Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the USA - President Donald Trump Genealogy

Started by Diana Collins on Wednesday, July 24, 2019
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Unknown Profile 😊

Hmm, just noticed that this discussion references my 9th ggf, Johann Georg Schweitzer . What do you want to do with him again? Jim Wile seemingly has his family well laid out right now.

German trees can be challenging because the names are rather repetitive; geography and dates are therefore critical in identifying the right person.

Karl, Actually, most of Johann George Schweitzer's grandchildren's trees are not figured out. There is one that interests me.... Johann Adam Schweitzer, (died young) . Another profile may have more children....son of George.... Johann Peter Schweitzer . His one wife died about the time Johann Adam Setzer would have been born.

You don't have a Hamilton H Wright in your you? Born 1815.

Worked all day, ate, just now sitting down....

No Cheley....not that one....was wondering if Karl had any connection to this one...

Hamilton H Wright

Had worked on Donald Trump's brother Robert's wife's tree.

I have a anyone that can answer.....I have a good source for Donald Trump's uncle's father. Here's the thing....on the site it says "NOTICE:You may copy for your own use with this notice attached but not distribute electronically or in print or by any other means without written permission". It gives an email to contact. When I sent an email to the person, this is what I got back....

Message not delivered

There was a problem delivering your message to See the technical details below, or try resending in a few minutes.

The response from the remote server was:

550 Rejected

Can I attach the source to the profile???

Can you simply provide a link to the source? is information from headstones in the Grand River Presbyterian Cemetery....Nova Scotia, Canada.

I was starting to look and see if any of the other headstones pertain to Donald Trump's tree....sure could use some help. The following profile and his wife are listed on there....

Duncan J Matheson

Wait a did this person...

John Donald Matheson

go from being born in L'Archeveque, NS, dying in Vancouver, BC, Canada

Ok....another mystery to solve....

I have a dna match for a descendent of this profile....

John Matheson

There is another profile on geni for John Matheson ( no birth listed...just says died c. 1837). Says wife Margaret (can't see surname). Says son Kenneth.

The profile is managed by Heather Margaret Goodwin.

My gut tells me they are the same person. Can someone paste the profile managed by Heather on here....or go ahead and merge them if they are the same?

Never it....

John Matheson

Sooooo, geni is being stupid, because before I merged the two profiles, it gave me a path to him by it says "no in-law" "no-blood". Yet, when I click on Flora... does give me an in-law....which should give me an in-law to her husband's father???

This is your brain....this is your brain on Donald Trump...any questions... BLUH!

Here is my dna match....


There are others that I match within this tree. I have a ton of stuff to add. Here are surnames connected....

Averre/Avery/Averill (Durham, England) / Averre / Adams / Beldam (England) / Beldom / Belldam / Ballintomb / Bannister / Byers / Brown (New Zealand, Scotland) / Burness / Cook / Chilton / Chiltern / Campbell (Scotland) / Chambers / Carlyle / Donkin / Durwood / Durward / ESSE / Food / Gib / Goddard / Gil / Grey / Grant (New Zealand; Inverness, Scotland) / Grant/ of Lur / Hales / Isgar (England) / Inman / Kemp (Scotland) / Keir / Kerr / Low / Laws / Lydyard (England) / Lamb / Lurg / McPherson (Scotland) / McIver / McLeod (New Zealand, Canada, Scotland) / Macleod / McLean / McKenzie (New Zealand, Canada, Scotland) / Mackintosh / McGregor / Matheson / Matherson / Munro (New Zealand, Canada, Scotland) / Nicol (New Zealand, Scotland) / Oliver / Orton (England) / Rae (New Zealand, England, Scotland) / Rae-Venter / Ray / Rea / Reay / Rich (England) / Rogers / Richardson (Scotland) / Rowntree (New Zealand; Durham, England) / Rountree / Stephenson/Stevenson (Durham, England) / Stephenson / Sinclair / Sherit / Sherrit / Short / Taylor / Watson / Waterman / Wilkinson / Wray / Wright / Young

Hey again Cheley......going to work.....dang it!

How about a "reckoning" ball! lol

Later! LOL

I have been poking around some more in Trump's German tree. I have found many relatives who moved to the United States, so we should be able to expand the tree quite a bit state-side using these.

Johann Lorenz Freund
Georg Nicolaus Schuster
Lorenz Christ

It is really quite interesting. The entire town of Kallstadt seems to be related to each other and each generation to connects back to Trump's tree in new ways. Those three individuals I linked above are all connected to Trump through multiple paths for example.

Anyway, still lots of room for expansion there.

About the Donald MacLeods, They look like the same person (dates and locations), but the family for Donald MacLeod is incorrect since the dates imply that he is Donald (Pioneer) McLeod. I expect that the information on Donald MacLeod's profile is incorrect. Perhaps he was confused with Donald (Pioneer) McLeod.

This article here has some information about Donald MacLeod and his wife Susan Larraby, from which we see that the information on Geni is incorrect. The correct dates should be (c.1758-1834).

This Donald MacLeod ???

John Donald McLeod / MacLeod

That was given to me by my dna match....however....from what I can find, my Donald

Donald McAlister McLeod / MacLeod

is confused with .....

Donald Mac Leod

According to myheritage, my Donald is the son of John and Margaret...

So I am probably going to change mine.

I am not sure. What is the source for is John Donald McLeod / MacLeod ? Some trees on MyHeritage have John and Margaret MacLeod as the parents of Donad MacAlister MacLeod while others do not list any parents.

Sorry, did not see your message while writing mine.


Is this profile.....

Johann Andreas Freund

connected to this profile....

Johann Andreas Freund

Not positive on Maria Elisabetha's death.

Yes, I think that they are the same. From what I can find, Johann Andreas Freund remarried in 1766 after the death of Maria Elisabetha (her burial date is Jan 3 1766). Andreas remarried to Katharina Elisabetha Schuster on May 6 1766.


I merged them together.

Now, is.....

Katharina Elisabetha Schuster

a sister of .....

Johann Georg Schuster


Thanks Cheley. Honestly, I am not the greatest thing since sliced bread....there are many of us that have worked our butts off trying to figure out the tree. Yes....I am a VERY persistent person.....stubborn as hell....annoying like a toothache....pita! As I said, I will not rest. Patience is a virtue....sometimes I've got it....sometimes I don't.....


This is for the best of the best out your spare time, can you look at and figure out if there are any profiles on geni that belong on this tree....

Norman MacDonald

Do NOT merge, edit, or add anything unless you are darn near 100% sure.

I am going to put this here...simply because I don't want to lose my thoughts....and I'm taking a break....

I believe these two are somehow connected....

John Matheson

Walter Matheson

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