שלום שמואל קם,
אולי כבר הגיע הזמן לשאול את לקוחות ג'ני על סוג העץ התנכ"י הרצוי להם?
במקום לכפות עליהם הר כגיגית.
לעניות דעתי אפשר לייחד עץ תנכ"י נפרד לכל דת גדולה.
וברבות הימים, כשיושלם מכלול העץ הכללי של ג'ני - יהיה הזמן הנכון ללכד בין 3 עצים .למשל: יהודי, נוצרי, מוסלמי.
אבל עד אז, ניהול נפרד של העצים לא יעצבן צאצאים של דוד המלך היהודים, שלמשל, מוצאים בני דתות אחרות בין אבותיהם
העץ התנכ"י הוא עץ חשוב, בין אם ניתן או לא, לקשר את אבותינו אלינו
אני קשורה אליו הן בקשר רגשי והן בקשרים גניאלוגיים.
וברור לחלוטין שאיני היחידה.
הרי גם את העץ השומרי היפרדתם מהעץ התנכ"י בזמנו. מסקנה: יש תקדים.
בדיקות דנ"א בהחלט יכולות לנסות ולגשר על מחסור במידע כתוב.
Kuningas Aasa
his father
Abias, segundo rey de Judá es tu 99º bisabuelo.
Abijah ., 2nd King of Judea Kingdom
Abias, 2nd King of Judah
his father
Maacha the Amonitess
his mother
Zephaniah .
her father
Tahath .
his father
Assir .
his father
Abiasaph .
his father
Korah .
his father
Izhar .
his father
Qaahat / Kohath / קהת
his father
Mekhaliah .
his mother
Aram .
her father
Sedeqetelebab Ollo .
his mother
Eliakim .
her father
Edna .
his mother
Baraka .
her mother
Tecia .
her mother
Lia .
her mother
Joel .
her father
Bart .
his father
Cain .
his father
Unknown Profile
One day, antique people will be found. Other than mummies. Links will be made from before pharaohs, to other antique people, and this goes for davidic antique people. Then, with DNA, nothing will be secret any more, and that's how it is supposed to be.
Time is the best ally. Maybe not today, maybe not during our lifetime, but what's written will be.
שלום Private User, סליחה על העיכוב במענה.
זו לא החלטה שלי לייצור עץ אחד מאוחד של התנ"ך. זהו המדיניות הכללית של ג'ני, לכל *כל החלקים* של העץ. אמור להיות פרופיל אחד ויחיד של כל אדם. לכן זה **כל כך** מתסכל שאנשים כל הזמן יוצרים במכוון כפילויות. אז לא ניתן להכפיל את כל העץ. מה גם שבשלב זה לא ניתן כבר להפריד ביניהם.
לגבי אנשים שמתעצבנים מזה שיש להם עץ משותף עם אנשים שלא נעים או נוח להם להודות בזה, הרי אין לדבר סוף, לא בעצים היסטוריים ובוודאי גם במשפחות בני זמננו. הרי לכל משפחה יש את "אותם קרובים" ששונאים או לא מדברים עליהם. זהו טבען של משפחות, לא כן? לכן גם, ג'ני קוראת לפרויקט הזה "העץ המשפחתי העולמי". אין לך מושג כמה צעקות אני חטפתי ותלונות הגיעו להנהלת ג'ני על כך שיהודי /ישראלי /"מתנחל" מנהל את העץ התנ"כי. שלא לדבר על אנשים שכצם קיומו של העץ באתר מעצבן אותם.
היה תקופה שסידרתי את העץ של "הנביא מוחמד", כי הוא מתחבר (כמו כולם) לעץ התנ"כי. ג'ני מינתה אוצר מוסלמי, פחות או יותר בשביל שיהיה שם מוסלמי כאוצר על החלק הזה זה העץ (חבר שלי, ריחן, הוא אדם מדהים). ג'ני יודעים מניסיון של שנים, גם לפני שהייתי אוצר, עד כמה אני מנסה לשמח את כולם מול דרישות סותרות.
העץ השומרי (והאכדי, יווני, רומי) הם דוגמאות מצוינות לסיבה להפרדה, ואיך הדברים צריכים להתנהל! היה צורך להפריד ביניהם בדיוק בגלל שאין שום קשר ביניהם. המקורות שונים, ועל אף הדימיון בחלק מהשמות מדובר על דברים שונים.
