Immediate Family
ex-partner's daughter
ex-partner's son
ex-partner's daughter
ex-partner's daughter
ex-partner's son
About Aldiud
from http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/BURGUNDY%20KINGS.htm#ConradIBurgund... v4.3 Updated 01 June 2021
ALDIUD, wife of ANSELM, daughter of ---. The identity of King Conrad´s mistress is ascertained as follows. Firstly, as noted below, the Chronicon Hugonis names the king´s illegitimate son, archbishop of Lyon, as "Burchardus, Rodulfi regis frater, Conradi ex concubina filius"[167]. Secondly, Burchard´s mother´s name is confirmed as Aldiud by a charter dated 14 Feb 1005, which records that her son "Burchardum Lugdunensem archiepiscopum" donated property "in loco Oponlongis infra comitatum Ottingen" which he had "ex patre matris suæ Aldiud quod rex Chuonradus ei præbuit" to Anselm Bishop of Aosta[168]. Thirdly, the name of the father of Anselm Bishop of Aosta is confirmed as Anselm in the charter of Rudolf III King of Burgundy for Romainmotier dated [1001/02], which was witnessed by "…Anselmus episcopus Augustensis…Anselmus pater Anselmi episcopi…"[169]. Fourthly, a charter dated 1 Nov 1002, noted by Rivaz in his compiled index of Burgundian charters, confirms that Anselm Bishop of Aosta and Burchard Archbishop of Lyon were brothers: "Burchard archévêque de Lyon et abbé de Saint-Maurice" granted property "dans les comtés de Valais et de Vaud" to "Gauslin", with the consent of "Anselme son frère évêque d'Aoste et prévôt de ladite abbaye"[170]. Fifthly, Anselm and Aldiud were also parents of Burchard Archbishop of Vienne and Udalrich his advocatus, as shown by a charter dated 19 Aug [1019] of "Burchardus sancta Viennensis archiepiscopus et Udolricus frater meus et advocatus meus" which granted property "in pago Genevensi…in villa Marischa…a circio Lemani lacus" made "pro remedio animarum…genitore nostro Anselmo sive pro genetrice nostra Aaldui"[171]. The conclusion therefore is that the only way in which Burchard Archbishop of Lyon could have been the brother of the three brothers Anselm, Burchard and Odalric is if they shared the same mother, who gave birth to them by different fathers. Aldiud´s relationship with the early counts of Savoy is indicated by Rodolfus Glauber who describes Burchard, son of Count Humbert "aux Blanches Mains", as nepos of Aldiud's illegitimate son[172]. This relationship is explained by Count Humbert's wife being the legitimate daughter of Anselm and Aldiud. The Chronicon Hugonis specifies that Burchard was appointed archbishop (dated to 978) when still a child[173]. This presumably dates Aldiud´s relationship to the King Conrad to [965/70], which was probably before she married Anselm.
King Conrad I had one illegitimate son by Mistress (1):
8. BURCHARD ([965/70]-22 Jun 1030 or 1031) ...
Anselm [II] & his wife had four children:
a) ODALRIC [Ulrich] (-after 19 Aug [1019]). ...
b) ANSELM [III] (-after 1026). ...
c) BOUCHARD (-after 19 Aug [1019]). ...
d) AUXILIA . ...
Aldiud's Timeline
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980 |
Age 43
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