Lackland was suspected (and rightly so) of murdering his 16 year old nephew, Arthur, duke of Brittany)%20ARTHUR%20de%20Bretagne%20(posthumously,Abbaye%20de%20Bec%2C%20Normandy).&text=He%20succeeded%20from%20birth%20as,in%20his%20territories%20in%20France. who stood between himself and the throne.
And he most viciously and spitefully murdered Maud (Matilda) de Saint-Valéry Lady of Bramber. He threw her son, William de Braose, IV into a sealed dungeon along with his mother, allowing them to starve to death with no hope of escape or rescue -- and was also out to get her husband William III de Braose, 4th Lord of Bramber although he fortunately escaped. He also imprisoned their grandsons.
All because she didn't like him much, and didn't trust him either. Probably terrified of him. She firmly believed the rumor that he had killed the boy heir to the throne.
His disturbing, heinous crimes deeply affected his peers even at the time, as reflected in the text of the Magna Carta which he was coerced into signing.
It seems ironic that he is the specific king from whom most of our presidents directly descend. Yet, I am also a direct descendant, so he must have had many. Indeed, in addition to his wives he had numerous concubines and mistresses, and probably scores of children. I'm descended through Adela de Warrenne, Concubine #1 of John "Lackland" of England and I'd be interested in knowing which of his many partners each president came from. ;)
I forgot that I'm also descended from King John I of England through Isabella of Angoulême , through Henry III, King of England . I could have used a reminder, can't keep track of them all.
As for President Trump, he only has 178 ancestors of record; which is pretty mysterious, if you ask me (all things considered). Maybe that's why Queen Elizabeth gave him the cold shoulder. I hear she hid in some bushes when Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu and his wife, Elena Ceaușescu, made a state visit to the UK in 1978. He only has 0-5 ancestors, depending on which one of his duplicate profiles we consult.
Praying and waiting seems fair enough, depending on our values. Sometimes it is all we can do, until we are called upon to act. Again, how we choose to act is based on our values.
I want to point out that King John was the last son of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine. Henry was the son of Geoffrey V Count of Anjou and Matilde the daughter of Henry I of England as well as the Grandaughter of William the Conqueror. People whose research stops at John are missing some of the greatest English rulers from their family trees. Both the Conqueror and his second cousin Hawise are descended from Rollo (Rolfr Ragnevaldsson) who led the Norsemen down into Gaul in 911AD and forced the creation of Normandy. Anjou, which no longer exists as a province of France, was tucked underneath it. Lastly, Hawise's GGG granddaughter Maude of Brittany married Walter DeGaunt, who was descended from Charles the Hammer (Charles le Martell) who ruled Gaul in the 8th. The family name became Martel and I believe that was the Count of Anjou's family name as well, Thomas B Costain was a historian as well as a novelist and Plantagenet was a nickname until Richard II adopted it.
Susan Angeline Schumacher Lostetter, I think most would say who know me that I try not to be rude. Sorry if I offended anyone. I just prefer my Marla connection.
I just hope that our members don't start any political jargon on this president. It would be very unwise idea to contaminate our World Family Tree. As far as his mothers connection, it is possible to be connected, but as of now. I do see possible connections to the Clans of MacLeod, Campbell, MacAulay, Mac Swane, and Mac Kenzie. Unfortunately, who ever started this profile either quit, ran out of gas, or just wanted this president to be connected to our ancestors.
It would be nice to leave any political jargon totally out of Geni, there are plenty of us in Europe that are afraid that political wars will erase history, that has happened before and has no room in Geni. I am quite sure that this person Trump has the same ancestors as the rest of us, when we go that far in ancestors. We all with european roots are connected from many different lines to each other, we cannot help it :) it doesn't matter if the person is disliked or unpleasant. But. Even though we know we are connected as a mathematical fact, it is a different thing to prove it, Many seem to have more desires to erase Trump's mutual ancestors from the trees then build his family tree. I don't really care about "connection" to any presidents, oh well maybe one, icelands president is a distant cousin - cool. Debra, I liked your post bout Lackland; he was quite a character. Peace for all.
All those surnames are in my tree....MacLeod, Campbell, MacAulay, Mac Swane, and Mac Kenzie....repeatedly on several branches....also Stewarts....
Hey Saga, you mean.....
https://www.geni.com/people/Guðni-Thorlacius-Jóhannesson-6th-Presid... ?
He is my 24th cousin 4x removed.
Love it!
I read somewhere that 70% of British descent today are descended from Edward III there fore King John!!!! I am descended from him a couple ways and Also Maude St Valerie and her son, William de Braos IV many ways. Funny, I am descended from his illigitimate daughter, Joan,Princess of Wales whose husband had another of Maude's sons killed for having an affair with his wife!!!
Kenneth, you said:
>>> "Unfortunately, who ever started this profile either quit, ran out of gas, or just wanted this president to be connected to our ancestors."