כמו-כן העץ התנ"כי, למרות עשרות "מסורות" לאורך מאות השנים לאילנות יוחסין שהולכים אחורה עד העץ התנ"כי, אין אפילו אחד מהם שקרוב להיות היסטורי. אני אגיד את זה שוב: אין שושלות מתועדים שמגיעים לעץ התנ"כי שעוברים בדיקה מינימלית. רובם המוחלט מכילים "קפיצות" של עשרות דורות בין אח"מים שונים. דוגמא מובהקת לזה הוא הקשר של רש"י לדוד המלך. יש מסורת שרש"י צאצא של רבן גמליאל, וגם מסורת שרבן גמליאל הוא צאצא של דוד המלך. מכאן ועד לעץ משפחתי שלם... חסרים עשרות דורות. יש "רק" מאה דורות מאז דוד המלך עד ימינו. כל אחד ואחד מהשושלות סובל מבעיות כאלו. אז ניתן *לציין* מסורות כאלה בתיאור של האדם, עם קישור מתאים לפרופילים הקדומים יותר, אבל לא ראוי לייצר קשר כזה בעץ. היו אנשים שהוסיפו 22 דורות של "דור 1 לרבן גמליאל" עם מספור עולה. זה לא סביר. זאת גם הסיבה שכמדיניות בגיבוי רשמי, צוות האוצרים תמיד חותך קשרים כאלה איפה שמוצאים אותם (וקיימים כאלה "קשרים" בכל העולם, בכל התקופות). יש מקומות באתר שיש תוספות כאלה של דור 1-2, כאשר ברור שהבן-אדם הוא נכד או נין של מישהו אחר, אבל זה מקרה אחר לגמרי.
בדיקות דנ"א מועילות כל עוד קיים דגימה של הדורות הקדמוניים. אין לנו. זאת הסיבה שיש רק השארות לגבי לזיהוי גנטי של כהנים. כמובן שניתן למצוא קשר בין אנשים בדורות האחרונים.
אז לסיכום, לא משנה כמה הרעיון קוסם לנו, כולם צריכים להשתחרר מהרעיון של קשר של יוחסין לעץ התנ"כי. כמו העץ השומרי, גם העץ התנ"כי אמור להיות מנותק לגמרי מהעצים המאוחרים יותר. בצורה זו גם נמנע חלק גדול מהמריבות מאנשים שלא רוצים גויים שמחוברים לעץ התנ"כי, כי אף אחד לא יהיה מחובר אליו!!
Shalom Unknown Profile and Jessica Christophe-Dymock Paternal Ydna QM 242;
I'm sorry to say that just because some lineage has been "known" for centuries and are engraved in a castle wall, doesn't make them remotely correct. ALL of these lines, **including** all of the Jewish ones, are not even remotely "historical". Regarding the royal lineages, the best proof is the length of these lines. They are typically TOO SHORT by 20-30 generations. The source of these lines are the medieval period. Each and every two-bit baron wanted to show how "prestigious" his ancestors were. So they paid monks to "research" for them. The problem is that these monks somehow miscalculated how far back the Bible tree was.
Such lines exist across cultures throughout Europe, Irish, and Welsh lines to the High Kings. Norse lines back to their myths and gods. Entire trees connecting people to the Roman rulers.
This is why the Curator team is constantly vigilant about cutting such lines. This is also what I explained above ,at length, in Hebrew. We do our best to keep the Biblical Tree as true to the sources as possible, AND to ensure there are no connections to later times. This is official Geni policy, NOT just my own decision.
Shmuel-Aharon Kam (Kahn / שמואל-אהרן קם (קאן
Yes, I read what you explained in hebrew.
You know, i know a woman whose DNA was identified through Igenea because she direct descends from a pharaoh.
Cutting lines is one thing, but as long as you are open to include them again, should scientific evidence be found, like sepultures,.and DNA analysed and compared to marrow of living people whose dna comes close, or matches.
Shmuel-Aharon Kam (Kahn / שמואל-אהרן קם (קאן
Through my mom,.i'm pretty much happy to ping with the families who are written in.her tree, going back 1000 years.
Dad is more complicated, and i would just be glad to know who they initially were within the group we match with.
To be honest, and I mean no insult to anyone, or to any religious background, but seeing the state of the planet, it's past of constant wars,.the impossibility of humans to change, Adam, Eve, it makes no difference.
