Genealogy Projects on the Geni Family Tree

All Projects

  • Locality Taivassalo, Southwest Finland, Finland

    Projekti aloitettu 22.8.2017. Tähän projektiin voi etsiä ja lisätä Taivassalossa asuneiden henkilöiden profiileja. Toivotaan profiili liitettäväksi samalla Varsinais-Suomi ja Satakunta -projektiin. ===Taivassalon paikkakuntaprojekti===Ruotsinkielinen nimi Tövsala* Taivassalo suomeksi Tövsala på finska Taivassalo in English ähipaikkakuntien projekteja=== Varsinais-Suomi Perustettu 22.8.2016 proj...

  • 2005-2014: Gen Alpha

    Generation Alpha 2005-2014: Babies 2016-2025: Tweens/Teens - COVID-19 Quarantine Kids 2026-2036: Twenties Cultural Traits Names are often named after grandparents i.e. Hazel, Scarlett Products of Fertility Treatment LGBT & Transgender Mass School Shooting Victims of Helicopter-Best Friend Parenting Major Events Free Tablet offers from cellphone companies COVID-19 Pandemic - COVID Child...

  • 1995-2004: GenZ Extension

    Somehow, Generation Z had been extended. These ten years are in between GenZ and GenAlpha. Theoretically, consistency should have made Gen Alpha as 1996-2005. Platform Networks for Social Media Influencers TikTok SnapChat Vine Cultural Traits Teen Mom Teletubbies LGBT & Transgender Anti-vaccination Movement Mass School Shooting Victims of Helicopter Parenting YOLO: You Only Leave On...

  • 1985-1994: Generation Z

    Reality Television Generation 1984-1995: Babies 1996-2005: Tweens/Teens 2006-2015: Twenties Historic Predecessor of Reality Television: 1940–1950: Queen for a Day, Cash & Carry, Candid Camera, Beat the Clock, Truth of Consequences, You Asked For It 1960–1970: Seven Up!, Up Series, The American Sportsman, Let It Be, An American Family, The Dating Game, The Newlywed Game, The Gong Show, Th...

  • Locality Yushkozero, White Sea Karelia, Russia

    Yushkozero (White Sea Karelia, Russia) locality project =Genealogy project for Yushkozero and the neighbouring areas.In addition to this locality project, please register also to the larger entity, Finland and Karelia Project , that builds family tree in the whole Finland and Karelia. Please register also to the relevant village projects (list below). Joining projects: in the project page, clic...

  • 1975-1984: Gen Y2K (Millennials)

    1976-1985: Babies 1986-1995: Tweens/Teens 1996-2005: Twenties Millennials , also known as Generation Y or Gen Y, are the demographic cohort following Generation X and preceding Generation Z. Researchers and popular media use the early 1980s as starting birth years and the mid-1990s to early 2000s as ending birth years, with the generation typically being defined as people born from 1981 to ...

  • Battle of Harlaw

    Battle of Harlaw==Scottish Gaelic: Cath Gairbheach =="Red (Reid) Harlaw"The battle of Harlaw was a Scottish clan battle fought on 24 July 1411. It was one of a series of battles fought during the Middle Ages between the barons of northeast Scotland against those from the west coast.

  • Kivijärven Pudasjärven kyläpuu

    Tarkoitus on kirjata Geniin kaikki Kivijärven Pudasjärvellä asuneet. Toivomus olisi, että projektia ei täydennettäisi massa-ajoilla vaan se voitaisiin säilyttää nimenomaan työkaluna. Kivijärvellä on niin paljon täyskaimoja, että profiileja kannattaa yrittää täydentää kuvilla, personoivilla tunnistetiedoilla ja titteleillä jotta vältytään väärien profiilien yhdistämistä. Kaikenlainen kiusanteko ...

  • Jewish families from Bezděkov (Besikau), Bohemia, Czech Republic

    This project seeks to collect all of the Jewish families from the village of Bezděkov (Besikau) in Klatovy District in the Plzeň Region of the Czech Republic

  • Global Genius Registry | Highest IQ in the World

    Global Genius Registry(GGR) is an international listing of living geniuses. All IQ scores listed are at, or above, 4 Sigma (160 IQ sd 15). Scores are obtained from a First or Second submission score on an untimed high range IQ test. About Top-Ranked YoungHoon Kim As of 2024, the highest recorded IQ score belongs to YoungHoon Kim from South Korea, with an IQ of 276. This score is verifie...

  • Top 10 People Alive with the Highest IQ in the World for Year 2024

    1. YoungHoon Kim, IQ 276 As of 2024, the highest recorded IQ score belongs to YoungHoon Kim from South Korea, with an IQ of 276. This score is verified by multiple organizations, including GIGA Society, Korea Record Institute, World Genius Directory, Global Genius Registry, Esoteriq Society, Ultima Society, Nano Society, and recognized by World Mind Sports Council and World Memory Championshi...

  • Highest IQ 276 & Guinness Book of World Records

    GIGA Society™ announces that YoungHoon Kim from South Korea has the highest IQ 276 score ever recorded in the world. As of 2024, YoungHoon Kim is the world's highest IQ record holder certified by GIGA Society, Korea Record Institute, World Genius Directory, Global Genius Registry, Esoteriq Society, Ultima Society, Nano Society, and recognized by World Mind Sports Council, including World Memo...

  • Highest IQ 276 Ever Recorded in the World in 2024

    GIGA Society™ announces that YoungHoon Kim from South Korea has the highest IQ 276 score ever recorded in the world. As of 2024, YoungHoon Kim is the world's highest IQ record holder certified by GIGA Society, Korea Record Institute, World Genius Directory, Global Genius Registry, Esoteriq Society, Ultima Society, Nano Society, and recognized by World Mind Sports Council, including World Memo...

