Cousin 1x Removed
Courteney Cox, actress - 16th Cousin 1x Removed
Robin Williams, actor - 16th Cousin 1x Removed
Anne Baxter, actress - 16th Cousin 2x Removed
Ellen DeGeneres, actress & talk show hostess - 16th Cousin 2x Removed
Jim Nabors, actor - 16th Cousin 2x Removed
Joaquin Phoenix, actor - 16th Cousin 2x Removed
Marlon Brando, actor - 16th Cousin 2x Removed
Ralph Fiennes, actor - 16th Cousin 2x Removed
River Phoenix, actor - 16th Cousin 2x Removed
Hilary Duff, actress - 16th Cousin 2x Removed & 17th Cousin 1x Removed
Alec Baldwin, actor - 16th Cousin 3x Removed
Betty White, actress - 16th Cousin 3x Removed
Billy Baldwin, actor - 16th Cousin 3x Removed
Bob Crane, actor - 16th Cousin 3x Removed
Carol Burnette, actress & comedian - 16th Cousin 3x Removed
Cate Blanchétt, actress - 16th Cousin 3x Removed
Daniel Baldwin, actor - 16th Cousin 3x Removed
David Hyde Pierce, actor - 16th Cousin 3x Removed
DeForest Kelley, actor - 16th Cousin 3x Removed
Gene Roddenberry, TV show creator & writer - 16th Cousin 3x Removed
Kathy Bates, actress - 16th Cousin 3x Removed
Steven Baldwin, actor - 16th Cousin 3x Removed
Florence Henderson, actress - 17th Cousin
Jamie Lee Curtis, actress - 17th Cousin
Neil Patrick Harris, actor - 17th Cousin
Zooey Deschanel, actress - 17th Cousin
Andy Griffith, actor - 17th Cousin 1x Removed
Jake Gyllenhaal, actor - 17th Cousin 1x Removed
Jason Bateman, actor - 17th Cousin 1x Removed
Jennifer Lawrence, actress - 17th Cousin 1x Removed
Jesse Tyler Ferguson, actor - 17th Cousin 1x Removed
Justine Bateman, actress - 17th Cousin 1x Removed
Jonathan Frakes, actor - 17th Cousin 1x Removed
Keven Bacon, actor - 17th Cousin 1x Removed
Kristen Chenoweth, actress - 17th Cousin 1x Removed
Lauren Hutton, actress & model - 17th Cousin 1x Removed
Meryl Streep, most award-nominated actress - 17th Cousin 1x Removed
Sally Field, actress - 17th Cousin 1x Removed
Tilda Swinton, actress - 17th Cousin 1x Removed
Chris Pine, actor - 17th Cousin 2x Removed
Goldie Hawn, actress - 17th Cousin 2x Removed
Jeff Daniels, actor - 17th Cousin 2x Removed
Jessica Biel, actress - 17th Cousin 2x Removed
Liza Minnelli, actress & singer - 17th Cousin 2x Removed
Matthew McConaughey, actor - 17th Cousin 2x Removed
Merideth Baxter Birney, actress - 17th Cousin 2x Removed
Tommy Tune, actor, dancer, singer, choreographer - 17th Cousin 2x Removed
Sarah Paulson, actress - 17th Cousin 1x Removed
Uma Thurman, actress - 17th Cousin 1x Removed
Sam Rockwell, actor - 17th Cousin 2x Removed
Tom Cruise, actor & cult leader - 17th Cousin 2x Removed
George Reeves, actor - 17th Cousin 3x Removed
Katey Sagal, actress - 17th Cousin 3x Removed
Don Knotts, actor - 17th Cousin 4x Removed
Anjelica Huston, actress - 18th Cousin
Barbara Harris, actress - 18th Cousin
Chad Lowe, actor - 18th Cousin
Dick Van Dyke, actor - 18th Cousin
Jennifer Love Hewitt, actress - 18th Cousin
John Ritter, actor - 18th Cousin
Loni Anderson, actress - 18th Cousin
Megan Mullally, actress - 18th Cousin
Rob Lowe, actor - 18th Cousin
Skandar Amin Casper Keynes, actor - 18th Cousin
Tommy Lee Jones, actor - 18th Cousin
Vivian Vance, actress - 18th Cousin
Brad Pitt, actor - 18th Cousin 1x Removed
Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner, actor & Olympian - 18th Cousin 1x Removed
Dan Aykroyd, actor - 18th Cousin 1x Removed
Fred “Mr.” Rogers, children show host - 18th Cousin 1x Removed
George Clooney, actor - 18th Cousin 1x Removed
James Dean, actor - 18th Cousin 1x Removed
Julie Bowen, actress - 18th Cousin 1x Removed
Keanu Reeves, actor - 18th Cousin 1x Removed
Molly Ringwald, actress - 18th Cousin 1x Removed
Ned Beatty, actor - 18th Cousin 1x Removed
Ron Howard, actor - 18th Cousin 1x Removed
Shirley Maclaine, actress - 18th Cousin 1x Removed
Warren Beatty, actor - 18th Cousin 1x Removed
Patricia Heaton, actress - 18th Cousin 2x Removed
Patricia Neal, actress - 18th Cousin 2x Removed
Drew Barrymore, actress - 18th Cousin 3x Removed
Mel Gibson, actor & homophobe - 18th Cousin 3x Removed
Robert De Niro, actor - 18th Cousin 6x Removed
Channing Tatum, actor/model - 19th Cousin
Kelsey Grammar, actor - 19th Cousin
Melanie Griffith, actress - 19th Cousin
Daniel Craig, actor - 19th Cousin 1x Removed
Rosemary Clooney, actor - 19th Cousin 1x Removed
Jean Stapleton, actress - 19th Cousin 2x Removed
Marcia Wallace, actress - 19th Cousin 2x Removed
Vin Diesel, actor - 19th Cousin 3x Removed
John Gielgud, actor - 19th Cousin 4x Removed
Anna Farris, actress - 20th Cousin
Faye Dunaway, actress - 20th Cousin
Miguel Ferrer [Clooney], actor - 20th Cousin
Brandon Lee, actor - 20th Cousin 1x Removed
Sandra Bullock, actress - 20th Cousin 1x Removed
Tea Leoni, actress - 20th Cousin 1x Removed
Mark Hamill, actor - 20th Cousin 4x Removed
Celeste Holm, actress - 20th Cousin 5x Removed
Jim Carrey, actor - 20th Cousin 5x Removed
Jennifer Aniston, actress - 21st Cousin 1x Removed
Terry Farrell, actress - 21st Cousin 2x Removed
Heather Locklear - 21st Cousin 3x Removed
Robert Goulet - 22nd Cousin 1x Removed
Sofia Vergara, actress - 22th Cousin 1x Removed
Christie Brinkley, actress/model - 22nd Cousin 2x Removed
Charlton Heston, actor - 23rd Cousin
Kevin Costner, actor - 23rd Cousin
Angelina Jolie, actress - 23rd Cousin 1x Removed
Raul Julia, actor - 23rd Cousin 1x Removed
Richard Attenborough, actor & UK baron - 23th Cousin 2x Removed
Helen Mirren, actress - 25th Cousin 5x Removed
Alex Trebek, game show host - 26th Cousin 1x Removed
Billy Mumy, actor - 26th Cousin 2x Removed
Jessica Lange, actress - 26th Cousin 2x Removed
Mark Ruffalo, actor - 27th Cousin
Adrienne Barbeau, actress - 27th Cousin 5x Removed
Ellie Kemper, actress - 31th Cousin 1x Removed
Judge Judy Scheindlin, TV court judge - 53rd Cousin 2x Removed

