This project exists to trace the long lineage of the Rolling family through history.
The goal of this project is to join together all of the Shreve families of West Virginia into one place. Many of the Shreve's have some sort of ties to the WV families which root back to New England.
Trying to trace back the Sammartino line into Ricco, Italy.
this subject is to share and show the links / history of all the Dixon's and Suber,s native family history.
Trace out Mullican Family tree
Bring a common forum for all 24 Manai Telugu Chettiars spread over tamilnadu and overseas
Documenting the SARAN community and its roots back to the prophets
Abdul Khader Moulavi aka Vakkom Moulavi (1873-1932) and his immediate family members
The origins of the Bartalis familiy/families and name.
Who nows some thing about the origen of this family in South America please help me to find out! I would like to know when and how the first Tagliani comes to Brazil and Argentina!
Dette er ett prosjekt for å samle mest mulig informasjon om familien Theting og deres etterkommere.
Taking a look at the history of the Fairholm family in Kinghorn Scotland.
Ashley Kings Family Tree
This project aims to identify the individuals involved in the Potsdam Conference that was held at Cecilienhof, the home of Crown Prince Wilhelm Hohenzollern, in Potsdam, occupied Germany, from 17 July to 2 August 1945 following World War II.
im a gnirk but i believe the 3 surnames are connected thru the surname gniddeken starting around 1529,cammin germany
To create a complete Genealogy record of Puthumana Family going back atleast 5 generations.