Hi Erin, thanks for that. All the sources on the internet quote "le hutin" so I think we should leave it at that unless any French speakers know better. I'm no linguist, but the rule might be a bit like in English - depending on whether the "h" is pronounced - e.g "an hotel" an "a hedgehog". I'm sure someone will let me know if I'm talking rubbish!
By the way le hutin means the Quarreler, the Headstrong, or the Stubborn (French: le Hutin; Spanish: el Obstinado) [from Wikipedia]
Done, Terry.
Arthur, please feel free to send me any you find! I searched his managed profiles and tried to kill them all. Unfortunately, it only searches through the 5000 profiles closed to him, or something like that, so there are still zombies out there that don't show up under his managed profiles list. He manages 24,500 profiles. :-\