Vanlandi, King of Uppsala
(c.280 - c.340)
Pictures from Old Uppsala Museum;Alt Death Year: 323, 367, 369Vanlande eller Vanland (fornvästnordiska Vanlandi) var kung av Svitjod av Ynglingaätten och satt i Uppsala. Han är omnämnd i Ynglingatal oc...
Baldwin III, count of Flanders
(940 - 962)
Boudewijn III was een 'medegraaf' omdat zijn vader, de huidige Graaf, hem overleefde.
Baldwin III was called 'co-count' because his father (the current Count) survived him
Main sources
Friedrich Georg Graf von Berg
(1845 - 1938)
Berg, Friedrich* Georg Magnus v., seit 1856 Gf. (1845-1938) 0000000035348956 [isni.org, viaf.org], ♂, Landwirt Genealogie V.: Gustav v. B. M.: Charlotte Katharina Elisabeth, geb. Gfn. v. Sievers
Agnes von Rheinfelden
(c.1065 - 1111)
Agnes of Rheinfelden (*c. 1065; † 19 December 1111)[1] was the daughter of Rudolf of Rheinfelden, and the wife of Berthold II of Zähringen, Duke of Swabia.
Saher de Quincy, Lord of Buckby and Daventry
(c.1090 - 1158)
de Quincy (I), or Quency, was the tenant of Anselm de Chokes at Long Buckby, co. Northhampton in (probably) 1124 - 1129. He presumably derived the Quincy or Quency name from Cuinchy, near Béthune, on t...
Jacob Eriksson Uppa
(aft.1595 - 1692)
Seinäjoen Upan suvun kantaisä
Jaakko Erkinpoika Uppa ja hänen vaimonsa Barbro Matintytär olivat Seinäjoen Upan suvun kantavanhemmat . He avioituivat mahdollisesti vuoden 1629 tienoilla, jolloin Jaak...
Sir John Forster, 1st Governor of Bamborough
(c.1176 - 1220)
Sir John Forster d 1220 was one of the line of Northumberland Forsters.According to Forster family accounts, in 1191, Sir John Foster accompanied King Richard I "Richard the Lionheart" to Palestine dur...
Prince Vladimir Kirillovich Romanov
(1917 - 1992)
Vladimir Kirillovich , Grand Duke of Russia (Cyrillic: Влади́мир Кири́ллович Рома́нов; 30 August [O.S. 17 August] 1917 – 21 April 1992) was the Head of the Imperial Family of Russia, a position which h...
Jaan Kiivit
(1940 - 2005)
Artikkel Jaan Kiivit juunior Vikipeedias: Jaan Kiivit sündis 19. veebruaril 1940. aastal Rakveres Viru-Jaagupi kirikuõpetaja ja hilisema EELK peapiiskopi Jaan Kiiviti peres. Ta lõpetas Tallinna 4. kesk...
Donald, Lord of the Isles
(b. - 1249)
Child Allan Macdonald Of The Isles, Lord Of The IslesAngus (Aonghas) Mor Mac Domhnaill, Lord Of Islay REGINALD son of SOMERLED (Ragnall mac Somhairle) Lord of Argyll & his wife --- of Man (-after 1192)...
Mait Malmsten
Mait Malmsten (sündinud 6. septembril 1972 Viljandis) on Eesti näitleja.
August Johannes Torma
(1895 - 1971)
August Johannes Torma VR I/3 (kuni 1940 August Johannes Schmidt, 19. veebruar 1895 Voltveti vald – 12. märts 1971 London) oli Eesti diplomaat.* Ristiisa; Postijaama ülem August Vormeyer Ristiema; Wilhe...
Robert de Montgomery, 3rd Earl of Shrewsbury
(c.1052 - 1131)
Robert de Bellême (c. 1056– after 1130), seigneur de Bellême (or Belèsme), seigneur de Montgomery, viscount of the Hiémois, 3rd Earl of Shrewsbury and Count of Ponthieu Parents: Roger II de Montgomerie...
Constance de France, heritiere de Dammartin
(c.1010 - d.)