  • Ontario, Canada

    This project is for people associated with the province of Ontario, Canada .If you have a brickwall in your research on a profile that is associated with Ontario , please start a discussion on it. Sources available for researching Ontario people: The following sources are not intended to be an all-inclusive list, but a starting point for research. Civil Registration of births, marriage and deat...

  • Canadian Finns

    This is an umbrella project to collect together several projects concerning Finns of the different provinces and territories of Canada. If you manage profiles of Finns and need a project established for a province or territory, please start a project discussion with the request. Do not add individual profiles to this project . Province level projects, with number of Finns in 1971 Canada Cens...

  • Locality Rugozero, Olonets Karelia, Russia

    Rugozero (Olonets Karelia, Russia) locality project =Genealogy project for Rugozero and the neighbouring areas.In addition to this locality project, please register also to the larger entity, Finland and Karelia Project , that builds family tree in the whole Finland and Karelia. Please register also to the relevant village projects (list below). Joining projects: in the project page, click "Act...

  • Locality Korpiselkä, Finland

    Korpiselkä locality project =Genealogy project for Korpiselkä and the neighbouring areas.In addition to this locality project, please register also to the larger entity, Finland and Karelia Project , that builds family tree in the whole Finland and Karelia. Please register also to the relevant village projects (list below). Joining projects: in the project page, click "Actions" > "Join project"...

  • Vieremä

    Vieremän paikkakuntaprojekti Tähän projektiin voi etsiä ja lisätä Vieremän kunnassa asuneiden, eläneiden ja kuolleiden henkilöiden profiileja. Toivotaan, että profiilit liitettäisiin samalla Savo- ja Suomi ja Karjala -projekteihin Vieremä Esittelyosa Tämä paikkakuntaprojekti on vielä kesken... Vieremä Wikipediassa Linkit alueen paikkakuntien paikkakuntaprojekteihin Pohjois-Savo Iisal...

  • Villages, houses, inhabitants, house owners in Ypäjä, Finland

    ... tekeillä... . Ypäjä ent. Perttula on Kanta-Häme en maakunnan kunta. Nykyisen Ypäjän alue on jakautunut kahteen historialliseen maakuntaan, Hämeeseen ja Satakuntaan. Kylistä on Hämeenlinnan linnaläänin ja siihen kuuluneen Loimon, myöhemmin Portaan hallintopitäjän mukaan rajattuna Perttulan, Kartanon, Varsanojan, Levän ja Palikkalan kylät luettu kuuluviksi Hämeeseen. Kokemäenkartanon linnalä...

  • Locality Loimaa, Varsinais-Suomi, Finland

    Projekti aloitettu 22.8.2017. Tähän projektiin voi etsiä ja lisätä X asuneiden henkilöiden profiileja. Toivotaan profiili liitettäväksi samalla Varsinais-Suomi ja Satakunta -projektiin. ===Loimaan paikkakuntaprojekti===* Loimaa suomeksi Loimaa på svenska Loimaa in English ähipaikkakuntien projekteja=== Varsinais-Suomi Perustettu 22.8.2016 projektipohjia. Paikkakuntiin voi liittyä, Lisätä sisält...

  • Portaal voor Nederlandstaligen

    laatst gewijzigd --29-juli-2019--Dimitri Gazan-- No profiles can be added to this project If you can read Dutch please look at the Dutch version of this project! For those who cannot read Dutch please see the International Dutch Portal TAAL instellen of wijzigen U kunt op de regel, geheel onderaan op elke pagina, een keuze maken voor de taal waarin u Geni wilt gaan gebruiken. Uw...

  • Eestlased Rootsis / Estonians in Sweden / Ester i Sverige

    Siia projekti soovime Geni'st kokku koguda tuntumaid eestlased Rootsis läbi kõigi ajajärkude. * Gotlandile jõudnud sõjapõgenikud 1939-1945 ja inimeste otsimine Otsimiseks Otsimiseks Otsimiseks * Otsimiseks ARCHIVES Stockholm the acts of all who came as refugees during World War II from Estonia and other countries. There they have left a life story that hopefully is good and information on his f...

  • Israeli casualties of the 2023-2024 (Gaza) War

    On Saturday morning of Simhat Torah, October the 7th, 2023, Israel was surprisingly attacked by the Hamas terrorists. this project is dedicated to the memory of the Israeli victims - civilian and military. List of - IDF fallen soldiers List of - Police fallen List of - SHABAC fallen List of - Civilians victims

  • חללי מערכות ישראל

    Fallen Defense and Security Forces of Israel This project is intended to contain the names of Israel's fallen defense and security forces, as recognized by the Ministry of Defense and included in the Ministry's Yizkor book of remembrance. יִזְכֹּר עָם יִשְׂרָאֵל אֶת בָּנָיו וּבְנוֹתָיו הַנֶּאֱמָנִים וְהָאַמִּיצִים, חַיָּלֵי צְבָא-הַהֲגָנָה לְיִשׂרָאֵל, וְכָל לוֹחֲמֵי הַמַּחְתָּרוֹת וַחֲטִיב...

  • Villages, houses, inhabitants and house owners in Jokioinen, Finland

    Jokioinen on Kanta-Häme en maakunnan kunta. Jokioinen perustettiin Tammelan kappeliksi 1631. Kappalainen oli yhteinen Perttulan (myöh. Ypäjä) ja Humppilan kanssa aina vuoteen 1871 saakka. Jokioisten tehtaalla eli kartanon ympärille rakentuneessa tehdasyhteisössä oli vuosina 1805-21 oma saarnaajansa. Emäseurakunnaksi 1892. Lähde Hiski Jokioinen Jokioisten tehdas. Jokioisten kartanolla oli 18...

51-75 of 71428 projects