Displaying all 3 messages
Erin Ishimoticha
3/24/2012 at 16:57
The 'profile' api docs says that I can get a 'curator' field, but my response from Geni doesn't contain it, even when I pass the string 'curator' in the 'fields' array. What gives?


my $response = $ua->post("https://www.geni.com/api/profile", {
'oauth_token' => $cookies{'axtn'}->value,
'fields' => 'guid,name,curator'

results in:

$VAR1 = '{"name":"Catherine \\"Erin\\" Serafina Liora Spiceland (Pinder)","guid":"6000000003481510305"}';
Erin Ishimoticha
3/24/2012 at 17:07
Arg. Now that I read the field description more closely, I see that this field is used to describe the curator of master profiles. So how can I determine whether a claimed profile is a curator via the API?
Private User
4/2/2012 at 13:45
You can't.
Just use the Google Documents API to read that the list of curators from the spreadsheet.