There seems to be a wrong family connection in the Teomim Family

Started by Raziel Yohai Seckbach on Sunday, January 8, 2012
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1/8/2012 at 6:30 AM

according to the introduction to the Tiferet Shlomo Al HaTora R' Yehoshua Fibel (son of R' Yona Teomim - that wrote the book KiKayon DeYona) was the son-in -law of R' Yehuda Leib from Kraka son of R' Yitzhak Issec ABD of Premisla, son of R' Shmuel Shmeli from Ostraha.

That is that the wife of R' Yehoshua Fibel - Pearl Frankel-Teomim (Kloisner)
should appear as the daughter of Rabbi Judah Leib ben Isaac of Szydłów Zak
As for now the profile of her father is: Rabbi Aryeh Leib Sobotka, [Shpolar Zeide I of Krakow]
that profile seems to have some wrong data.

In the introduction to R' Yehoshua Fibel"s book Teka Shofar - I can find his wife as Perel daughter of R' Aryeh Leib son os R' Zecharya ABD of Kraka. She passed away 14's of Sivan 482 - that is in the year 1722.

Does anyone have more accurate data about this family line, that should be well known?


1/8/2012 at 6:32 AM

The Book Teka Shofar can be found on-line in Hebrew at:

1/8/2012 at 8:17 AM

Raziel Yohai Seckbach - I can't help you with this line but thank you for the great link.

I'd like to find my relative David Tebele Efrati's Anshei Shem, and this might be a good place to look!

1/8/2012 at 8:19 AM

And why are the names here reversed? Pearl Fraenkel-Teomim and R'Yehoshua Fibel Teomim Fraenkel?

1/8/2012 at 11:47 PM

More data is found in Yechahen Peer:

there you can see his life story, including his wife's name: Perel daughter of R' Aryeh Leub ABD Kraka

1/9/2012 at 12:10 AM

More data is found in Yechahen Peer:

there you can see his life story, including his wife's name: Perel daughter of R' Aryeh Leub ABD Kraka son of R' Zecharyah Mendil, that came to Jerusalem in his old age.

So this is what we got so far:

The data from Yechahen Peer is as we found in the introduction to R' Yehoshua Fibel"s book Teka Shofar: Perel --> R' Aryeh Leib (the tall?) --> R' Zecharyah (Medil)

The data in the introduction to the Tiferet Shlomo Al HaTora, is as following: the wife of R' Yehoshua Fibel Teomim --> R' Yehuda Leib from Kraka --> R' Yitzhak Issec ABD of Premisla --> son of R' Shmuel Shmeli from Ostraha

The current family tree on this site give a 3'd family line.
I don't have yet any documentation to determine what is the correct data.

Private User
3/26/2018 at 11:23 AM

Please permit me to weigh in my input here.

It appears that the Meginei Shlomo may have had two son-in-laws named Rabbi Yitzchak:

1: R. Yitzchak HaGadol HaLevi of Pozen (son of R. Avraham Segel HaLevi of Posen). This family were Leviim.

2: R. Yitzchak Isaac ABD of Przemysl (son of R. Shmelke ABD of Ostrog, son of R. Meir Zak ABD of Lvov). Father of R. Yehuda Leib ABD Shidlov & Krakow. Please see further documentation here:
Sadeh Yehoshua:

Right now the profile shows R. Yehuda Leib ABD Shidlov as the son of R. Yitzchak HaGadol ABD Posen (the son of R. Avraham Segal HaLevi), rather than as the son of R. Yitzchak Isaac ABD Przemysl (son of R. Shmelke ABD Ostroha). Is it possible to emend this relationship?

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