Bob Barris - URLs please for Priscilla Lefevere, Phillip G. Lefevre and Cathrina Barr. It makes the curators' job much easier.

Bob Barris - URLs please for Priscilla Lefevere, Phillip G. Lefevre and Cathrina Barr. It makes the curators' job much easier.
There are two but their husbands parents don’t match.
Priscilla Bryson disconnected as daughter of Philip G. LeFevre &
Bob Barris there is a lot of documentation about Geni available. You may want to look at Geni Start Here Basics, A-to-Z-of-Help-Topics an the Geni Help Portal
I have a question.
There was an automated merge done on this profile, but it left 24 duplicates unmerged.
I'm wondering why the merge wasn't completed? I'm guessing it was because either the GEDCOM is still in process of adding profiles, or because the birth date of the mother was off by 10 years, which seems to be common in GEDCOM trees.
Did the automated merge work as designed, or did a glitch cause the merge to not be completed?
No Idea why, but this is interesting;
1850 United States Federal Census (Seeley, b.1771+-10Yrs), New Jersey
Mary Seeley Bridgeton, Cumberland, New Jersey abt 1770 New Jersey Female
Aaron Tuley Fairfield, Cumberland, New Jersey abt 1777 New Jersey Male
Charter Seeley Pilesgrove, Salem, New Jersey abt 1780 New Jersey Male
John Seeley Hopewell, Cumberland, New Jersey abt 1761 New Jersey Male
William Seiley Harrison, Hudson, New Jersey abt 1780 New Jersey Male
Hannah Seely Raritan, Monmouth, New Jersey abt 1780 New York Female
Hannah Seiley Harrison, Hudson, New Jersey abt 1781 New Jersey Female
John's date is 1761, not 1751. So I question the rest.
I am trying to edit my cousins profile, she recently passed and I do not now have access to the "edit profile" icon. I am the manager of this profile I added information on Oct. 7, 2009 and I am the person that started my tree. Can you give some advice on how I can correct this problem. My cousin passed August 16, 2022 and we are receiving Birthday requests through Geri for her.
User profiles are special. You will have to report the profile as deceased. In the upper right corner, click "Actions", then "Report this profile to Geni", and choose "Deceased" as reason. Then, Geni customer service will remove the user account so that you can edit your cousins profile like any other non-user profiles.
Private User The only “automated merge” that I am aware of is when you tick merge duplicated parents when merging. It only merges direct ancestors and ignores any siblings
<<< I am trying to edit my cousins profile, she recently passed and I do not now have access to the "edit profile" icon. I am the manager of this profile I added information on Oct. 7, 2009 and I am the person that started my tree. Can you give some advice on how I can correct this problem. My cousin passed August 16, 2022 and we are receiving Birthday requests through Geri for her. >>>
I am not a curator, but I can give an idea. First of all, it is possible that you do not have "edit" access to her profile because when she was alive, she accepted your invitation to join so only she can have access. When I ran into this situation, I found, on the option "report profile" or something like this a sub-option "report as deceased". Now, it is best if you have a little piece of documentary evidence to attach to the report - maybe a condolence letter or a newspaper announcement - whatever...
Hello Curators :)
Could you please unmerge this
These are two brothers Aizik and Itzik from different mothers