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Jane Musard

Псевдоним: "Joane"
Дата рождения:
Место рождения: Gloucestershire, England (Соединённое Королевство)
Смерть: 1397 (44-45)
Ближайшие родственники:

Дочь Sir John Musard, Knight и Katherine Musard
Жена John Washbourne и Sir John Washburn, of Washbourne Manor
Мать Norborne Washbourne и Isolde Washbourne

Менеджер: Private User
Последнее обновление:

About Jane Musard

The elder son, John De Washbourne I, married Katherine Thromwin and died around 1319 without children. His widow, Katherine, married Sir John Musard and they had a daughter whom they named Joan Musard. This daughter later married the son of Peter Washborn, John Washborn

Extract from "Descendants of Roger De Washbourne" by Anne Miller:

John Washbourne married before 1377 (1) Jane Musard b. 1352, daughter of Sir John Musard, and Katherin Thromwin Washborn. Her mother was the widow of John Washborn, elder son of Sir Roger. They had one child: Isolde Washborn

From Extract from "The Genealogical History of the Washburn Family of Northwest Tennessee" by Jeffery T Washburn of Dresden, Tennessee (jeffwashburn AT hotmail.com):

His first marriage was to Jane Musard in approximately 1377 or the 29th year of the reign of King Edward III. John and Jane had one child together, a girl named Isolde after her grandmother.


  1. John Burke, History of the Landed Gentry Volume III: page 621 - JOHN WASHBOURNE, of Washbourne, (the grandson of Sir Roger Washbourne, who was himself the grandson of another Sir Roger Washbourne, with whom the pedigree§ in the visitations commences) married two wives: by the first,. Joan, daughter and heir of Sir John Musard, knt. he had an only daughter, Isolde, who became the wife of. John Salwey, of Kanke, (see vol. i p. 152) ...


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Хронология Jane Musard

Gloucestershire, England (Соединённое Королевство)
Возраст 45
Stanford, Gloucestershire, England (Соединённое Королевство)