So far I've cataloged that I'm also a grandson or nephew or cousin of
426 monarchs & PMs of England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland and UK,
549 non-monarch royals, nobles, peers, chiefs of those Isles
965 monarchs, nobles, & rulers of Europe, Asia & the (non-U.S.) Americas
and an additional 30 non-categorical historic notables (such as Sarah Winchester of the Winchester Mystery House, John of Arc, Amelia Earhart, John & Betsy Bell of Bell Witch fame, Fort Lauderdale founders Frank & Ivy Stranahan, etc).

Sorry @M. Foss N :-)

Jacqueli Charlene Finley
You → Claudia Inez Mauk
your mother → Claud Bosworth Mauk
her father → Claud Mauk
his father → Ella Caledonia Lee
his mother → Sarah "Sallie" Beckworth
her mother → Caroline E. Carter
her mother → Wiley Carter, Sr.
her father → Eleanor "Nellie" Carter
his mother → Hester Ann Duckworth
her sister → Clairborne Newsome
her husband → Solomon Newsom
his father → Sarah Almira Barham
his sister → Lucy ("Polly") Newsom
her daughter → James Barnum Newsom
her son → Alfred Cain Newsom
his son → William Alfred Newsom, I
his son → William Alfred Newsom, II
his son → Belinda Barbara Pelosi
his daughter → <private> Pelosi
her ex-husband → <private> Pelosi
his brother → Nancy Pelosi, 60th Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives
his wife

Showing 31-60 of 83 posts

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