There is no proof that Constance, wife of Manassès de Dammartin, was the daughter of King Robert II, the affiliation being proposed for onomastic reasons only[206]. It is, however, suggested by the pre...
Heribert I "Éveille-chien" du Maine, comte du maine
(aft.990 - bef.1035)
- [I] "Evigilans Canis/Eveille-chien" du Maine, son of HUGUES [III] Comte du Maine & his wife --- ([990/1000]-15 Feb [1032/35]). “Widdo Lononis filius” donated “Gaudiacus” to Saint-Pierre de la Couture...
Raphael Ballin
(aft.1360 - d.)
Cecil Vavasseur Fisher, 2nd Baron Fisher
(1868 - 1955)
Updated from MyHeritage Match via mother Frances Katharine Josepha Fisher (born Broughton) by SmartCopy : Oct 1 2014, 8:01:47 UTC
Benjamin Richmond
(1695 - 1766)
Benjamin Richmond was born 1695, and died 1765. He married Mary.
Children of Benjamin Richmond and Mary include:
+Mary Richmond, b., Little Compton Newport RI, d. Aft. 22 Feb 1765. Birth 1696 ...
N.N. Hay, Heiress of Locherworth
(1362 - bef.1390)
Daughter of Sir Thomas Hay of Lochorwart ===Family the Peerage.com has no name for the wife or wives of Sir William Borthwick, 1st of Borthwick.His children #Margaret Borthwick+2 married 1) William Abe...
Roger de Praers, of Sible Hedingham
(c.1170 - c.1220)
Roger De Praers
Birth: 1170 - Prayers Manor, Sible Hedingham, Essex, England
Death: 1220
Parents: Adam Praers, Elizabeth Ferch PRETHORN
Wife: Evelyn de Riandeau
Son: Thomas De Praers
Alice verch Watkin
(c.1390 - d.)
See Peter Bartrum, (October 3, 2017; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: The Dubious Einion ap Llywarch "ap Bran"; (Steven Ferry, February 12, 2025.)
Guillaume VIII Geoffroy d'Aquitaine, VIII duc d'Aquitaine et Vl comte de Poitou
(1023 - 1086)
Birth Name: GUY de Poitou= He adopted the first name GUILLAUME when he succeeded his brother in 1058 as GUILLAUME VIII Duke of Aquitaine, GUILLAUME VI Comte de Poitou. * GUY de Poitou, son of GUILLAUME...
Pontus De la Gardie
(1520 - 1585)
Pontus De la Gardie was a French nobleman and military in the service of Denmark and Sweden. He was born as Ponce d'Escouperie in Russol (Aude), Languedoc, as a son of Jacques Jacques Scorperier and Ca...
Peroz I, Shah of Persia
(438 - 481)
Occupation: Shah of Persia Peroz I (Pirooz, Peirozes, Priscus, fr. 33; Perozes, Procop. Pers. I. 3 and Agath. iv. 27; the modern form of the name is Perooz, Piruz, or the Arabized Ferooz, Firuz; Persia...
Usai ap Ceredig, King of Ceredigion
(c.450 - 544)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 5, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 4, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Early Ceredigion and its Rulers; . (Steven Ferry,...
Auðr the Deep-Minded
(c.633 - c.717)
Auðr the Deep-Eyed Ivarsdóttir (Old Norse: Auðr in djúpúgða) was a Scandinavian princess, the daughter of Ivar Vidfamne, and the mother of Harald Wartooth, who appears in Sögubrot, Hversu Noregr byggdi...
Johann I van Pallandt (van der Horst)
(1510 - 1562)
Mangler källo
 By Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America - This file has been extracted from another file: Tilda Swinton (28352184350).jpg, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=60490530
Tilda Swinton
Katherine Mathilda "Tilda" Swinton (born 5 November 1960) is a Scottish actress known for both arthouse and mainstream films. She has appeared in a number of films including The Curious Case of Benjami...