There isn't one tribe who has not used power for destruction.
People say to me " woooow, you have so many kings in your ancestors" and i'm like " yeah ? Look.at the world. Think am proud ?."
And one has to remember Otzi and Lucy, Adam and Eve were not the first people on earth. And I don't believe Josue was a zombie either, who would disappear from history without throwing.massive parties, thankful to be alive.
I believe in a superior being, give it no name. And I also believe in.science.
שלום שמואל,
תודה על תשובתך המקיפה.
השאלה לגבי העץ התנכ"י היא לא הרצון של ג'ני שיהיה עץ עולמי אחד ממנו - זה מקובל עלינו. העניין הוא העיתוי - ועד להשלמת העץ העולמי אין הכרח שיהיה זה עץ אחד בלבד.
כשיתקרבו להשלמת העץ - אז יהיה הזמן ללכד את כל העצים.
היהודי, הנוצרי, והמוסלמי.
המצב הנוכחי ניתן לפיצול. זה רק עניין של רצון טוב, והקשבת ג'ני לרצוי ללקוחותיהם.
אפשר לעשות מישאל.
וזה לא קשור לשאלה אם העץ כן או לא יתחבר לעצי המשפחה בני זמננו.
אשר לדנ"א. המחקר מתקדם וניתן להפקה גם מעצמות. נקווה שבהקדם יתבצע גם על שלדים תנ"כיים יהודים וישראלים.
אין לי ספק שאכלת הרבה מרורים בתפקידך כאוצר העץ.
כל טוב.
Private User
All faiths need to be represented in the biblical tree, since all 3 monotheist religions were born out of common ancestor.
I don't understand why people can't accept that.
There may be 650.000 people today who descend more or less directly from ancient lineages, and I feel it's a massive chance for unity, rather than dispute.
We should all work together to find a common ground for the sake of the future.
Juan, king Abias is descended through Seth, apparently. Don't know how you got that descent through Cain.
Adam of Eden
→ Seth .
his son → Enosh .
his son → Barakiel .
his son → Dinah / Dîmâh .
his daughter → Jared .
her son → Enoch / Idris .
his son → Methuselah .
his son → Lamech .
his son → Noah .
his son → Shem
his son → Arpachshad King of Arrapachtis .
his son → Shelah .
his son → Eber .
his son → Peleg .
his son → Reu .
his son → Serug .
his son → Nachor .
his son → Terah .
his son → Patriarch Abraham / אברהם אבינו
his son → Patriarch Isaac / יצחק אבינו
his son → Patriarch Jacob / יעקב אבינו
his son → Judah .
his son → Pharez .
his son → Hezron .
his son → Aram / Ram .
his son → Amminadab .
his son → Nahshon ben Aminadav
his son → Salmon .
his son → Boaz .
his son → Obed .
his son → Jesse .
his son → King David of Israel
his son → King Solomon
his son → Rehoboam son of Solomon, 1st King of Judea Kingdom
his son → Abijah son of Rehobam, 2nd King of Judea Kingdom
his son
Private User Kalmna . is your 118th great grandmother.
You → Juan Iges Blom your father → Mostrar 117 parientes → Bart . his father → Kalmna . his mother
Cain . is your 118th great grandfather.
You → Juan Iges Blom your father → Mostrar 117 parientes → Bart . his father → Cain . his father
Lo que trato de decir es que el mundo evoluciono y el hombre lo recorrió, conquisto tratando siempre de mejorarlo todos con su idea de las cosas equivocados o no
I am still put as descended from seth.
Seth . is your 119th great grandfather.
Frances Mary (Dymock) CHRISTOPHE
your mother
Peter Mervyn DYMOCK
her father
Jasper Thomas John Edmund DYMOCK
his father
his father
his father
John William DYMOCK
his father
his father
Edward DYMOCK, of Penley
his father
John DYMOCK, of Whitchurch
his father
William DYMOCK
his father
his father
Edward DYMOCK, of Penley
his father
William DYMOCK
his father
his mother
Sir William (ap Thomas) MOSTYN
her father
his mother
her mother
Sir Thomas STRADLING, Kt.
