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Frances Sulyard (Dawnay)

Псевдоним: "Frances Dawnay"
Дата рождения:
Место рождения: Sessay, North Yorkshire, England
Смерть: 1605 (63-65)
Wetherden, Suffolk, England
Ближайшие родственники:

Дочь Sir Thomas Dawnay, Kt. и Edith Dawney
Жена Sir William Babthorpe, Kt. и Sir Edward Sulyard, Kt.
Мать Christiana Girlington и Frances Herring
Сестра Sir John Dawnay, Kt., MP и Paul Dawnay

Менеджер: Private User
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About Frances Sulyard

Barbara Constable of Everingham, Yorkshire, was born in 1531 at Everingham, Yorkshire, the daughter of Sir Robert Constable of Everingham, Yorkshire and Catherine Manners of Belvoir. Barbara Constable of Everingham, Yorkshire married Sir William Babthorpe of Babthorpe and Osgodby, Yorkshire in about 1557 and died some time before 17th. October 1564 - the precise date being at present unknown, but probably in 1563 or 1564 (before 17th. October 1564). On 17th. October 1564 at Snaith, Yorkshire, Sir William Babthorpe married his second wife, Frances Dawnay, the daughter of Sir Thomas Dawnay of Sassay (Sezay), Yorkshire and Edith Darcy.

Sir William Babthorpe died on 1st. May 1581 and died possibly intestate (but see note below). A Grant of Letters of Administration was made by the Prerogative Court of York on 8th. June 1581.

T. Burton, The History and Antiquities of the Parish of Hemingbrough in the County of York, (1888) p.314, states that “Sir William, died in 1581, leaving a Will, which does not now exist, in which he desired to be buried in his Chapel at Hemingbrough, near the body of Barbara his wife.”

Source: Richard III: Sources for the Ibsen Lineage

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Хронология Frances Sulyard

Sessay, North Yorkshire, England
Osgodby near Hemingbrough, North Yorkshire, England (Соединённое Королевство)
Wetherden, Suffolk, England
Возраст 65
Wetherden, Suffolk, England
Возраст 65