I just want to stress that no one has given up on this line; indeed, we've discussed it at length many, many times. The problem is simply that there aren't records to take us further back. So if we were to keep adding info or ancestors, the info would be false, and that's not good.
For many Scottish lines, going back from the 1800s is fairly simple because records exist. Unfortunately for genealogists, this particular line is from the Hebrides, where there is a lack of records and where genealogy is notoriously difficult.
I would stress again that the way to get Trump better connected is to focus on his German half, because there are indeed many good records there. If anyone wants to recruit a German genealogist to join the effort, we'd all benefit. So far, the ones I've asked have all been too busy to help, but maybe some day.
Ashley. I agree with you, and I might help out once I get the bad taste out of my mouth. We must help to look forward, and research his lineage. Good or Bad, we must find his roots, and continue to grow. This might give us a better picture of his behavior, and understanding his actions. For the sake of good genealogical research, and must prevail in our science of researching.
My family tree to Rollo (Rolfr Ragnvaldsson - 846 to 930) goes through John to William the Conqueror, and thus makes Rollo my 32nd GGF. But when I trace my ancestry from Rollo through the Conqueror's second cousin Hawise, then he is only my 30th GGF. Hawise's GGGGD Mahaut de Bretagne married Walter de Gaunt who I have traced back through Charlemagne (Charles "Le Magne" Martell) to Charles the Hammer (in French Charles le Martell)', ruler of Gaul which was almost all of modern-day France. Charlemagne himself did not inherit Gaul so someone else descended from the Hammer must have inherited the throne of Gaul. Geoffrey V of Anjou thus could also have been a Martell as Anjou would certainly have been in Gaul. Anjou was just NW of Paris and tucked under Normandy. Thomas B. Costain, who was a historian as well as a novelist, claimed that Geoffrey was a Martel. Because his novels were so popular he is often dismissed as just a popular fictionist but I own his four-volume history of English kings from The Conqueror to Henry VIII and his merit as a historian certainly shows. Lastly, Plantagenet was only a nick-name from Planta Genesta, the Latin name of Yellow Gorse before Linneaus began the modern naming of life forms. The first King to adopt Plantagenet as a family name was Richard II (King of England 1377-1399), probably for sentimental reasons. History is a jig-saw puzzle that we ancestry-hungry researchers should practice harder before we try to publish on this website. Then there would be less destructive tampering with this database.
WHY? Did he or one of his family members requesting to find a link to our family tree?
If not, lets leave it in the back burner. We have more important issues with the lineages that are existing now, and lets focus on the reality that exist now! As it is, we don't have enough people to screen and merge profiles now! So,why do we want to put our current issues aside for his tree now?
Again, this is not political, but using reasonable common sense. So, let's get back on the right track, and fix our current trees.
Private User ofcourse he must share a lot of common ancestors with the rest of us, and his mother side MacLeod ought to go back to the rest of thoose clan's having the same viking kings heritage, but i Guess that it would take a lot of DNA analyzes to complete his tree, as the written sources seems to be to scanty. And for the others not so eager to be related, as a president of United states, many people will be interested to see their relationship and connections to him as to many other important persons, it's that simple.
I wouldn't lose sleep over it. Maybe, in another century they might find a connection. But, mean while since there is not any facts, or proof of DNA connection. I would say, lets move on, and deal with what we know now. You can continue in your research, and make it your own personal quest to find the answers. Good Hunting!
Donald Trump hasn't shown his true lineage. Trump isn't even his real name. He has been disrespectful of so many people in his time snd i have pointed that in the direction of the way he was raised. The man was likely bullied by family and peers in a manner very similar to John I, to whom, according to Ancestry and Geni, I am a direct descendant of. They also say i have no relation to President Donald Trump. I'm very comfortable with that.
As far as I know, we are all related to each and one of everyone else with or without documents, what you think is not relevant. If a relationship is based on found documents, the longest path I have found on Geni would span within 3000 years, but some indigenous people where we can't find documents, we can assume that our relation if never mixed with outsiders, would stretch up to 20-50.000 years at most.
Most europeans ought to be related much closer, a common ancestor less than 1500 years ago no matter where we are today, western europeans roots to a common forefather ought to be much shorter, within 1000 years, and within some countries less than 600 years. Example, a random swede ought to be between 10 and 20 cousin to any other swede, and cousin to any random with British ancestry within 15-25, with or without paper to prove it.
Judith (Judy) A. Loubris is my 22nd cousin.
Something to pound upon, there is two extinct human sub groups, The Denisovan hominins, surviving to at least 15-30.000 years ago, and the Neandethals, lived about 40.000 years ago. Most Europeans have inhertited DNA from both of this groups, something between 1-4%, and we actually could have a more recent common forefather to certain indigenous people among these extinct relatives than we might have with the only extant human type, Homo sapiens. Wonder how that tree would look like if created.
Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087 you win. Mine is only 233 more than 40% of other testers. Now my dad's is 252 which is 70% more than other testers.