Shimon, thank you for joining the discussion and for reminding us it is Pesah Sheni today. It seems your personal family tree must have been swallowed in a merge into Geni's Big Tree and you are suddenly surprised to find branches that you did not expect all the way back to Rashi.
According to Geni indeed your wife descends from Rabbi Akiva Eiger's illustrious rabbinical family and all the way back to Rashi. Out of respect, Rabbi's who are Rashi's descendants list their lineages back to Rashi in their seforim, so valid sources back to Rashi do exist.
Geni in fact lists your wife herself as a 26th great granddaughter of Rashi. Wouldn't it be a shame to deprive your children of this possible fact unless you can prove otherwise? Though you are right that Yichus Atzma, the present, is where our major focus should be, but keeping in mind that we stand today on the shoulders of giants is important too.
Your wife, ....her father,
C. L.,.... his mother
F. L., ...her father
A. K, ....his father
Rabbi A. K, ....his mother
G. K,..... her mother
Sorel Sofer (Eiger) ....., her father
Rabbi Akiva Eiger (Eger) רבי עקיבא איגר , his father
Moshe GINS (GUENS/GUNS), his father
Shmuel Günsz (Marx - Shlesinger), his father
Israel Güns Margaliot Jaffe, his father
Marx Mordechai Jaffe Schlesinger, his father
Rav Moshe Margaliot Yaffe, his father
Yehuda Leib Yaffe, his father
Rabbi Mordechai JAFFE, his father
Moshe Jaffe, his father
Yehuda HaLevi Horowitz, his mother
Miryam Bella Horowitz הורביץ, her mother
Malkah Dina Iserlish איסרליש, her mother
Malka Drezl Schrenzel [ReMa Gd.mother] , her father
Yehiel יחיאל Luria לוריא III , his father
Rabbi Aharon רבי אהרון Luria לוריא , his father
Netanel Luria, his father
HaRav Yechiel Luria II, his mother
Vergentlin Hanna Luria , her father
Yosef Tzarfati , his father
Rabbi Yaakov ben Meir Klonimus, Rabenu TAM [Gd.son of RASHI], his mother
Yocheved Klonymos [of Ramerupt] her father
Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki - RASHI רש"י