Christiana “Miss Chrishy” Brown - Ancestry claim

Started by J P Weyers on Thursday, November 19, 2020
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Showing 31-36 of 36 posts

yes - have her as possible mother of Miss Chrishy . Only mothers name d.o.b. 1888

Re Politfact article ?
Ooo ! Makes my blood boil .
If Hamilton Brown slave owner is her ancestor , so what ? You can not pick your family.
For me it shows how we all are just descendants of good and bad individuals

Miss Chrishy 70 in 1951 d.o.b. then 1881
Jessian Prince child 14 August 1888 ??
No connection with Hamilton Brown--- yet for Jessian

30 September 1881 Christiana Brown St Ann Parish mother Frances Brown

C Brown died 1951 a spinster ?

d.o.b for Christina Brown ?
This current d.o.b. makes hermotger Jessian Prince father unknown

Showing 31-36 of 36 posts

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