July 24, 2011 is on a Sunday this year I believe and not a Tuesday.
Brigham Young's profile is in much better shape than it was back in November when I started working on that area of the tree. His "about me section" is looking fine at the present time.
In the fall of 2010 Brigham Young had listed 74 spouses-- where he actually had "only" about 55 wives. After several weeks of careful merging, his profile has now been cleaned up to just 51 spouses attached to it. In other words 23 of the original 74 profiles were duplicates along with several duplicate children. But now things are much better.
...Now if I could only use the spouse re-ordering tool on more than 10 profiles without the drag and drop giving me fits:)
PS. We should hit the 3,000th profile added to the http://www.geni.com/projects/Mormon-Pioneers-1847-1868-Master-Project soon. When I ran the numbers last week I had added the 2,812th profile.