Aliénor d'Aquitaine is your 23rd great grandmother

Started by Aimee C. Speidel von Ofterdingen on Thursday, October 27, 2011
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Aliénor d'Aquitaine is your 23rd great grandmother

Yes she is. You and I are 15th cousin's twice removed, however there may be other connections as well. Going back that far, it was common for titled families to intermarry with distant cousins. Nice to meet you Aimee. I live in Portland Maine. Where are you?


Hi cousins! She is also my 23rd ggmother through my Daigle/Cyr Acadian family.

Russ Varcoe
Shelton, CT, USA

Hello family, came up 24th great grandmother by way of Owsley, Poyntz, Sydenham.

Eleanor is my 25th great grandmother from one line and a 25th great great aunt from another. It looks all the roads take to Aquitaine!! Nice to meet you, cousins!!

Eleanor of Provence is my 22 GGG here from Idaho.

Yes, Aliénor d'Aquitaine is one of my ancestors. You seem to be my 18th cousin four times removed. Thanks for your message Aimee.

Eleanor of Aquitaine is my 21st great grandmother. I am very proud of her. Her son King John was my 20th great grandfather. I am very proud of all of my ancestors.

22nd and 25th. I don't believe most of the stuff that's here. It's fun to think we're descended from royalty, but w/o proof it means nothing.

You have to try a chickpea under the mattress, Janice!!!!

16th great grandmother. I loved Here Be Dragons. So exciting to find out I was related to so many of the characters.

I loved that book, too, Hatte. I have adored all of Sharon Kay Penman's books except the one about Elizabeth I.

Eleanor is my 22nd Great Grandmother.

Lady Aimee, I am brazilian, 75, born in Rio Grande do Sul and living in Brasília(DF) since 1974. it seems, indeed, that I am too one of the milions of cousins in the descendancy of Herry II. But, at least in the side of Leonor da Inglaterra, Reina Consorte de Castella, he is my 29th great-grandfather, not the 23th, as you can see here:

Henry II "Curtmantle", King of England


Deisi Vaz Pinto

Aliénor d'Aquitaine, Reine de France et Angleterre is your 21st great grandmother.

Eleanor of Aquitaine is your 23rd great grandmother.

Thelma Coburn
your mother

show 22 relatives →

Thelma Joslyn
her mother

Rinaldo Osborne
her father

Theodore Tyler Osborne
his father

John Squire OSBORN
his father

Henry Osborn
his father

Elias Osborn
his father

John Osborn
his father

Joseph Osborne
his father

Thomas Osborn, I
his father

Jeremy (Jeromey, Jeremiah) Osborne
his father

Thomas Osborne
his father

Jane Osborne (Broughton)
his mother

John Broughton
her father

Katherine De Vere
his mother

Lady Margaret de Vere
her mother

Richard Neville, 5th Earl of Salisbury
her father

Joan Beaufort, Countess of Westmorland
his mother

John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster
her father

Edward III of England
his father

Edward II of England
his father

Edward I Longshanks, King of England
his father

Henry III of England
his father

John Lackland, King of England
his father

Eleanor of Aquitaine
his mother

Eleanor of Aquitaine is my 25th great grandmother

Eleanor of Aquitaine is my 27th great grandmother.
- Henry II, King of England is my 27th great grandfather.

Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine is also my 23 Great Grandmother and her 2 husbands, King Louis VII, Lejeune of France and King Henry II of England are also my 23 Great Grandfathers, direct... The reason for ancestry to both Kings and one same wife is through marriage so she's also listed as my step 23 Great Grandmother as well through another one of my family's lines... It's strange how that happened, however it also happened throughout my Mother's lines and my Father's lines here and there, like on one line a certain person is my direct Great Grandfather, but on maybe another line he could be some Great uncle, or even a great how many generations removes as an uncle, or a cousin... Digging up ancestors can be a little confusing at times...

Hello cousins! Geni reports that Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine is my 24 Great Grandmother.

Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine is my fourth cousin 27 times removed.

Henry II, King of England is my First cousin 30 times removed.

Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine is my 37th Great Grandmother.


