Breaking Point Found in Abravanel Claim to Davidic Dynast Descent

Started by Private User on Tuesday, December 21, 2021
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Private User
12/21/2021 at 1:50 PM

A thorough review of the GENI pedigree of Don Isaac Abarbanel shows that there is glitch: the 23rd great grandfather (Elazar ibn Shmuel al-Hurga, Alluf al-Andalus & Resh Kallah) is shown as the son of Mar Sar Shalom ben Boas After a brief discussion on the profile, it has been concluded that this is not a possible sequence (absent extraordinary evidence to the contrary). Therefore it appears that the patriline connection with the exilarch-Davidic line ceases there. However, several generations subsequent to Don Isaac Abarnanel, his grandson marries Esther Abravanel who is a Davidic descendant on the Yakhia line, meaning that after this point, the Abravanel line is a Davidic lineage through a grandmother.

This information would negate any further claims to a ydna connection between modern day Abravanels and the ancient line of Davidic exilarchs, subject to alternative pedigress differing from the one shown on GENI. This leaves the Dayan of Aleppo line as the only known, coherent Davidic dynasts.

12/21/2021 at 3:46 PM

"There are five other lineages with possible claims of Messianic descent", such as "the Exilarch Mari ben Ukba ca. 300-ca.370 CE...son of Ukba ben Nekhemiah", generation 47. ("Phylogeographic Origins of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic-Messianic House of David HaMelekh",
by Adam Cherson).

Private User
12/22/2021 at 11:24 AM

I have just updated the article cited with the following in the footnotes:

Footnote 31: "...the line of Mar Sar Shalom ben Boas is now considered to be a Cohanic line which descends from a Jewish daughter of Bustenai (see fn 33), which means that even if the al-Hurga to Mar Sar Shalom connection is accurate, the line is not partiline Davidic."

Footnote 33: "There has been a longstanding debate among scholars regarding the mothers of Bustenai’s offspring. According to historical legend, Bustenai was given a Persian wife following the Islamic conquest of Persia, and the maternity of his descending lines could stem from the Persian wife, or his Jewish wife. According to my research, the Dayan, Shaltiel, and Benveniste lines, if accurate, would descend from the Persian wife, while the Cohanic Abravanel line (if accurate, see fn. 31) descends from the daughter of the Jewish wife. The Yahia line is from much earlier and avoids the Bustenai discussion."

Private User
12/23/2021 at 5:32 PM

Upon Shmuel-Aharon Kam's request, I went ahead and made that cut. I think what happened here is that certain intellectual history was substituted for genealogical fact. This can sometimes happen with the exilarchs and gaons as well where a succession of gaons or exilarchs is extrapolated to mean a father-son relationship with the prior one, which is sometimes but not always true.

12/23/2021 at 7:21 PM

I severed him. Thanks.

David Dmitrevich Aababranel
6/16/2023 at 5:21 PM

Но царской ветка тоже может переходить если не было сыновей а только единственное дочка, и в то время знали что царской линия передается от отца к старшему сыну.

Private User
6/17/2023 at 3:33 PM

This is true, there is a difference between the 'royal descent', which can pass through a single daughter, and the 'messianic descent', which I believe according to the Tanach must connect son-after-son directly to King David.

David Dmitrevich Aababranel
6/22/2023 at 3:27 AM

Так вот и еврейская схема на счёт семи Абарбанэль. По семейной легенде или даже по источникам (мегилот) семейного древа и по книгам Аврахама Шалома Фридберга, это семья имела царскую ветку дома Давида ещё от Зрообавела и дома Илеля.

David Dmitrevich Aababranel
6/22/2023 at 3:30 AM

И на эту ветку сейчас играют евреи для постройки храма + та схема с наследством которое было изъято ещё в Португалии у самого Дон Ицхака Абарбанэля. Деньги уже в стране, значит и царской линия тоже учитывая историю и сегодняшнюю картону

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