Missing - Links from Profiles to Public Discussions about those profiles!!

Started by Private User on Monday, November 7, 2011
Problem with this page?


Profiles Mentioned:

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Private User
11/7/2011 at 10:54 PM

A relative of mine made a number of comments on Relatives of his as Public Discussions. When I look at the Discussion, I see the Profile listed under "Profiles Mentioned". I can click on that link and go to the Profile. If it is a Public Profile, it says "There are currently no public discussions about ... " - even tho there definitely is one!

for example, see: http://www.geni.com/discussions/79594

If it goes to a Private Profile, it says "There are currently no private discussions about ..." - with no way to even ask / see / supposedly be told if there are any Public Discussions.

11/8/2011 at 12:58 PM

Hi Lois,

One of our engineers looked into this, and apparently it's a bug that we fixed earlier in the year. We did run a job to "backfill" the old discussion links, but obviously it missed some. He fixed Anna Rachel Reisner by hand, and we'll look into finding and fixing any others.


Private User
11/8/2011 at 7:05 PM

Mike -

I think there are about 2 dozen other Public Discussions from that same relative of mine (sadly, now deceased) about various folks - a few Public, most Private Profiles. I checked a number and of those none show in the Profiles under the Discussions Tab. Will you let me know when you think they are all fixed?


11/8/2011 at 7:50 PM

Definitely. If you want to send or post one more, I can spot-check it after we run the general fix, to make sure we're finding them all.

Private User
11/12/2011 at 2:06 PM

Mike -

Just sent you link (in PM) to another such Public Discussion (this time to a Private Profile).



Private User
5/22/2012 at 9:05 PM

Mike Stangel -Any guestimate on when the general fix will be run?

5/24/2012 at 9:44 AM

Lois we did run the general fix, which means either we missed some, or the problem has come back. Can you point me to an example?

Private User
5/24/2012 at 3:02 PM

Mike - I have re-sent you the link I sent back 11/12/2011. If you need more, or if you need different info, please let me know.

5/24/2012 at 3:35 PM

Ooohh, I think this might be a shortcoming in how the discussions tab is developed. Notice that when you look at her Discussions tab, it says "there are no private discussions about <name>" -- because that profile is so close to you, we're looking for private / family discussions rather than the public discussion that you pointed out to me. I really don't know what's the best way to fix this... tagging Michelle Elena Kempner for her consideration.

Private User
5/24/2012 at 8:56 PM

Well - I just tried changing her to Public - and it then said "There are no public discussions about <name>" -- which is false -- so definitely there is something wrong here.

Personally, I think definitely no excuse for the Public Discussions of your Private Family Members being concealed from you. Which is what this in effect amounts to.

Folks within a Profile's Max Extended Family should be told whether there are Private Discussions about those Profiles (and get to see them) - whether the Profile is Public or Private.

And for all Profiles - Public or Private - those who have viewing rights to the Profile should see whether there are Public Discussions about the profile (and get to see them).

Private User
11/12/2012 at 10:04 AM

It seems to me that anyone with viewing rights on the Profile should be able, under the Discussions Tab, to see any Public Discussions about the Profile - whether the Profile is Public or Private, whether the Profile is within your Family Group or outside it.

It also seems sensible to me that Family should be able, under the Discussions Tab, to access any Private Family Discussions about the Profile, even if it is a Public Profile.

Mike Stangel - Re-read what you said above. Currently, which is how it is supposed to work - 1] Discussions Tab only shows Private Discussions for Private Profiles, Public Discussions for Public Profiles -- or 2] Discussions Tab only shows Private Discussions for Profiles within your Family Group, Public Discussions for those outside your family Group regardless of Privacy setting of the Profile?
(Pretty sure there are still bugs, do not know which qualifies as bug, until I know which is how it supposedly is supposed to be working)

Michelle Elena Kempner - Mike tagged you above to look into this and consider how it should work. (Perhaps it got lost in all the other calls on your attention.) Would really like this addressed before I ask him to fix bugs in how it now works. Comment, please.

11/12/2012 at 11:37 AM

Private User, thanks for bringing it back to my attention. I will look into it today.

Private User
10/8/2014 at 11:29 AM

Mike Stangel - this problem was never addressed. You referred it to Michelle back when she was in charge of Program Development (see your last post on 5/24/2012). Perhaps, now that you are authorized to make decisions, you could look again.

I still definitely think it should work as I state in first two paragraphs in my last post above. Hopefully you will agree and have it implemented.

(If not - then third paragraph in my last post above still stands)

10/8/2014 at 5:25 PM

Private User I knocked out a fix for you, that displays both private and public discussions on profiles in your family group. There's some subtlety there, though, that you need to be aware of: you can only view private discussions where both the target profile and the discussion creator are in your family group. This is the way private discussions have always been on private profiles.

Private User
10/9/2014 at 1:57 PM

Mike Stangel - Thanks. And thanks for the info on who can see the Private Discussions. Interesting. I am glad folks now should not lose access/links to discussions they could see before when a Profile goes from Private to Public. However - there is still a problem -

Could you also fix the code so Public Discussions about a Profile are always accessible from the Profile (to those with viewing rights to the Profile -- even if the Profile is Private, and whether in their Family Group or not)?

Example: This Public Discussion http://www.geni.com/discussions/79646 - was created by a late Relative of mine - back when Discussions from the Discussion Tab defaulted to Public -- the profile is Private (person still alive, at least as far as I know) - I am a manager (I inherited profiles from him) so I have access even tho the profile is Private and outside my Max Extended Family - Despite the existence of this Public Discussion, in the Discussion Tab it says "There are currently no discussions about .."

Private User
10/10/2014 at 3:38 PM

Mike Stangel - Created a new Public Discussion from that Profile, and it shows fine. Apparently it is the old Public Discussions (some or all - no idea which) that are not being found.
-- With all that is happening, undoubtedly a low priority. Let me know if you have any idea when might be a good time to flag you about it -- or should I put in Bug Reports - or just open a Ticket?

10/10/2014 at 5:05 PM

No need to open a ticket, I'll continue working on it.

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