Mark Wilson Martin
your father

Donald Ray Martin
his father

Charles Wilson Martin
his father

Amos Martin Martin
his father

Elizabeth Hoover Martin
his mother

David Kulp Martin
her father

David G. Martin
his father

Martin H. Martin
his father

Anna Martin (Weber), Wife #1
his mother

Johann Anton Weber
her father

Heinrich Schnebli Weber
his father

Klei Jorg Weber
his father

Heinrich Hans Weber (de Wever)
his father

Edward Henry de Weber (de Wever)
his father

Thomas de Weaver
his father

Elizabeth De Booth
his mother

Thomas de Booth, of Barton
her father

Sybil de Brereton
his mother

Sir Ralph de Bereton
her father

William II de Brereton, Sir Knight
his father

Ralph de Brereton
his father

William de Brereton, I
his father

Sir William Brereton
his father

William de Brereton, VIII, Sir Knight
his father

Sir William de Brereton
his father

William de Breteton
his father

William Brereton, IV
his father

Alice Brereton (Savage)
his mother

Sir John Savage V, K.G.
her father

Katherine Savage (Stanley)
his mother

Joan Goushill, Baroness of Stanley
her mother

Elizabeth FitzAlan, Duchess of Norfolk
her mother

Richard FitzAlan, 11th Earl of Arundel
her father

Eleanor of Lancaster, Countess of Arundel and Warenne
his mother

Henry Plantagenet, 3rd Earl of Lancaster
her father

Edmund Plantagenet, Prince of England
his father

Henry III of England
his father

John Lackland, King of England
his father

Eleanor of Aquitaine
his mother

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Good Morning, My name is Gustavo Ferrero, Eleanor of Aquitaine is in one line my 20th GGM and in another path my 24th, there are other paths. One of her Daughters, according to my family tree, Eleanor Plantagenet, married Alfonso VIII (1155-1214), King of Castille. Alfonso was a great great grandson of Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar "El Cid". One of their grand daughters, Béatrice of Schwaben, will link all of you with: 1.- All the kings of Germany starting with Phillip Duke of Schwaben, 2.- All the Byzantine emperors starting with Irene Angelo, the daughter of Isaac II Angelo, and in another line 3 you'll be linked with all the kings of England before William the Conqueror, and that will lead you to the year 355 to Brond de Walland and further back you'll be in times before our lord Jesus Christ to one of the earliest Goth kings, Berik further back is legend. Enjoy the search !!! Be well everyone

I created a discussion, but no one has replied to it yet. I don't know if I need to actually tag anyone, or if no one has actually looked at the discussion. I'm a little confused

Hi Matthew,

If you're referring to this discussion:

it looks good to me! You've got Benedict Wenger Marti, IV tagged in it, so anyone who views that profile might find your discussion, as well as anyone just perusing the public discussions. The only other way I can think of to spread the word, would be to start a project or flesh out the Marti surname page:

(There should be no need to bring in the managers of that profile, they should have been automatically notified of the discussion you started)

kind regards,

Mike at Geni

Thanks, Mike! That answered my question!

Good morning Matthew, reading your text, the only observation I would give you is that perhaps the Geni Search engine took a long path (37th) between you and Eleanor of Aquitaine, she is my 20th and 24th g grandmother and I am 62, which would place us one to three generations apart the most. It could be that she might be closer to you through a different line. On the other hand, The Marti surname in Switz. could be originated in the Italian Canton Ticino. Best Regards

Yes, Gustavo, we are from Swiss origin. We added an "N" to the end of our last name as we were escaping from religous persecution, and moving the family to Germany. David Martin (my 7th great grandfather immigrated to America in 1727. He later went back to Germany and brought his father, Christian Martin back to America. I know what you mean by the paths though. Cleopatra, if I remember is my 37th as well as my 52nd great grandmother. I'll check out the Italian Martis. Thanks, Gustavo!!

The Y-Dna of all the males still buried in crypts throughout Europe can still be recovered and absolutely should be, just as all the Egyptian Pharoahs have been or are being...But it is nice to see the cousins get together and do research out here...Just no getting even for anything any of your Great-great to the tenth power ancestors might have done to each other! Atleast you all made it into the 21st century!!

Well John, you have done something good for me pulling out some good laughs out of my dry throat. This Genealogy subject is very interesting, but just that, nothing more. Nonetheless, it is a good excuse for having a common subject to talk about (but not all day). Perhaps one of the positive issues of this "hobby" is that sometimes , when we read history books, or historic novels (very popular today), you get a special feeling, when you recognize someone who has been one of your (n) ancestors. Considering I was born in the first have of the XXth century, my sons joke with me saying that I am a walking relic. After a lot of trouble in the world, with wars all over, and we in Venezuela with this abominable president we have, yes, we are lucky to have made it to the 21st century. Be well !!!

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