Finland and Karelia Finland and Karelia project is networking forum for families from Finland, and from the other hand, Karelian families from outside of Finland . The project includes about 20,000 collaboration partners. It is easy to find more detailed projects from this project, such as regional and locality projects. Many locality projects include links also to village and house level proje...
Valitse suomenkielinen teksti. =Welcome to the Pohjanmaa Geni project!=====The Pohjanmaa project includes the regions of Southern Ostrobothnia, Central Ostrobothnia, Ostrobothnia and Northern Ostrobothnia . In addition. Locations are listed below.=How to join us:= If you are already in Geni: select Actions> Join the project. If you are not in Geni: (1) Sign up for Geni's free version at Geni.c...
Tervetuloa Laihia (ruots. Laihela) - sukutututkimusprojektiin! Tämä on sukututkimussivusto Genin Laihian - paikkakuntaprojekti. Kaikki paikkakunnalla asuneiden henkilöiden historiasta kiinnostuneet ovat tervetulleita liittymään projektiin yhteistyöntekijöiksi. Projektiin voi liittää täällä syntyneiden, asuneiden, kuolleiden ja vaikuttaneiden henkilöiden profiileja sekä valokuvia ja dokumenttej...
Kauhava locality project=Welcome to Kauhava locality project. This project is part of Pohjanmaa project. You can add persons to the project who have been born, lived or died at Kauhava.You might be also interested in Finnish emigrants project.More info about Kauhava at Wikipedia . Project started 8/27/2017.
CESSALTO - Gabbana GAIARINE - Zanfretta MONTEBELLUNA - Piovesnan NERVESA - Campeotto ODERZO - Obici, Segato ORSAGO - Buttignol OSIGO - Zanette POSSAGNO - Dal Broi PREGANZIOL - Pillon, Michael Bublè family REFRONTOLO - Stival SALGAREDA - Severino Poletto San Biagio di Callalta - Ficotto SARMEDE - de Biasi SUSEGANA - Zambon VITTORIO VENETO - Castagner Altivole, Arcade, Asolo, Bo...
A group focused on Italian Politicians
Entinen Akaan kunta (ruots. Ackas) käsitti aikoinaan pääosan nykyisen Akaan kaupungin alueesta. Kuntana se sai alkunsa vuoden 1870 Akaan pitäjänkokouksesta. Kirkkopitäjänä Akaa itsenäistyi Sääksmäestä vuonna 1483, ja siitä erotettiin myöhemmin Urjala ja Kylmäkoski. Vuonna 1932 osia Akaasta liitettiin uuteen Viialan kuntaan, johon samalla tuli kuulumaan myös osia Lempäälästä ja Vesilahdesta. Ak...
GONZAGA - Roversi SABBIONETA - Beltrami SERMIDE - Formigoni, VIADANA - Anversa Acquanegra sul Chiese, Asola, Bagnolo San Vito, Bigarello, Borgo Virgilio, Borgofranco sul Po, Bozzolo, Canneto sull'Oglio, Carbonara di Po, Casalmoro, Casaloldo, Casalromano, Castel d'Ario, Castel Goffredo, Castelbelforte, Castellucchio, Castiglione delle Stiviere, Cavriana, Ceresara, Commessaggio, Curtatone,...
Welcome to join Pudasjärvi locality project=You can join us by selecting Actions> Join the project And by the way, are you already in Pohjanmaa - Ostrobothnia Geni project !? Please join also it. You can add to project your Geni-persons who were born or lived in Pudasjärvi. See the list here Remember always to respect privacy. Also respect copyrights, for example, by appropriately referring to...
Italian people famous for their sport achievements Ciclismo Alfredo Binda Alfredo Martini Carlo Clerici Antonio Pesenti
Finnish-Americans===The purpose of the project== The primary purpose of the Project is to combine Finnish Americans with American Finns seeking relatives, roots, sharing information sources, tips, etc. This project covers the Finns who have moved to America, anywhere from Águilan Islet up to Cape Columbia . The project welcomes all the American Finns or the Finnish with (assumed) family across ...
Names of notable figures In the Encyclopedia of the Founders and Builders of Israel Edited by David Tidhar Jewish figures who assisted in the building of the Land of Israel from the second half of the 19th century onwards. רשימת האישים לפי סדר א-ב List of figures in alphabetical order
Many families in Southwest Finland and Satakunta have connections with each other. Southwest Finland Varsinais-Suomi (Swedish: Egentliga Finland) is a Finnish province located on the coast and islands of the Archipelago Sea. The province consists of the regions of Loimaa, Salo, Turku, Vakka-Suomi and Turunmaa. The neighboring provinces are Åland in the southwest, Kanta-Häme and Pirkanmaa in the...