her father
Sir Henry STRADLING, Knight
his father
Joan (Beaufort) STRADLING
his mother
Cardinal Henry Beaufort, Bishop of Winchester
her father
John OF GAUNT, 1st Duke of Lancaster
his father
Edward III, king of England
his father
Isabella of France, Queen consort of England
his mother
Philippe IV le Bel, roi de France
her father
Isabelle D'ARAGON, reine consort de france
his mother
Jacques I le Conquérant, roi d'Aragon
her father
María de Montpellier, reina de Aragón
his mother
Eudokia Komnena
her mother
Isaakios KOMNENOS, Sebastokrator
her father
John II the Good, Eastern Roman Emperor
his father
Irene Augusta DOUKAINA
his mother
Maria of Bulgaria, Protovestiaria
her mother
Trayan / Troianus of Bulgaria
her father
Ivan Vladislav, Tsar of Bulgaria
his father
his father
his mother
Asjot II, King of ARMENIA, Shahanshah (“king of kings”)
her father
Smbat I "El Mártir" BAGRATUNI, King of Armenia
his father
Ashot I "the Great", King of Armenia
his father
Prince Smbat VIII "the Confessor" of Armenia
his father
Prince Ashot IV "Msaker" of Armenia
his father
Prince Smbat VII of Armenia
his father
Prince Ashot III "the Blind" of Armenia
his father
Prince Vasak of Armenia
his father
his mother
her father
N.N., son of Johannes Moustakon (Mystakon) ARSCRUNI
his father
his mother
her father
Flavius Anastasius Paulus Probus Sabinianus POMPEIUS
his father
Flavius (Sabianus) PROBUS, Consul of Byzantium
his father
Flavia (Sabiniani) MAGNA
his mother
her mother
Petronius Maximus, Roman Emperor
her father
Anicius Probinus
his father
Sextus Claudius Petronius Probus
his father
Petronius Probinus
his father
Anicia Demetrias
his mother
Amnius Anicius Julianus
her father
Sextus Anicius Faustus Paulinianus
his father
Asinia Juliana Nicomacha
his mother
Gaius Asinius Nicomachus Julianus
her father
Gaius Asinius Quadratus Protimus
his father
Julia Quadratilla
his mother
Aulus Julius Claudius Charax
her father
Julia Quadratilla Bassa
his mother
Julia Iotapa
her mother
Gaius Julius Alexander ., King of Cetis
her father
Tigranes VI, King of Armenia
his father
Caius Julius Alexander ., II, of Judaea
his father
Alexander, III, Prince of Judaea
his father
Queen Mariamne (HASMONEAN), I, King Herod 2nd wife
his mother
Alexander II HASMONEAN, High Priest
her father
(King) Aristobulus II HASMONEAN, King and High Priest
his father
Salome Alexandra, Queen of Judaea
his mother
Rabbi Setah BAR YOSSEI
her father
Rabbi Yossei BEN YOHANAN
his father
Rabbi Yohanan BEN JOAZAR
his father
Rabbi Joazar BEN ZEREDAH
his father
his father
Antigone Soko BEN SIMEON
his father
Simeon I Saddiq BEN ELIAS
his father
Elias BEN TOBIT, Governor of Judea 365-360 BCE
his father
his father
his father
Hananya, 5th Exilarch
his father
Zerubbabel 3rd Exilarch / זרובבל
his father
his father
Jechaniah - יהויכין מלך יהודה 18
his father
Jehoiakim Elyakim, 17th King of Judah
his father
Josiah ., 15th King of Judah
his father
Amon - אמון מלך יהודה 14
his father
Menasseh ., 13th King of Judah
his father
Hephzi-bah .
his mother
Isaiah The Prophet
her father
Amoz .
his father
Jehoash ., 7th King of Judah
his father
King Ahaziah ., 6th King of Judah
his father
Jehoram, 5th King of Judah
his father
Jehosaphat, 4th King of Judah
his father
Kuningas Aasa
his father
Abias, 2nd King of Judah
his father
his mother
Zephaniah .
her father
Tahath .
his father
Assir .
his father
Abiasaph .
his father
Korah .
his father
Izhar .
his father
Qaahat / Kohath / קהת
his father
Mekhaliah .
his mother
Aram .
her father
Sedeqetelebab Ollo .
his mother
Eliakim .
her father
Methuselah .
his father
Enoch / Idris .
his father
Baraka / Baltsa / Beltsea
his mother
Rachujal .
her mother
Enosh .
her father
Seth .
his father
Juan, yes. I think I understand what you mean. I'm descended through at least three of the children of Adam and Eve, and I guess most people are of mixed descent. Even king David, who is the 25th g-grandson of Enoch (Cain's son; so if Enochs grandson, then Cains as well). It is to be expected:
King David of Israel is Enoch .'s 25th great grandson!