Salvador Dalí
(1904 - 1989)
Salvador Felipe Jacinto Dalí y Domenech was born Salvador Felipe Jacinto Dalí y Domenech on May 11, 1904, in Figueres, Spain, located 16 miles from the French border in the foothills of the Pyrenees Mo...
Helgi Sallo
Helgi Sallo (sündinud 10. augustil 1941 Tallinnas) on eesti laulja ja näitleja.* Vikipeedia.*
Harald Grenske
(bef.950 - 995)
Today's historians assume that Snorre's sagas are not historical facts when it comes to the kings living before 11th century, therefore his link to his ancestors has been deleted. That depends on the h...
Sir John Wallace of Craigie
(b. - bef.1570)
SIR JOHN WALLACE OF CRAIGIE Death Sir John Wallace of Craigie, here treated, died in August 1570. He made his last will and testament on 10 August 1570, at Knockdolian in the Ayrshire parish of Colmone...
Halfdan the Valiant
(c.590 - c.650)
Halfdan the Valiant==* Halfdan, sagokung av Skåne - multiple call-names, including "the Valiant", "Snälle", "Kloke" (Hversu).* Halfdan the Valiant (Hálfdan snjalli) (7th century?) was a legendary Scani...
Mariet (Maria) Jakobsdotter
(c.1480 - aft.1529)
Enligt Klercker-Mattonska Samlingen levde Mariet ännu 1529. Gillingstam 1967-69, s. 34Skellefteå ifsMariet Jacobsdotter. Född i Bure, Skellefteå lfs. Dottersonen Andreas Laurentii uppges ha kallat sig ...
Joel Michael Doubell
(1897 - 1989)
From Eastern Cape Newspaper Cutting: EP Herald, 29 Mar 1981 Family gathers Tomorrow, Mr. Joel DOUBELL and his wife Joey will be surrounded by their family when they celebrate their 60th wedding anniver...
Ermengarde de Bourgogne, Daughter of Boson
(876 - 935)
Daughter of Boso, Comte de Vienne, King of Provence, and his wife Ermengardis (who was daughter of Emperor Louis II King of Italy & his wife Engelberga).The FMG lists her as an unnamed daughter, though...
Magdalena Östensdotter Sursill
(c.1580 - aft.1650)
Magdalena Östenintytär Sursill , ( isä Östen Sursill) s. noin 1580 Umeå, Sverige, k. 1650 Kalajoki. Yksi Östen Erikinpojan seitsemästä tyttärestä, joista Sursillin suku on saanut alkunsa. Calamnius-suv...
Jussi Halla-aho
Helsinki, Finland
Jussi Halla-aho polveutuu äitinsä Ulla Bergrothin puolelta suomenruotsalaisesta kulttuurisuvusta, jossa on kirjoitettu katkeamatta ylioppilaaksi 1700-luvulta lähtien.
Filosofian tohtori, kansanedustaj...
Katrin Karisma-Krumm
Harjumaa, Estonia
Katrin Karisma-Krumm (sündinud 21. augustil 1947 Tallinnas) on Eesti näitleja, laulja ja poliitik.
Eestikeelne Vikipeedia
Cecilia Jakobsdotter, till Toijala
(bef.1461 - c.1510)
Cecilia Jakobsdotter (Horn af Kanckas), till Kallola i Borgå socken, levde änka 1510. - G. m. Tuve Månsson (natt och dag-vapnet), fogde på Borgå kungsgård, d. 1480, från Damnark.MML .
Wietz Lourens Botes
(1915 - d.)
Nevelong (Nibelung), graaf van Betuwe
(c.905 - 953)
. RUDOLF, son of [NIBELUNG Graaf van Betuwe & his wife --- de Hainaut] .Vanderkindere names "Baldéric I de Liège et Rodolphe" as the two sons of "Névelong" but he does not cite the corresponding primar...
Magdalena "Anna" Forstmeister Haas
(1516 - 1540)
HaRav Yitzhak Klauber of Posen
(1475 - 1530)
. . .when the Maharshal quotes his grandfather, R. Yitzchok Klauber, noted are many of the places where the Maharshal cites his grandfather, throughout his many seforim (p. 3, n.6), along with a brie...