Projekti aloitettu 15.8.2017
BRONI - Giorgio Soavi, CASANOVA LONATI - Bruschi CASSOLNOVO - Campari MONTICELLI PAVESE - Chitti S. ZENONE PO - Fabrizio Maffi STRADELLA - Boselli TORRICELLA VERZATE - Severina Cuneo VOGHERA - Ostani, Alagna, Albaredo Arnaboldi, Albonese, Albuzzano, Arena Po, Badia Pavese, Bagnaria, Barbianello, Bascapè, Bastida Pancarana, Battuda, Belgioioso, Bereguardo, Borgarello, Borgo Priolo,...
Viajeros que llegaron a Chile Uno de los cambios originados con la Independencia fue la apertura de Chile hacia el exterior. Motivados por intereses comerciales o socioculturales, numerosos extranjeros arribaron al país para quedarse o recorrer sus parajes. Eduard Poeppig y Paul Treutler fueron algunos de ellos. En los inicios del siglo XIX, el número de europeos de paso por el continente amer...
Tervetuloa Virtain sukupuuhun!===Virtain sukupuu on nimensä mukaisesti koko paikkakunnan sukupuu. Projektin tarkoituksena on koota Virtaista tutkimuskohteena kiinnostuneet sukututkimuksen harrastajat yhdeksi verkostoksi ja virtolaisten henkilöprofiilit yhdeksi kokoelmaksi niin sukututkimuksen kuin muunkin mikrohistoriatyön tueksi lakia ja hyviä tapoja noudattaen.===Projektin toimintaperiaatteis...
Tervetuloa rakentamaan Hämeenkoskea asutuksi Genissä!=Hämeenkoski, ent. Koski Hl. kuuluu Päijät-Häme en maakuntaan . Se liitettiin vuonna 2016 Hollolaan.Koski Hl. pitäjätason Geni-projekti on aloitettu 9.6.2017. Koski Hl. asukkaisiin, kyliin pääset tutustumaan jatkossa myös tarpeen mukaan perustettavien kyläprojektien kautta. Talojen isäntäväkien ja sukujen esittelyä varten voi perustaa talopro...
The Order of the Patriotic War (Russian: Орден Отечественной войны, romanized: Orden Otechestvennoy voiny) is a Soviet military decoration that was awarded to all soldiers in the Soviet armed forces, security troops, and to partisans for heroic deeds during the German-Soviet War, known since the mid-1960s in the former Soviet Union as the Great Patriotic War.
The Order of the Red Banner of Labour (Russian: Орден Трудового Красного Знамени, romanized: Orden Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni) was an order of the Soviet Union established to honour great deeds and services to the Soviet state and society in the fields of production, science, culture, literature, the arts, education, sports, health, social and other spheres of labour activities. It is the labou...
A project that focuses on italian literature Premio Campiello Premio Chiara Premio Dessì Premio Strega FELTRINELLI - Barocchi
The Order of the Red Star (Russian: Орден Красной Звезды, romanized: Orden Krasnoy Zvezdy) was a military decoration of the Soviet Union. It was established by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 6 April 1930 but its statute was only defined in decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 5 May 1930. That statute was amended by decrees of the Presidium o...
I 33 comuni che costituiscono la provincia di Terni sono: Acquasparta, Allerona, Alviano, Amelia, Arrone, Attigliano, Avigliano Umbro, Baschi, Calvi dell'Umbria, Castel Giorgio, Castel Viscardo, Fabro, Ferentillo, Ficulle, Giove, Guardea, Lugnano in Teverina, Montecastrilli, Montecchio, Montefranco, Montegabbione, Monteleone d'Orvieto, Narni, Orvieto, Otricoli, Parrano, Penna in Teverina, Poli...
The Order of Lenin (Russian: Орден Ленина, romanized: Orden Lenina, pronounced [%CB%88ord%CA%B2%C9%AAn ˈlʲenʲɪnə]), named after the leader of the Russian October Revolution, was established by the Central Executive Committee on April 6, 1930. The order was the highest civilian decoration bestowed by the Soviet Union. The order was awarded to: Civilians for outstanding services rendered to the ...