
Unfollows selected profile and returns it.


Requires POST.

Returned Fields

Name Type Description
about_me String Profile's about me section (cf. detail_strings) (must be requested)
baptism Event Profile's baptism event info
big_tree Boolean True if the profile is attached to the big tree
birth Event Profile's birth event info
block_exists Boolean Indicates whether the profile is blocked
burial Event Profile's burial event info
cause_of_death String Profile's death cause
claimed Boolean True if the profile is claimed by a user
created_at String Timestamp of when the profile was created
created_by String URL (or id) of the profile who added this profile to the tree
creator String URL (or id) of the user who added this profile to the tree
curator String Profile's curator's url (or id)
current_residence Location Profile's current address
death Event Profile's death event info
detail_strings Hash Nested maps of locales to details fields (eg. about me) to values (must be requested)
display_name String Profile's display name
documents_updated_at String Timestamp of the last document updated/added to the profile. Will not be return if no documents exist.
email String Profile's email address
events Array of Events Events associated with this profile (must be requested)
first_name String Profile's first name
gender String Profile's gender
get_email Boolean Indicates whether the profile can receive email
guid String Profile's globally unique identifier
id String Profile's node id
is_alive Boolean True if the profile is living
language String Profile's language
last_name String Profile's last name
locked Boolean True if the profile has been locked down by a curator
maiden_name String Profile's maiden name
managers Array of Strings URLs (or ids) of profile(s) currently managing this profile
master_profile Boolean Indicates whether the profile is a master profile
merge_note Array or String Note explaining the profile's merge status
merge_pending Boolean Indicates whether the profile has a pending merge
merged_into String URL (or id) of the profile this profile is currently merged into
middle_name String Profile's middle name
mugshot_urls PhotoImageSizeMap All sizes of the profile's main photo
name String Profile's name as it appears on the site to the current user
names Hash Nested maps of locales to name fields to values
nicknames Array of Strings Also known as. Returned as an array, but can be set as a comma delimited list.
occupation String Profile's occupation
phone_numbers Array of PhoneNumbers Profile's phone numbers
photos_updated_at String Timestamp of the last photo updated/added to the profile. Will not be return if no photos exist.
premium_start_date String Date when the profile became a pro user
profile_url String URL to access profile in a browser
public Boolean True if the profile is public
relationship String Profile's relationship to the current user (if any)
requested_merges Array of Strings URLs (or ids) of the profile(s) requested to be merged into this one
suffix String Profile's suffix
unions Array of Strings URLs to unions
updated_at String Timestamp of when the profile was last updated
url String URL to access profile through the API
videos_updated_at String Timestamp of the last video updated/added to the profile. Will not be return if no videos exist.
Note: Blank fields will not be returned to save bandwidth.