Kerstin Henriksdotter Tavast
(c.1460 - c.1557)
Mainitaan Mårten Nilsson Mannan anoppina 1545. (ÄSF I, Tavast, Tab.4). Nämns som svärmor till Mårten Nilsson Manna i Lemo sn 1545. (ÄSF I, Tavast, Tab.4). 'She is mentioned as mother-in-law for Mårten ...
Richard Snow
(1496 - 1565)
Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Apr 28 2017, 9:44:43 UTC
Hilja Loreida Sinisalu
(1927 - 1997)
* Personaalraamat I,1902-1938- ,
* Hilja Valdmann arreteeriti 18. aprillil 1948. Ta mõisteti süüdi metsavendade aitamisest ning 28. septembril 1948 mõistis tribunal Hilja Valdmanni 10 aastaks vangi. T...
Dirk van Hamaland, graaf van Teisterbant
(956 - 1032)
Hywel ap Gwilym
(c.1350 - d.)
See Peter Bartrum, (May 18; 2022; Anne Brannen, curator)
See Peter Bartrum, (January 6, 2018; Anne Brannen, curator)
See Peter Bartrum, (October 18, 2022; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell W...
Dodo ll van Egmont
(c.1010 - 1074)
Dodo II van Egmond
overl. 1074
advocatus van de abdij van Egmond
Lars Løkke Rasmussen
Lars Løkke Rasmussen (born 15 May 1964) is a Danish politician who has served as Minister of Foreign Affairs since 2022. He previously served as the 25th Prime Minister of Denmark from 2009 to 2011 and...
Gertrud Svendsdatter
(1592 - 1635)
Robert FitzHamon, Sieur de Creully, Lord of Gloucester & Glamorgan
(c.1050 - 1107)
Robert Fitzhamon (died March 1107), or Robert FitzHamon, Sieur de Creully in the Calvados region and Torigny in the Manche region of Normandy, was Lord of Gloucester and the Norman conqueror of Glamo...
Cynan Garwyn ap Brochfael, Brenin Powys
(c.545 - aft.580)
See Peter Bartrum, (February 6, 2023; Anne Brannen, curator)
Please see Darrell Wolcott: Bartrum's "Pedigrees of the Welsh Tribal Patriarchs" #14 Mam Tudor Trefor; . (Steven Ferry, September 20, 2019....
Ludovico I Maria Sforza, duca di Milano
(1452 - 1508)
Sforza Duke of Milan (Ludovico il Moro, "The Moor"; 27 July 1452 – 27 May 1508), a member of the Sforza dynasty of Milan, Duchy of Milan, was the fourth son of Francesco Sforza, and was famed as patron...
Dr. Hans Uustalu
(1887 - 1950)
Hans Uustalu (9. oktoober 1887 Koonga vald, Pärnumaa – 23. veebruar 1950 Stockholm) oli eesti arst. vanameesPärnumaa tegelaste biograafiad 1937 lk.280
Peder Jönsson Spora till Mälkilä
Genos 2009:2, s. 60-73. Spore, till Mälkilä i Bjärnå. Skref sig 1545 till Prestkulla i Ténala socken. Gustaf I gaf, enl. ant. i familjen Spåres släktpapper, Kokkola by i Hauho till Peder Spore mot Arpa...
Peter (Peeter) Einpaul
(1924 - 2015)
Sündis Harjumaal Jõelähtme vallas Rebala külas.
Elas Järvamaal Nõmmküla vallas Alupere külas.
Lõpetas Tallinnas Reaalkooli.
Õppis Tallinna Tehnikumis.
Haigestus Debicas.
Mahaut de Lusignan, Countess of Hereford
(b. - 1241)
Mahaut de Lusignan, also known as Maud d’Eu, (Abt 1214 - 14 Aug 1241)===Biographyand ParentageShe was born about 1210 in La Marche, Poictou, France. [2]She was the daughter of Raoul I of Lusignan, Comt...
