Branding Guidelines


To avoid confusion between Geni and your own site, service, product, or application, please follow these guidelines:

  • You may not use the word Geni in the name of your product.
  • Please include a disclaimer that indicates that you are a separate entity from Geni. E.g., This application uses the Geni API but is not endorsed, operated, or sponsored by
  • Your own product's logo should be sufficiently different from Geni's logo as to avoid confusion.

Logos and Branding

When to include a Geni logo

  • When displaying Geni content, display a Geni logo as the source of the content. Where possible, link back to the content on A Geni logo is not required when displaying private user content to authenticated Geni users.
  • When requiring users to authenticate with Geni, include a Geni logo on the login screen, adjacent to the login form. The submit button should read either Log in with Geni or Connect with Geni.
  • Optionally, you may also include a Geni logo on the start screen or home page of your product.

How to use the Geni logo

  • The logo should be an active link to
  • The Geni logo should be less prominent than the logo of your own product.
  • You may not modify the provided logos other than to adjust their size. Do not edit, alter, truncate, filter, obstruct, distort or add content to the logo.
  • The logo should be displayed at a minimum size of 100 pixels wide and 40 pixels tall.
  • The logo should be surrounded by sufficient whitespace to distinguish it from surrounding content. The width of this whitespace should be at a minimum equal to the size of the dot on the letter i in the Geni name.

Geni logos

You may select the logo of your choice from the following:

For Dark Backgrounds For Light Backgrounds

Log In buttons

You may select the Log In or Link button of your choice from the following:

Log In Buttons Link Buttons
