Henry Fetherstone, Esq.

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Henry Fetherstone, Esq.

Birthplace: London, Middlesex, England
Death: 1650 (67-68)
London, Middlesex, England
Immediate Family:

Son of Cuthbert Featherstone, Esq and Katherine Featherstone
Husband of Katherine Featherstone
Father of Sir Heneage Fetherston, 1st Bt. and Grace Barker
Brother of Edward Featherstone; Mary Hutton; Katherine Twin Featherstone; Alicia Featherstone; Almond Featherstone and 5 others

Occupation: Stationer
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Henry Fetherstone, Esq.

2 surviving children, underage at his death; 2 wives; 1) Mary Newman, no children 2) Katherine Heneage, but predeceasing him.


  1. Heanage, married Mary Bennett
  2. Grace, married William Barker


British History Online Will of Henry Fetherstone, ANNO 24 CHARLES I. < link >


Monday next before F. of S. John ante portam Latinam [6 May].

Fetherston (Henry), of London, esquire.—To be buried in the porch of S. Ann Blackfryers beside his late wife. His leasehold messuage called "the Three Pigeons" in Paules churchyard to be held in trust for Heneage his son and Grace his daughter and the heirs of their respective bodies. Also to his said daughter two thousand pounds in money, all his plate, jewels, and linen in Mr. Fulwell's trunk, and his "quilted taffatie coverlett." To his nephew George Thomason his quarter part of the ship called "the Phillip." Bequests to the poor of the parish of S. Ann aforesaid, the poor of Bridewell, poor men and women of the Company of Stacioners, &c., and to numerous relatives, friends, and servants. Also to his daughter Grace he leaves tenements in High Holborne in lieu of her customary portion of his personal estate. His manors of Hassingbrooke and Cabbournes in the parish of Stan ford le Hope, co. Essex, his farm called "Stewards" in Much Stanbridge, co. Essex, lands and tenements in South Shoberry, East and West Tilbury, Hornedon on the Hill, Burstead, and Canedon in co. Essex, as well as within the precinct of Blackfryers, London, in Beare Courte in the parish of S. Andrew in the Wardrobe, in Whitecrossestreete in the parish of S. Giles without Creplegate, in Sempringham Courte in S. Sepulchre's parish, and on Newfishstreete Hill, and elsewhere in the realms of England and Ireland, except those already devised to his daughter, he leaves to his executors for a term of four years in trust for the maintenance of his daughter, payment of legacies, &c.; remainder to Heneage his son, on attaining the age of twenty-one years, in tail; remainder to his daughter Grace in tail; remainders over to his brother Edward for life.

  1. https://www.nationaltrustcollections.org.uk/object/138271 The sitter was the only son of Henry Fetherstone (d.1647), a stationer of Blackfriars, & of Hassingbrook in Stanford-le-Hope, Essex, which the latter had bought in 1629 (his parents were Cuthbert & Katherine Fetherstone, q.v.), and his second wife, Katharine, daughter of Michael Heneage, Keeper of Records at the Tower.
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Henry Fetherstone, Esq.'s Timeline

July 29, 1582
London, Middlesex, England
Age 67
London, Middlesex, England
Greater London, England