Heikki Ollinpoika NN
(aft.1520 - bef.1591)
Perusti Höökin talon (nimi tulee ilmi paljon myöhemmin), joka tuli veroluetteloihin 1562 Pedersören Alajärvenjoenkylään. Heikki Ollinpojan syntyperä tai edes tulosuunta ei ole toistaiseksi selvinnyt ke...
Lauri Saatpalu
Lauri Saatpalu on eesti muusik, laulukirjutaja ja näitleja
Poja surm (fotoga) -
William le Boteler, 1st Baron Boteler
(1274 - 1335)
William Boteler, who in the 24th year of Edward I was in ward to Walter de Langton, lord treasurer of England, and Walter de Beauchamp, of Alcester, steward of the king's household. This feudal lord ob...
Pépin I, king of Aquitaine
(c.797 - 838)
PEPIN ([797]-Poitiers 13 Dec 838, bur Poitiers, église collégiale de Sainte-Radégonde). Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names (in order) "Hlutharius, Pippinus, Hludowicus" as sons of Emperor Ludwig...
Ralph de Murdoc, of Deddington
(c.1060 - c.1130)
Name: Ralph de MURDACSurname: MurdacGiven Name: Ralph deSex: MBirth: ABT 1065 in Broughton,Oxford,EnglandChange Date: 20 Apr 2004 at 01:00:00Father: Richard FITZMEURDACH , Sir b: ABT. 1037 in Normandy,...
Bertram de Verdun III, Crusader and Castellan of Richard I Of England
(c.1130 - 1192)
de Verdun was the name of several members of the Norman family of Verdun, native of Avranchin.For the historian Mark Hagger, the Verdun family lived lavishly in Normandy where they were minor land hold...
John Boswell, of Ardsley
(c.1365 - 1441)
Detached Constance Mountney as wife.
concerns This John appears to be a conflation of two different Johns:
John Bosville of Erdesley/Ardesley (now Ardsley), who married Isabel Dronsfield/Dransfi...
Mahaut of Albon, countess of Savoy
(c.1108 - c.1145)
d) MATHILDE ([1112/16]-after 30 Mar 1148). The Aymari Rivalli De Allobrogibus records that "Amedeo…secundo, Mauriennæ comiti" married "Guigona Crassi filia"[252]. The identity of her father is clari...
Hawise de Dinan
(b. - 1226)
Hawise de Dinan
BIRTH unknown
DEATH 1226
Whittington, Shropshire Unitary Authority, Shropshire, England
Burial Details Unknown
MEMORIAL ID 74748329
awise was the da...
Gregers Birgersson, Bjälboätten oä Folkunge
(c.1230 - c.1276)
Gregers Birgersson
Son of Jarl Birger Magnusson (Folkungaätten)
Folkungaättens oäkta gren Gregers (illegitimate son of Earl Birger). Changed in 1272 Ängsö in the same name sn in Yttertjurbo hd in...
Christina of Sweden
(1189 - aft.1248)
Christina Duchess of Mecklenburg, Princess of Sweden==Yrke: Furstinna av Mecklenburg ==Barn:==* Margareta av Mecklenburg * Mechtild av Mecklenburg * Johan I av MecklenburgWikipedia: , furstinna av Meck...
Matilda, Countess of Huntingdon
(1171 - 1233)
PLEASE NOTE: Maud of Chester was ONLY married to David Earl of Huntingdon. She was NOT married to William d'Aubigny--that was her sister Mabel. She was NOT married to William de Braose--that was Maud d...
Patrik Laine
Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio, United States
Patrik Laine is a Finnish professional ice hockey winger.
(b. - c.1634)
Tutkimukset ja lainaukset hämeenkyröläiseltä sukututkijalta Liisa Rajalalta, joka on tutkinut Didrich Perssonia alkuperäislähteistä.
Didrik Persson tunnetut puolisot
Kyrön käräjät v. 14.10. 1601...
James I the Conqueror, King of Aragon
(1208 - 1276)
Jaimea I de Aragón el Conquistador (catalán/valenciano: Jaume el Conqueridor, aragonés: Chaime lo Conqueridor, occitano: Jacme lo Conquistaire) Montpellier, 2 de febrero de 1208 + Alcira, 27 de julio ...
