I agree it would be nice if they taught genealogy in school. Once many years ago when my son was maybe 10,his Sunday School class was asked to bring in their family tree. Only he and one girl,who happened to be distantly related to him did the assignment. I gave him what I had at the time ,now this was almost 30 years ago. I had so much at the time, and no where as much as I now have, written out on a window shard. It was the only thing I had at the time that was big enough to fit every thing on at once. Now I couldn't fit it all on a shad. I 've resorted to using white paper that comes on a roll, that you use to wrap and mail pkgs. Imagine if I had sent him to Sunday school with what I now have! I don't know how big Marylou's was. I don't know why the Sunday school decided to do this but they did. This makes me realized how long I've been at this.Well over 30 years. Hope I live another 30 to finish it up. O'couse we all know we are never really finished. There's always someone new to add or something new to add to the old. Judy
Judith, that's a definite yes; on facebook, you can 'like' a post, but you can also 'like' any comments that are made to that post.
Some of my nieces and nephews, and now my partner's younger niece and nephew all had assignments like that, going back about 20 years for mine I guess, and maybe 4-5 years for my partner. I like that they're discussing genealogy in school too. As with you, we were able to provide a good sized family tree on both our sides. Now with geni, there are thousands more to include!
Like I said my tree has grown so much that I have graduated to a larger form by using a large form to chart it on and then some times I have to add in by cutting in. Campbell line is an example. I charted it out on separate paper , the cut a space for it out of original tree and taped it in. eventually I will do a whole new one. Have more to add to it. Yes, I know it's a lot of work and very time consuming but I don't mind. Kind of like doing it over and over. It's my therapy! Relaxes me, believe it or not! Plus it's earier to follow and make sense of this way then on the computer. Judy
I think that the curators work to make a master MP has greatly improved the accuracy of the profiles.
I still see many profiles, including MPs, with too many children or too many wives.
The flaws still need to be worked on, piece by piece, name by name.
Many thanks for your help and dedication to the call for accuracy in the
Some information will never be exactly correct because it really was lost a long time ago. Paper records were often lost to fire or mold, flood or carelessness. Sometimes people were simply not keeping records of the ancestors.
Other times, a family may have been suffering from poverty, or disease, or disasters . In this case, much information was left behind or destroyed. War has a way of distorting records and leaving mystery behind. Always, we find that some information is simply missing or mixed up by conflicting sources. This distortion and destruction of some
records is simply part of the way our tasks for genealogy are made more difficult.
We often simply deal with these problems the best we can, showing the conflicting information......and moving on to another set of ancestors.
Ethel Johanna Myers
Ethel, some of the Kings such as John Lackland had several wives and many many mistress. In the case of John there are records. In fact he is on record of having the most recorded mistress and children. But definitely records have been lost over the years because of various reasons. The whole of 1833 death records are missing Saugus. I think it's because of a flood in the Town Hall basement! There was also a fire. Judy