April is for About Cleanup!

Started by Private User on Thursday, March 31, 2011
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July 24, 2011 is on a Sunday this year I believe and not a Tuesday.

Brigham Young's profile is in much better shape than it was back in November when I started working on that area of the tree. His "about me section" is looking fine at the present time.

In the fall of 2010 Brigham Young had listed 74 spouses-- where he actually had "only" about 55 wives. After several weeks of careful merging, his profile has now been cleaned up to just 51 spouses attached to it. In other words 23 of the original 74 profiles were duplicates along with several duplicate children. But now things are much better.

...Now if I could only use the spouse re-ordering tool on more than 10 profiles without the drag and drop giving me fits:)

PS. We should hit the 3,000th profile added to the http://www.geni.com/projects/Mormon-Pioneers-1847-1868-Master-Project soon. When I ran the numbers last week I had added the 2,812th profile.

Randy, you've been doing a truly spectacular job on the Mormon Pioneers. Every time I look at your projects there I think to myself that they're a model for all of us.

John Webster, 5th Gov. of Connecticut Colony
Governor of the Colony of Connecticut, 1656

Since we're on Connecticut history, this profile needs help. I'm starting off by searching for a better image.

Good luck Erica...


There is no portrait of Governor John Webster.

Prepared by the History and Genealogy Unit, Connecticut State Library, April 1999."

Yes I saw that. I got a nice plaque up on the profile instead.

Ah...thought that was what you were replacing. What had been there, the cemetery marker?

Gov. William S. Livingston, Signer, US Constitution is cleaned up and removed from the project.

Samuel Wakeman who was an "Original Proprietor of Hartford" has had his "about me" section cleaned up and is now removed from this project.

Lt. Joseph Wheeler is done and removed from the project.

Well, it's not April anymore, but here's post #100...

I just finished and removed Ann Alice Kimball.

It's far from fully cleaned up -- it's really just his abridged Wikipedia page right now -- but I just stripped all of the copyrighted information (which seemed endless...) and inappropriate personal tributes out of Gen. Robert E. Lee, CSA's profile. I figure that's a start, though I'm obviously not removing it from the project yet.

We may need to keep a close eye on that profile as we're clearning it because it clearly attracts a lot of people who want to have their say about him, and Geni's really not the forum for that. :/

Removed Bunker Gay Hubbard. Unfortunately, there isn't enough information him to expand the profile much -- he's an ancestor of mine and we've been fruitlessly chasing details on him for decades -- but at least it's tidy now.

May is for Mayhem?

May is for "Mothers."

I cleaned up James Hopkins Woolsey and removed him from project.

We're going to need a June theme...and a new thread for it. :) Suggestions?

June is for reJuvenation.

I joined this project. I'm a repeat offender of cut and paste, but in my defense, I do cut and paste during stage 1 and plan to go back and create original, succinct, and accessible About Mes in stage 2.

Hatte, I think a lot of us do that. :) To me, this project isn't so much about cut-and-paste but rather *messy* cut-and-pastes. Also, we work with a lot of profiles that have had dozens of merges and therefore have really long, divided, repetitive "About Me" fields.

We're glad to have you! :)

I've removed the following:

* Dr. Edward Hunter Ludlow
* Elizabeth Ludlow
* Valentine Gill Hall, Jr.
* Mary Livingston Hall
Anna Rebecca Roosevelt
* Elizabeth Stevens Livingston
* Philip Philip Livingston

on the grounds that having *no* "About Me" profile doesn't equal needing to be cleaned up. (In other words, almost all of these "About Me" fields are empty or have only one line.)

My guess is that these profiles were added by someone who wanted to see them expanded, so I've taken them out; that's not our project's purpose.

Cleaned up and removed these two...

Phoebe Leavitt / Covey

Wilford Elisha Cragun

I've added Sir John ‘the writer’ Harington, Kt., of Kelston. Anyone who wants to work on it should consult http://www.geni.com/discussions/95508 first.

I've cleaned up these two and removed them from the project.

Abigail Wolsey

George Leavitt

This weekend I'm planning on cleaning up the following 6 Mormon Pioneer profiles that I recently added to the project:

Henry Brown Wilde
Jacob Madsen
William H. Draper, Jr
Rebecca Turner Dalton
Edward Dalton
George Leavitt

Opps I forgot that I already had completed George Leavitt last week.

He's done and removed now from the project:)

Henry Wilde
Jacob Madsen
William Draper, Jr.
Rebecca Cranmer
Edward Dalton

The above are now cleaned up and removed from the project.

I have Barack Obama´s complete line back to John Lackland Plantagenet, as well as, his relationship to Mitt Romney, listed in 23 Generations, as well as, John Lackland Plantagenet. These are "non- public" documents, though... (as they are being offered for sale or some for free, if you register, but not my property to "post".)
All from BridgeAnne de Avingnion and her Grandfather´s work @ http://www.weareallrelated.com.

BridgeAnne has assured my per email, that her Grandfather´s extensive life´s work (He´s been researching the United States Presidential lineages now, for some 60 years.) is extremely accurate.
So, save a few very human... end typos (mostly just 1 letter missing or two letters, switched around.) it´s CORRECT connections.
IF anyone would like to have these, email me at Walker2021@yahoo.com

WHY!!!! ERICA! did you keep encouraging my work, and then set this up.
I am dyslexic, have to copy ad paste.
Why did you send me all those messages praising me, and encouraging me to continue, knowing others would be seeing what I have done, knowing it was wrong, and having to change it all.


I wonder sometimes where kindness is in this place, REALLY, the "game" is sickening, and I am thru with this site, I am disgusted.



This is an old project.

Showing 91-120 of 120 posts

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