 Vernon Monaghan. Via Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Mure_(writer)#/media/File:Rowallan_(Old)_Castle_-_geograph.org.uk_-_1356966.jpg Creative Commons 2.0
Sir William Mure of Rowallan
(c.1265 - 1348)
SIR WILLIAM MURE OF ROWALLAN=== Sir William Mure of Rowallan is the son of Sir Archibald Mure of Rowallan. According to the family historian: "William, heir and successor to Ard. married a daughter of ...
Sir Alan Montgomery
(c.1188 - c.1234)
SIR JOHN OF MONTGOMERY Sir John of Montgomery, here treated, is the son of Alan of Montgomery. He and his father are noticed in the witness list of a undated charter by which Vincent son of Robert Aven...
Olav V, king of Norway
(1903 - 1991)
Prince of Denmark, Schleswig-Holstein, Glücksburg: Alexander Edward Christian Frederik *King of Norway 21. September 1957: Olav V *King of Norway: Reign: 21. September 1957 – 17. January 1991. Consecra...
GD Stefan Jerzy von Römer
(1678 - 1773)
Stefan Jerzy Römer of his own coat of arms (died before September 9, 1773)
standard-bearer of Trakai in the years 1738–1766,
sub-voivode of Trakai in the years 1738–1741,
municipal judge of Tra...
 William Hole. Via Wikimedia https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Battle_of_Largs_(detail),_1263.JPG Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
Sir Gilchrist Mure of Rowallan
(1200 - 1280)
Sir Gilchrist, who fought at the battle of Largs. He is said, as already mentioned, to have disponed the lands of Polkelly to his kinsman, Ranald More, but of this there is no evidence. The author of t...
Uchtred, Lord of Tynedale
(c.1074 - c.1152)
"The first member of the family known by this name was Uchtred, Lord of Tyndale, who married Bethoc Canmore, daughter of Donald III, King of Scots from 1093–1099.[3] His name, the period of his life an...
Frederick II "the Great", King of Prussia
(1712 - 1786)
Friedrich der Große= Links: * The Peerage * Geneall * Wikipedia * ADB In Deutsch* Preussen.de: Friederick II In German history In German* King of Prussia; Elector of Brandenburg Reign 31 May 1740 – 17 ...
Charles de France, duc de Basse-Lotharingie
(953 - 991)
CHARLES (Laon summer 953-in prison Orléans 12 Jun 991, bur 1001 Maastricht, St Servatius)
Twin of Henri
s/o LOUIS IV "d'Outremer" King of the Franks & Gerberga of Germany
x ADELAIS de Troyes d/o ROBE...
Millard Fillmore, 13th President of the United States
(1800 - 1874)
13th United States President. He was born in upstate New York in Cayuga County the second of eight children to such an impoverished family that they could not even afford to feed him. His father appren...
 By Antti Bilund (Own work) [GFDL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) or CC BY-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons
Joakim Henriksson Fleming till Qvidja
(b. - c.1496)
Valtaneuvos. Kuitian linna, Parainen. Riksråd. Qvidja Slott, Pargas, Finland. 'Council of the State. Kuitia Castle, Parainen, Finland. Viitteet - Referenser - References: * Jully Ramsay: Frälsesläkter ...
 Photo from the Ernest Hemingway Photograph Collection, John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston. Public domain. Via Wikimedia Commons at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ernest_Hemingway_1950.jpg
Ernest Hemingway
(1899 - 1961)
Ernest Hemingway was an American novelist, short-story writer, and journalist. His economical and understated style—which included his iceberg theory—had a strong influence on 20th-century fiction, whi...
Gytha, countess of Wessex
(c.997 - 1069)
, #102179, d. after 1069Last Edited=9 Apr 2006Gytha (?) was born in Denmark. (3) She was the daughter of Thorgils 'Sprakalegg' Styrbjornson and Sigrid of Halland. (1), (2) She married Godwine, Earl of ...