Enoch [Cain's son] .
→ Mara .
his daughter → Lia .
her daughter → Tecia .
her daughter → Baraka .
her daughter → Edna .
her daughter → Eliakim .
her son → Sedeqetelebab Ollo .
his daughter → Arpachshad King of Arrapachtis .
her son → Kessed .
his son → Ur .
his son → Ora Chaldees .
his daughter → Serug .
her son → Cornebo .
his son → Amethelo .
his daughter → Patriarch Abraham / אברהם אבינו
her son → Patriarch Isaac / יצחק אבינו
his son → Patriarch Jacob / יעקב אבינו
his son → Judah .
his son → Shelah .
his son → Phozib .
his daughter → Thehara .
her daughter → Nahshon ben Aminadav
her son → Salmon .
his son → Boaz .
his son → Obed .
his son → Jesse .
his son → King David of Israel
his son
Estaba feliz de pensar que el King David of Israel Era King David of Israel is your 102nd great grandfather. Y que podía seguir desde su perfil hasta el mío y que todos tendrían una fuente o referencias que se pudieran investigar pero me lleve una sorpresa desde King David of Israel hasta Hananiah ., 5th Exilarch , están todos con su correspondiete fuente y son PM con su curador ,pero a partir de Hananiah? comienza una serie de perfiles Tobit ben Hananiah (twin) Elias ben Tobit, Governor of Judea 365-360 BCE Simeon I Saddiq ben Elias Antigone Soko ben Simeon Zeredah ben Antigone Rabbi Joazar ben Zeredah Rabbi Yohanan ben Joazar Rabbi Joazar ben Zeredah Rabbi Yohanan ben Joazar Rabbi Yossei ben Yohanan Rabbi Setah Bar Yossei Hasta
Salome Alexandra, Queen of Judaea Con fuente y Mp
Es de destacar que dichos perfiles fueron creados el mismo día por alguien que en ese momento era Curador y hubo reiterado discusiones al respecto, es extraño la falta de información dado que los perfiles de mas antigüedad la posen .
That's interesting, although I don't know enough about it at this point to question it. So now I feel I must look into it, but until then it just looks like whoever added those profiles no longer has an account with Geni. You say it was a curator, so maybe you know who it was. It was 10 years ago, and although no sources were provided, I don't see any discussions connected to these profiles, from 10 years ago when they were first added, that questioned their validity. So maybe you were there at the time, and you remember the discussions.
Private User disculpa pero escribo en castellano trato de decir que hay demasiadas dudas respecto aun grupo de perfiles que van desde Hananiah y el supuesto padre de Salome ,Rabbi Setach
Elias ben Tobit, Governor of Judea 365-360 BCE
Nueva herramienta de Geni https://www.geni.com/inconsistencies/for_profile/6000000013237157619
Sexo: Hombre
Nacimiento: hacia -365
Fallecimiento: hacia -360 (0-13)
Familia inmediata: Hijo de Tobit ben Hananiah (twin)
Marido de ?
Padre de Simeon I Saddiq ben Elias
En el perfil puedes hacer clic en discusiones y te lleva a ella al igual que en revisiones muestra los cambios producidos a lo largo del tiempo.
Todos los perfiles
Added on: 1 de septiembre de 2009
Gestionado por: Margaret (C) y 4 otros
Hananiah? carece de todo lo que debería tener un perfil que nos conecta con Hananiah ., 5th Exilarch PM perfil bloqueado que solo puede ser editado por Curadores
Through yahia arabic family
Test the Ibn Yahias for dna. They are the realest to the davidic line there still is.
I find him physically pretty impressive actually lol..
Also. Archaic dna puts us in the right region at about the right time. What's fascinating is that it puts us in Greenland before. Ibn yahia has asian like features and the almond shaped eyes and high cheekbones is recessive. It can be passed for centuries on forward if one side has dominant traits.
Also, they discovered pyramids in russia and they are older than egypt.
And there have been " rumors" of pyramids in greenland and the pole for ages.
So i wouldnt be surprised if the first dynasties of pharaohs, like dynasty 0 and 1, are the dna link you are missing. Mixed with other tribes
After all, Tutankhamon is known to be R1b with real red hair. Caucasus geographical Dna.