There is a tree posted here: that suggests a second spouse for Avraham: an Unknown Epstein. This unit then produced a line leading to the Admor of Lizhensk (Rebbe Elimelech Lipman (Weisblum) of Lizhensk). If you study this tree you will find that there are some corrections necessary to the paternal grandmother's pedigree of Rebbe Elimelech Lipman (Weisblum) of Lizhensk and you may also be able to connect his paternal grandfather's pedigree to Keiliah K'bogen.Geila Lipshutz, which currently breaks down above Avraham (אברהם "ליפמן מבריסק, בעל "זרע אברהם) and below Meir (Meir Lipszyc) but which the tree posted above shows consists of Elahu ben Meir and then an Unknown Daughter bat Meir who is the spouse of Avraham the father of the line leading to Elimelech of Lezajsk.If this lineage is not in the UC 3rd Edition, you may want to notify Neil Rosenstein to make sure it has not been discredited....Claudia Bullock Kevin Lawrence Hanit Haim Katz Wartski,Hachoen If the above holds water and is implemented it will be a major improvement of the Heilprin tree's consistency and integrate another K'bogen line into the Heilprin tree.