Thanks for commenting.
I believe you may have misread the profile. The profile states that Richard Taylor was born in 1619 at Pennington Castle, Cumberland, England and died circa December 13, 1673 at Yarmouth, Barnstable, Massachusetts. It also says that he was buried at Yarmouth. I think you might have looked quickly and confused the place of burial/current location line with the birth information lines.
Here is a screencap with dividing lines added in, so you can more easily see how the information is laid out:
It looks like you're a manager on that profile, so if you ever find anything else about which you're concerned, you can make the necessary edits. Good luck!
I'm researching this a little bit and it looks like Richard "the tailor" Taylor, of Plymouth Colony (currently identified as "the Rock") was married to Ruth Burgess.
The Richard Taylor that married Mary Taylor was know as "the Tailor". So I think we may have two Richard's merged here.
* http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~jillaine/taylor/t...
* http://www.werelate.org/wiki/Taylor_in_Yarmouth,_Barnstable,_Massac...
* http://pamelamorse.com/2013/01/01/richard-taylor-tailor-of-plymouth...
Private User
Done, and many thanks for spotting this.
(Well that birth date / place is spurious, so never mind.:))
Re: Ruth Taylor
What did you think of the argument she was really Ruth Wheldon and her sister Mary was married to Richard "the tailor" Taylor?
I'm still confused by this and I guess I never got back to it as I had planned, but I'm here now. :) I'm not certain of the correct answer, but to Erica Howton comment regarding the spouses being Ruth & Mary (sisters) - yes, that's my current understanding.
Here is what I'm going to use as a source: http://jliptrap.us/gen/nehgr.pdf
I've disconnected Ruth "Burgess" from Rev Sir Daniel Burgess & Lady Catherine Burgess. WikiTree had this to say about "Ruth": "In the mid 1800s, historians suggested she might have been daughter of Thomas Burgess and wife of Richard "the Rock" Taylor, but subsequent analysis of records contemporary to her era demonstrated that Thomas Burgess had no daughter named Ruth, and that the Ruth who married Richard Taylor of the Rock, in Yarmouth, Massachusetts, was daughter of Gabriel Whelden."
We're not the only ones that have struggled with this. Here is quite a bit of information on the complicated story. http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~jillaine/taylor/
Erica Howton, do you know where we got the birth date for Catherine "Catorne" Hopkins. The jliptrap source above says she was baptized on 6 March 1616/7.
If you have access, it would be great to confirm what we have here with the NEHGR 2011 articles "The Two Richard Taylor Families of Early Yarmouth, Massachusetts" by Jillaine S. Smith
* http://www.americanancestors.org/nehgr-vol-165-no-3/
* http://www.americanancestors.org/nehgr-vol-165-no-4/