King David of Israel - Ancestor Connections-Shortest Blood Relationship??

Started by Constance Derosier Carter on Tuesday, December 1, 2020
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Mathematically, it is plausible that all the "well-known" ( not that well actually) people of ancient times who had enough children, or the people of the northern sagas (a saga does not mean the same thing as a fairy tale), are several times ancestors of a common Europeans and descendants of Europeans. The fact is, however, that many Kingdoms and nobles bought themselves lineages that lead to the Bible. Personally, I believe in some of these oldest lines more than others :) I have learned that it is sooo difficult to find evidence and sources. (The ancient DNA study is interesting, of course we do not know through what lines the kinship comes from)

Mine "used" to say, that he was my 103rd Great Grandfather. Now, it says:

King David of Israel is your 11th cousin 97 times removed with only 7 inconsistencies.

Something changed, not sure what but... I find that interesting.

I really have to thank all of the historians and contributors of geni for even finding "anything" out about distant relations because, before that, I couldn't and still can't, get past 1841 with documentation so anything that says I'm related to folks beyond that date, is amazing information to me. Although, it is easy to get carried away when you link up with someone as historically significant as David, more importantly it gets you to "read" who these people were, and to learn more about history which I think all people should do.

I never read anything at all about King David before I found the relation to him, but after reading the entire passage I found that it was great that David sang and danced... that part was what I related with the most because of how human it is to do that, aside from knocking out giants slingshots : )

It ain't necessarily so
It ain't necessarily so
The things that you're liable
To read in the Bible
It ain't necessarily so
Dey tell all you chillun
de debble's a villain
Thank you Ira Gershwin , D . Heyward and D heyward .

Would be great to weigh in ! I'm stuck between Ram. II Pharaoh of Egypt 1350 BC to 2000 BC/ 2100 BC - time of Jacob the first believed E-M2 haplo member - Jacob son of Isaac in the Bible. King David- falls within the perfect 60 generations spanning Adam BC 4004 and Jesus in BC 4 to zero. Let me know - eager to be involved in the discussions. Good to connect Jeffrey/ Mark and Saga both cousins of mine

King David’s Genes

March 29, 2016 By Nadine Epstein

Ok, so the scholars did find a genetic marker, however it does not discuss the haplotype(s) involved. That would be ideal if they did. Thank you for the link Phillipp.

From other sites appear 5 diffefent y-dna haplogroups for male descendants of David -- that not possible as we know.
Sephardic and Ashkenazi jews more related to their immediate neighbours than to each other.
Also majority of first Xtians were actually Jewish so the genetic connection remained.
Even big Jewish and Xtian populations in Arabia and Yemen before Islam ---

Tried to connect with FTDNA "DavidIC" but the sub group has been terminated . Trying to see if there are any DNA matches with any of David's lines. I have a distant match with "Goldman" but Geni tells me I have more connections to David. In faith I am Adventist/ Judeo Christian and observe Shabbat/ other Jewish rites each day

Dr. Will, Please see below. This is an "extensive" FTDNA search per surname from that list on the David Site. These are our clues:

Dicy Winkler F F F F F 5th Cousin - Remote Cousin
Weil(er) was a hit...
Zak(rzewski) was a hit..
nancy rubinstein F F F F F 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin
Mr. Thomas Rothwell FF - - - - - 5th Cousin - Remote Cousin
HS. Rother FF - - - - - 5th Cousin - Remote Cousin
Stacy Rashid F F F F F 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin
This is a big one because it says on the dynasty site this:
Rashei Galut (Exilarchs)
male descent from David*

Dr. Peter K Moskowitz - - - - - 5th Cousin - Remote Cousin
David Henry Lowery email FTDNA Tip note Y-DNA67 R-M269 0 x x x - -
Danielle Lowen F F F F F 5th Cousin - Remote Cousin
Lawrence Derrel Lowery Tip note GEDCOM Viewer Y-DNA37 FF R-M269 x x x - - 5th Cousin - Remote Cousin
Eileen Lower F F F F F 5th Cousin - Remote Cousin
Richard Laubenstein aka Lowe email FTDNA Tip note GEDCOM Viewer Y-DNA67 FF R-U198 x x x x - 5th Cousin - Remote Cousin
Mr. CHARLES E LAURENT email FTDNA Tip note Y-DNA12 FF R-M269 x - - - - 2nd Cousin - 4th Cousin
Susan Laubengayer F F F F 5th Cousin - Remote Cousin
Suzanne Laurence H5a1 F F F F F 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin
Bruce Edwin Laurenson email note FF - - - - 5th Cousin - Remote Cousin
Susan Katzenberg F F F F F 3rd Cousin - 5th Cousin
AmyMarie Karow H15b F F F F F 5th Cousin - Remote Cousin
Sandra Caron F F F F F 5th Cousin - Remote Cousin
Amy Carolin F F F F F 5th Cousin - Remote Cousin
Margaret Ellen Gordon F F F F F 5th Cousin - Remote Cousin
5th Cousin - Remote Cousin
Joe Lee Gordon
GEDCOM Viewer Y-DNA37 R-M269 x x x - - 4th Cousin - Remote Cousin
Deborah Lewis Goldman GEDCOM Viewer FF F F F F 2nd Cousin - 4th Cousin
Sharon G Edelson H3af F F F F F 5th Cousin - Remote Cousin
Holland . Cohen F F F F F 4th Cousin - Remote Cousin
Kathleen Bernstein H1au1a F F F F F 5th Cousin - Remote Cousin
Mr. Joseph S. Bachkai III Y-DNA37 R-M269 0 x x - - -
John Alter T2b17a - - - - -5th Cousin - Remote Cousin

I love all the conversation. I have learned so much from the discussion. Being a Christian and having Jewish roots, I certainly want to know all there is to know that there is evidence for, even if i find that I can't connect all the dots. I find the mythical relationships fascinating! Are there any real relationships that you can verify?

The Persian Shanameh ( Ferdowsi ) , Mahabharata (Hindu mythology ) , Norse Sagas ( Fairy tales for adults ) and the Abrahamic religions Bible, Quran or Talmud all based on facts but with gaps in time and inconsistencies.
Different individuals merged into one and every time the story was told or written down changes happened intentionally or by accident.
Even in Egyptian history some Pharaohs were deleted from histoy and others embellished .
I see the exact same happening on GENI .

City of Jericho- Rise and fall .
A good start to see how different periods and warriors were merged into one. Archaeological evidence shows a very different history.
The whole actual real occupation of and slaying of the Cananite indigenous peoples very different ( I would say 90 % plus different if not completely ) as told in the religious texts.

Descendancy of David can not be based on religion.
Modern genetics show and prove that religion is based on belief and not genetics or Geneology.
People of different believes intermarried , converted and are all related.
I myself carry what is considered a " jewish genetic heart disease " Gauchers and have xtian, jewish ,muslim , hindu , buddhist and animist ancestors.
So possible anyone of any religion or any shade of skin colour can a descendant of King David not restricted to a specific religion and no IRONY in that.

The Davidic lines seem to come through the Arabic lines to me.

Yes, Erica and the Kings of Rome have same areas also, interesting that everything goes to from Jerusalem to Germany and Russia down to Germany Netherlands to South Africa And over to New Jersey, the brothers, what is going on in South Africa. place of the gold they say

How many lineages do you have to David, I have found, 5 so far, lol

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