Joseph Goebbels
(1897 - 1945)
Paul Joseph Goebbels (29 October 1897 – 1 May 1945) was a German politician and Reich Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945. One of Adolf Hitler's close associates and most devoted f...
Alesta nic Morggán, of Mar
(c.1130 - 1182)
2nd wife. Daughter of Morgand, Earl of Mar. 2nd wife. Daughter of Morgand, Earl of Mar.
Charles Capet-Valois, "Le Téméraire", Duke of Burgundy
(1433 - 1477)
Charles de Valois-Bourgogne, dit Charles le Téméraire (Dijon, 10 ou 11 novembre 14333 – Nancy, 5 janvier 1477) est, après Philippe II le Hardi, Jean sans Peur et Philippe III le Bon, le quatrième et de...
Irma Gromb
(1903 - 1942)
Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:Gromb, Irma geborene Löwenstein geboren am 01. Juli 1903 in Olsberg / Brilon / Westfalen wohnhaft in Frankfurt a. MainEmigration: BelgienDeportation: ab Mechel...
 KTombDugdale67. via Wikimedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katherine_Swynford#/media/File:KTombD... Creative Commons 3.0
Katherine Swynford, Duchess of Lancaster
(1350 - 1403)
"Katherine Swynford, Duchess of Lancaster (also spelled Synford), née (de) Roet (also spelled (de) Rouet, (de) Roët, or (de) Roelt) (probably 25 November 1350 – 10 May 1403), was the daughter of Sir Pa...
Paavo Heikki Ruotsalainen
(1777 - 1852)
Paavo Ruotsalainen
Påhl Henrik "Paavo" Ruotsalainen syntyi Lapinlahdella, Maaningan kappeliseurakunnan Tölvänniemen Tuomaalan talossa 9. heinäkuuta 1777. Vanhemmat Vilppu ja Anna olivat "Raamattunsa-t...
Caradog Freich Fras ap Hywel, of Rhos
(c.815 - d.)
Later manuscripts conflate two different men called Caradog Friech Fras, who lived two centuries apart. See Darrell Wolcott, , for a discussion of this matter. (February 26; Anne Brannen, curator)
Henry VI, count of Luxembourg
(c.1240 - 1288)
Henry VI (ca. 1240 – 5 June 1288) was count of Luxembourg and Arlon from the death of his father, Henry V the Blond in 1281 until his own death, seven years later, when he was succeeded by his s...
Grace Kelly
(1929 - 1982)
Grace Patricia Kelly (November 12, 1929 – September 14, 1982) was an American actress who became Princess of Monaco after marrying Prince Rainier III , in April 1956.After embarking on an acting career...
Arnulf II the Young, count of Flanders
(961 - 987)
Main sources
More info
Willem Steynberg McDonald
(1927 - 1978)
Baptised as Willem Steynberg McDonald
Maybe this Steynberg - is just a recording mistake though!?
I believe it should be Sternberg ( also sometimes recorded as Sterrenberg) - Thnx Wilma Basso...
Uku Sulev Kuut
(1966 - 2017)
Uku Kuut / lapsena Uku Krull / ( 8. juuli 1966 – 22. september 2017 ) oli eesti muusik ja helilooja. Oma karjääri jooksul produtseeris ta Ameerika Ühendriikide ja Rootsi artistide muusikat, peamiselt d...
John of Luxembourg, king of Bohemia
(1296 - 1346)
(49 languages)
John of Bohemia 'the Blind'
German: Johann der Blinde von Luxemburg;
Czech: Jan Lucemburský
BIOGRAPHY: b. Aug. 10, 1296, Luxembourg d. Aug. 26, 1346, Crécy, France byname JOH...
Aleksander I Pavlovich Romanov, Emperor and Autocrat of All the Russias
(1777 - 1825)
Alexander I of Russia (Russian: Александр I Павлович), also known as Alexander the Blessed (Russian: Александр Благословенный).==Links:==* The Peerage * Geneall * Johann the Younger #806 * Wikipedia * ...